New Email

Menu Path: None

To use New Email, click the Email Contact button in the ribbon in CRM Task Management or Campaign Management.


Send email to contacts.


Use New Email to create and send email to contacts for customers and prospects.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the New Email window.

Send Email

Click this button to send the email message.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Click the Lookup button, and select a recipient for the email.


Click the Lookup button, and select a recipient to which to send a copy of the email.


Click the Lookup button, and select a recipient to which to send a copy of the email (without allowing other recipients of the email to see this recipient).


Enter the subject for the email.


Enter the contents of the email.

Campaign Name

This field displays the campaign associated with the task for the email (if applicable).

Task Name

This field displays the task name associated with the email.

Contact Name

This field displays the contact name for the task associated with the email.

Company Code

This field displays the customer or prospect code for the task associated with the email.


This field displays the customer or prospect name for the task associated with the email.

Company Type

This field displays the company type (customer, qualified prospect, or prospect) for the task associated with the email.

Complete task when email is sent

Select this check box to mark the task associated with the email as complete when the email is sent.

Attachments Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Attachment File

Enter the folder path and file name of the attachment, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the attachment.


Click this button to attach the file entered in the Attachment File field to the email.


This grid displays attachments for the email.