Perform Mail Merge

Menu Path: None

To use Perform Mail Merge, click the Perform Mail Merge button in the ribbon in Campaign Management or CRM Task Management.


Perform mail merges for CRM tasks.


Use Perform Mail Merge to merge contact information into a Word document for a CRM task. You can only perform mail merges for documents that were previously stored in the database in Mail Merge Control Maintenance.

Performing Mail Merges

To perform a mail merge:

  1. Enter the document for the mail merge in the Mail Merge Document field.

  2. If you want to perform a mail merge for a specific task, clear the All check box, and enter the task name in the Task Name field.

  3. Click the Perform Merge button in the ribbon. Contact information is merged with the document and displayed in Word.

  4. If you want to mark all displayed CRM tasks complete, click the Complete Tasks button in the ribbon.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Perform Mail Merge window.

Perform Merge

Click this button to perform the mail merge.

Output Recipient List

Click this button to export contact information for the displayed tasks to Excel. You can then use the contact information as a data source to create a new mail merge document or to perform a manual mail merge in Word.

Complete Tasks

Click this button to mark all displayed tasks as completed (after performing a mail merge). After you click this button, the Question dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm whether you want to mark the tasks completed.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Mail Merge Document

Click the Lookup button to select a mail merge document that was previously stored in Mail Merge Control Maintenance.


This field displays a description of the mail merge document entered in the Mail Merge Document field.


Select this check box to display all tasks. This check box is selected by default.

Task Name

Enter a task to display, or click the Lookup button to select a task. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.


This grid displays tasks based on the selected criteria. These are the tasks for which you will perform a mail merge or output a recipient list.

Show Non Mail Merge Tasks

Select this check box to display tasks that are not mail merge tasks in the Tasks grid.