Automatically Calculating Customer Discounts

To automatically calculate customer discounts:

  1. Verify an appropriate payment term is defined. If not, you can define a payment term in Payment Terms Maintenance. For example, to define a Net 30 payment term, select Due in # of Days as the Terms Type and enter 30 in the Net Days field. Furthermore, to set up a 10% discount for invoices paid within 7 days, enter 10 in the Discount % field and 7 in the Discount Days field.

  2. When an order is placed, verify it is associated with the appropriate payment term as defined in Payment Terms Maintenance.

  3. After payment is received, in Payment Apply, select the Apply As is check box to automatically apply the discount. The discount amount moves from the Cash Disc Unapplied Amt column to the Cash Disc Applied Amt column. If you manually enter the full amount of the invoice to pay, the discount must also be applied manually.