Shipping Label Print

Menu Path: Warehouse Management Images\bluerarw.gif Shipment Processing Images\bluerarw.gif Printing Images\bluerarw.gif Shipping Label Print


Print package or pallet shipping labels based on a pick demand or bill of lading.


Use Shipping Label Print to print shipping labels in conjunction with compatible third-party label generation software (currently BarTender). When you print shipping labels, you may also optionally print package content labels if a content label was associated with the shipping label in External Interface Maintenance.

For more information, see Setting Up Shipping Labels.

Printing Shipping Labels

To print shipping labels:

  1. Enter the shipping location name or prefix in the Shipping Location or Location field.

  2. Select whether to display the records by pick demand/order number, bill of lading number, or master bill of lading number.

  3. Enter the criteria for the labels (order number, pick demand number, UCC128 number, or bill of lading number).

  4. Select the type of labels to print.

  5. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The packages/labels appear in the grid.

  6. Select the labels you want to print. You can select all or deselect all labels for printing by clicking the Select All or Deselect All button in the ribbon. You can also print specific labels by selecting the check box in the Print Label column for the label(s) you want to print.

  7. Click the Print button in the ribbon to send the labels to the printer. For information on the printer used, see Printer Selection FAQ.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Shipping Label Print window.

Deselect All

Click this button to clear the check box in the Print Label column for all rows in the Packages/Pallets grid.

Select All

Click this button to select the check box in the Print Label column for all rows in the Packages/Pallets grid.

Show Data

Click this button to display one row in the Packages/Pallets grid for every package for a selected order/pick demand or bill of lading. If the Pallet Labels radio button is selected, one row for each pallet for a selected order/pick demand or bill of lading is displayed.


Click this button to print one label for each package and/or pallet selected for printing (provided all the necessary set up for the labels has been completed.)

Inquiry Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Shipping Location

Enter a shipping location name for which to print shipping labels, or click the Lookup button to select a shipping location name.


Enter a shipping location prefix for which to print shipping labels, or click the Lookup button to select a shipping location prefix.

Show Records

Select one of the following options:

  • Pick Demand/Order Number - Select this option to enter an order number and/or a pick demand number for which to print shipping labels.

  • Child BOL Number - Select this option to enter a child bill of lading number for which to print shipping labels.

  • Master BOL Number - Select this option to enter a master bill of lading number for which to print shipping labels.

Order Number/BOL Number

Enter an order or bill of lading number for which to print shipping labels, or click the Lookup button to select an order or bill of lading number.

Pick Demand Number

Enter a pick demand number for which to print shipping labels, or click the Lookup button to select a pick demand number.


Click this button to select an unpicked pick demand.

UCC128 #

Enter a UCC128 number for which to print shipping labels, or click the Lookup button to select a UCC128 number.

Label Type

Select a label type to print. You can print package, pallet, or tracking labels.


This grid displays packages or pallets for the selected criteria. Select the check box in the Print Label column for all rows for which you want to print shipping labels.