Order Pack List Information

Menu Path: None

To use Order Pack List Information, click the Pack List Information button in the ribbon when the Main tab is displayed in Order Entry, Order Edit, or Order Inquiry.


View and enter order information stored for trading partner pack lists.


Use Order Pack List Information to enter detailed order information required for customized trading partner pack lists.

NOTE Data stored in this window is informational only, and not used for processing orders.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Order Pack List Information window.


Click this button to update pack list information. This button is only available if you are editing or creating an order.


Click this button to close the Order Pack List Information window and save the pack list information. This button is only available if you are entering or editing pack list information.


Click this button to close the Order Pack List Information window without saving pack list information. This button is only available if you are entering or editing pack list information.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Order Date

Enter the date of the order, or click the drop-down arrow to select an order date.

Return Code

Enter a return code for the order.

Order Number

Enter the order number.

Receipt ID

Enter the receipt ID for the order.

Sales Division

Enter the sales division for the order.

Warehouse ID

Enter the warehouse ID for the order.

Customer Name

Enter the customer name for the order.

Contract Code

Enter the contract code for the order.

Customer Number

Enter the customer number for the order.

Transaction Code

Enter the transaction code for the order.

Shipping Method

Enter the shipping method for the order.

Store Number

Enter the store number for the order.

Payment Method

Enter the payment method for the order.

Registry Number

Enter the registry number for the order.

Credit Type

Enter the customer's credit card type for the order.

Reservation Number

Enter the reservation number for the order.

CC Last 4

Enter the last four digits of the customer's credit card for the order.

Buyer's Catalog Number

Enter the buyer's catalog number for the order.

Tax Type

Enter the tax type for the order.

Pack List URL

Enter the URL which contains the pack list for the order.

Phone Number

Enter the phone number for the order.

Email Address

Enter the email address for the order.


Enter the website for the order.

Work Hours

Enter the work hours for the order.

Order Messages Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Pack List Message

Enter a message to display on the pack list for the order.

Gift Message

Enter a gift message to display on the pack list for the order.

Order Message 1

Enter an additional message to display on the pack list for the order.

Order Message 2

Enter an additional message to display on the pack list for the order.

Order Message 3

Enter an additional message to display on the pack list for the order.

Order Message 4

Enter an additional message to display on the pack list for the order.

Order Message 5

Enter an additional message to display on the pack list for the order.

Order Amounts Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Shipping and Handling

Enter the shipping and handling amount for the order.

Shipping Fee

Enter the shipping fee for the order.

Tax Amount

Enter the tax amount for the order.

Discount Amount

Enter the discount amount for the order.

Gift Box

Enter the gift box amount for the order.

Merchandise Cost

Enter the merchandise cost for the order.

Order Total Amount

Enter the total order amount.

Addresses Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter the name of the person to which the order was sold.

Company Name

Enter the company name to which the order was sold.

Address 1

Enter the first line of the sold-to address for the order.

Address 2

Enter the second line of the sold-to address for the order.

Address 3

Enter the third line of the sold-to address for the order.


Enter the city of the sold-to address for the order.


Enter the state of the sold-to address for the order.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code of the sold-to address for the order.


Enter the country of the sold-to address for the order.


Enter the phone number associated with the sold-to address for the order.

Company Name

Enter the ship-to address company name for the order.