Bill of Lading Overview

The bill of lading functionality allows for selection and grouping of customer orders by several different sort and filter criteria. Bill of lading stops, individual orders, and individual lines on orders may be selected for subsequent shipment. The orders that are selected are put on a master bill of lading. Each individual bill of lading stop creates an individual bill of lading.

After orders are selected, pick demands can be printed for the created bill of lading (master or child). After shipment, the standard VICS bill of lading can be printed.

This process is also used for dynamic routing (i.e., TMS) where orders being shipped to specific customers on specific dates are sent via an EDI 753 and the shipping instructions are returned via an EDI 754.

The following table summarizes the business workflow:



Orders are selected for shipment by creating a master bill of lading.

Several selection and filter criteria can be used.

A summary can be printed to send to the trucker to define the size of the load being created.


Pick demands are printed for the bill of lading.

Several types of summary pick documents can be printed during pick demand printing.

All pick demands are picked and confirmed.

Batch pick confirmation can be used.

Freight can be added to the customer orders on each individual stop under the master bill of lading.


Each child bill of lading may be printed using a VICS standard Crystal Reports generated form.

A bill of lading cannot be printed until all defined pick demands have been printed and confirmed.

The bill of lading is completed.

This can be done during the bill of lading printing or as a separate operation. Thus, the bill of lading can be printed but the shipment can be held for a period of time without any EDI or accounting processing.