Product Cycle Count Class Reclassification History

Menu Path: None

To use Product Cycle Count Class Reclassification History, click the Product Cycle Count Class Reclassification History button in the ribbon in Reclassify Product Cycle Count Classes.


View product cycle count reclassification history.


Use Product Cycle Count Class Reclassification History to display history data for product cycle count reclassification projects, which are used to reclassify product cycle count classes for product/location records.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Product Cycle Count Class Reclassification History window.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Project Code

Enter a reclassification project code, or click the Lookup button to select a reclassification project code.

Reclassification Generations

This grid displays reclassification generation records for the selected reclassification project code. Select a record to view criteria, summary, and detail information for it.

Criteria Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Unit Cost

This check box is selected if unit costs of products were ranked to reclassify cycle count classes for the reclassification generation.

Weight % (Unit Cost)

This field displays the percentage weight for the unit cost criteria.

Receipt Cost

This check box is selected if receipt costs since a specific date were ranked to reclassify cycle count classes for the reclassification generation.

Since (Receipt Cost)

This field displays the date after which to include receipt costs for the receipt cost criteria.

Weight % (Receipt Cost)

This field displays the percentage weight for the receipt cost criteria.


This check box is selected if the number of times products were touched (for pick demands, bin moves, and/or receipts) since a specific date were ranked  to reclassify cycle count classes for the reclassification generation.

Since (Touches)

This field displays date after which to include touches for the touches criteria.

Weight % (Touches)

This field displays the percentage weight for the touches criteria.

Pick Demands

This check box is selected if pick demand touches were included for the touches criteria.

Bin Moves

This check box is selected if bin move touches were included for the touches criteria.


This check box is selected if receipt touches were included for the touches criteria.

Category Code

This field displays the product category code for the selected reclassification generation, or All if the generation was for all categories.

Product Line

This field displays the product line for the selected reclassification generation, or All if the generation was for all product lines.

Include Non Stock Items

This check box is selected if non-stocked products were included in the reclassification generation.

Include Discontinued Products

This check box is selected if discontinued products were included in the reclassification generation.

Include Drop Ship Only Products

This check box is selected if products that must be drop shipped were included in the reclassification generation.

Percentage Criteria

This grid displays all product cycle count classes, and percentages for each class.

Summary Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays the number of products in each cycle count class and the number of changed records for the selected reclassification generation.

Detail Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays reclassification information for each product for the selected reclassification generation.