Purge Data Utility

Menu Path: System Administration Images\bluerarw.gif Utilities Images\bluerarw.gif Purge Data Utility


Purge and archive old data.


Use Purge Data Utility to purge old, unused records from the database. Records can also be optionally archived. This frees up space in the database and could help with performance-related issues. Purge history is maintained.

NOTE No users should be in the system when purging data. It is strongly recommended to run Purge Data Utility in your Test environment first so that you can check the size and the outcome/effect of the purge.

Purging Data

Note Before purging data, back up your database so you can create a historical database if necessary. You may also want to analyze the size of each table in your database to determine the data you want to purge.

To purge data:

  1. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Record field, and select the data you want to purge.

  2. Enter the date before which you want to purge data in the Purge Records Prior to field.

  3. Enter a reason for the purge in the Purge Reason field.

  4. If you want to save the purged data in a TXT file, select the Keep an Archive File check box, and enter the folder path and file name for the file in the Archive File field.

  5. Click the Print Options tab, and select whether to process using Scheduling Assistant. If you select to process using Scheduling Assistant, select the schedule for the task.

  6. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The Question dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm whether you want to purge data.

  7. Click the Yes button. The purge is completed.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Purge Data Utility window.


Click this button to purge data.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Click the Lookup button to select the record type to purge. Select one of the following options:

  • Automatic Order Deallocation Report Data - Delete data from the ww-dealloc-rpt-data, and ww-dealloc-rpt-hdr tables.

  • Bookings History - Delete data from the oe-hist-bookings, oe-hist-cust-bookings, oe-hist-prod-bookings, and oe-hist-cust-prod-bookings tables.

  • Commission History - Delete data from the oe-hist-comm table.

  • Cust.Product History - Delete data from the oe-hist-cust-prod table.

  • Customer Commission History - Delete data from the oe-hist-comm-cust table.

  • Customer Credit Card Data - Delete data from the ar-remit-credit-card table.

  • Customer History - Delete data from the oe-hist-cust table.

  • DPA Ticket - Delete data from the inv-move-hdr and inv-move-trl tables.

  • EIS Daily Customer - Delete data from the eis-daily-customer table.

  • EIS Daily Product - Delete data from the eis-daily-product table.

  • EIS Daily Rep - Delete data from the eis-daily-agent table.

  • EIS Daily Rep Cust - Delete data from the eis-daily-agent-cust table.

  • EIS Daily Rep Prod - Delete data from the eis-daily-agent-prod table.

  • EIS Fill Rate Calc - Delete data from the eis-fill-rate-calc table.

  • EIS Monthly Cust A/R - Delete data from the eis-montly-cust-ar table.

  • ETM Transaction Data - Delete data from the etm-archive-hdr, etm-archive-trl, etm-event, and etm-event-log tables.

  • Excise Transactions - Delete data from the excise-trans table.

  • Inv. Transaction - Delete data from the inv-trans table. The utility will not purge accounting transactions.

  • Lifo Fifo - Delete data from the oe-lifo-fifo table.

  • Lifo Fifo Trans - Delete data from the oe-lifo-fifo-trans table.

  • Mail - Delete data from the mail table.  

  • Order Credit Card Data - Delete data from the oe-credit-card table.

  • Orders - Delete data from the oe-header, oe-trailer, oe-trailer-alloc, oe-trailer-tag, oe-additional-charges, remarks (only for that order specifically as this table stores all remarks in the system) and notes-appr (only for that order specifically as this table stores all notes in the system) tables. The utility will only purge orders that are invoiced complete (oe-header.invoiced-complete), so it won't purge open orders.

  • Physical Inventory - Delete data from the prod-phys-inv and ic-phys-sel tables.

  • Pick Alerts - Delete data from the oe-pick-alert table.  

  • Picking Ticket - Delete data from the oe-pick-ticket-hdr, oe-pick-ticket-trl, oe-pick-ticket-pkg, oe-pick-ticket-tag, oe-pick-ticket-chrg, oe-pick-ticket-kit, and remarks (just for that pick demand) tables.

  • Picking Ticket Packages/Tags - Delete data from the oe-pick-ticket-pkg and oe-pick-ticket-tag tables.

  • Price Matrix - Delete data from the oe-pb-price table.

  • Profitability Detail Data - Delete data from the profit-detail table.

  • Profitability Detail Summary Data - Delete data from the profit-detail-summary table.

  • Profitability Summary Data - Delete data from the profit-summary table.

  • Quotes - Delete data from the same tables as the Orders records, but only for oe-headers where order-type equals quote.

  • Sales Tax History - Delete data from the oe-hist-sales-tax table.

  • Scheduling Assistant Recurring Tasks History - Delete data from the sas-task-param, sas-task-run, sas-task-schedule and sas-task-table-param tables.

  • Scheduling Assistant Tasks - Delete data from the sas-task-param, sas-task-run, sas-task-schedule, sas-task-table-param and sas-task tables.

  • Shipper Messages - Delete data from the cloud-ship-audit table.

  • Tally Sheets - Delete tally sheet data stored in tally-sheet-header, tally-sheet-detail, tally-sheet-header-audit, and notes and attachments for tally sheets.

  • Trans-Log - Delete data from the trans-log table.

  • Transfer History - Delete data from the oe-hist-trans table.

  • WMS Exports - Delete data from the wms-export-trans table. Only successfully processed transactions are purged.

  • WMS Imports - Delete data for transactions selected in the WMS Imports section. Only successfully processed transactions are purged.

  • Zero Inventory Records - Delete data from the inventory table only for records that have no inventory in inventory quantity buckets.

Purge Records Prior to

Enter a cut-off date for the purge, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

Purge Reason

Enter a description of the reason for the purge.

Keep an Archive File

Select this check box to keep purged data in one or more files for future reference. Purged data is saved in a text file in the location you enter in the Archive File field. This check box is disabled when purging credit card data.

Archive File

Enter a file name for the archive file(s) and the location on the appserver to save the file(s). This field is only enabled if you select the Keep an Archive File check box.

Note One archive file is created for each table that contains the purged data. Multiple archive files are created if you purge data stored in multiple tables. Each table name is appended to the file name you enter.

Example If you are purging mail, and you enter C:\Archive\MailPurge, the purged data is stored in C:\Archive\MailPurge mail.

Pick Confirm

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-pick-hdr, wms-proc-order, wms-raw-data, wms-pick-trl, wms-pick-pkg, wms-pick-tag, wms-pick-charge, wms-pick-note, and wms-pick-remark tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

Pick Cancel

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-pick-cancel and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

Receipt Count

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-receipt-count-create, wms-receipt-count-entry, wms-receipt-count-complete, and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.


Select this check box to delete data from the wms-receipt-hdr, wms-raw-data, wms-receipt-trl, and wms-receipt-charge tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

Material Cancel

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-mfg-cancel and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

Material Confirm

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-mfg-hdr, wms-raw-data, and wms-mfg-trl tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

WO Confirm

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-wo-hdr, wms-raw-data, wms-wo-cost, wms-wo-trl, and wms-wo-cost tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.


Select this check box to delete data from the wms-return-receipt-hdr and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

Inventory Qty Adjust

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-inv-adj and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

Bin Move

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-bin-move and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

One Step Location Transfer

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-loc-trans and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

Inventory Qoh Comparison

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-qoh-comp and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

WMS Status

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-status and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

WMS Confirm

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-confirm and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.


Select this check box to delete data from the wms-pkg-confirm and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

Work Order Inventory Adjust

Select this check box to delete data from the wms-wo-inv-adj and wms-raw-data tables. This check box is only available if you select WMS Imports for the Record field.

Last Purged on

This field displays the date the selected record was last purged.

For Records Prior to

This field displays the cut-off date for the last purge of the selected record.


This field displays the user ID of the person that last purged the selected record.


This field displays the reason of the last purge for the selected record.

Last Archive File

This field displays the file name of the last archive file.

Print Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Output Option

The File radio button is selected to indicate you can only output purged records to an archive file.


Select whether the data purge is run now or run by Scheduling Assistant. If you select the Schedule radio button, you can specify when the process occurs. These radio buttons are only enabled if the Disable Scheduling Assistant check box is cleared for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance.


Enter the time to output or process, and select AM or PM.

These fields are only enabled if the Schedule radio button is selected, and only available if the Once or Every radio button is selected.


Enter the date (or first date) to output or process. This field is only enabled if the Schedule radio button is selected, and only available if the Once or Every radio button is selected.

Task Occurs

Select one of the following options:

  • Once - Output or process at a specified date and time.

  • Every - Output or process on a recurring basis. You can select to output/process at a specific time:

    • every week on specified days

    • after a specified number of days

    • on the first or last day of each month

    • after a specified number of minutes

  • After - Output/process after a specified task is completed.

These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button.


Select one of the following:

  • Day of Week - Output or process every week on the selected days.

  • Days - Output or process after a specified number of days, starting on a specified date.

  • Month - Output or process on the first or last day of each month, starting on a specified date.

  • Time - Output or process after a specified number of minutes, starting on a specified date.

These radio buttons are only available if you select the Every radio button.

Day of Week

Select the day(s) of the week to output or process.

These check boxes are only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button, and select the Every and Day of Week radio buttons.

Repeat Every X Days

Enter a number of days after which to output or process. This field is only available if you select the Days radio button.

Repeat On

Click the Lookup button and select whether to output or process on the first or last day of the month. This field is only available if you select the Month radio button.

Repeat Every X Minutes

Enter a number of minutes after which to output or process. This field is only available if you select the Time radio button.

Triggering Task Id

Click the Lookup button to select a task ID that will trigger the task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Triggering Task Name

This field displays the name of the triggering task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Triggering Task Description

This field displays the description of the triggering task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Task Description

Enter a description of the task. This can help users understand the purpose of a recurring task.

Scheduling Assistant Queue

Enter an active Scheduling Assistant queue for the task, or click the Lookup button to select a Scheduling Assistant queue. This defaults to the default queue for your user ID. This field is only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button, and you are assigned to a queue other than the Default queue.

External Email

Select this check box to send an email (outside of Apprise, using SMTP) when the task is completed.

Screen Alert

Select this check box to display an alert when the task is completed.

Internal Email

Select this check box to send an internal Apprise email when the task is completed.