Small Package Shipment Banding Management

Menu Path: Warehouse Management Images\bluerarw.gif Shipment Processing Images\bluerarw.gif Package Management Images\bluerarw.gif Small Package Shipment Banding Management


Perform banding operations.


Use Small Package Shipment Banding Management to track banding. For information on banding, see Banding FAQ.

Note You cannot band packages for a pick demand number until it is fully confirmed. You cannot complete a bill of lading until you band packages.

When you band packages, an incremental banding number is assigned automatically. Packages with the same banding number are banded together.

Note A small package carrier tracking number is assigned to the banded bundle when you add a package to a band.

Adding Packages

To add packages to a band:

  1. Enter the UCC128 number, the package ID, or the SGTIN in the Pkg ID field. Repeat for all packages you want to band.

Note Generally, it is recommended to scan a carton’s bar-coded label to populate the Pkg ID field.

  1. Click the Add Pkg button. The packages in the band display in the Packages grid.

  2. Click the OK button in the ribbon.

Removing Packages

To remove packages from a band:

  1. Enter the band number in the Band Number field.

  2. Click the Add Pkg button. The packages in the band display in the Packages grid.

  3. Select the packages you want to remove from the band.

  4. Click the Unband button.

  5. Click the OK button in the ribbon.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Small Package Shipment Banding Management window.


Click this button to accept any banding changes. This button is not available if the Packages grid is empty. If you have set up export for package tracking labels, you can print the labels when you click the OK button. For information on setting up tracking labels, see Setting Up Shipping Labels.


Click this button to cancel any banding changes. This button is not available if the Packages grid is empty.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Location Prefix

Enter a location prefix for the shipping location, or click the Lookup button to select a location prefix.

Shipping Location

Enter a location name for the shipping location, or click the Lookup button to select a location name.

Pkg ID

Enter the UCC128 number, the package ID, or the SGTIN.

Note Generally, it is recommended to scan a carton’s bar-coded label to populate this field.


This field displays the customer name for the order number entered in the Order Number field.

Customer Code

This field displays the customer code for the order number entered in the Order Number field.

Order Number

Enter an order number, or click the Lookup button to select an order number.


This field displays the first line of the address for the order number entered in the Order Number field.

Pick Demand

Enter a pick demand number, or click the Lookup button to select a pick demand number.


This field displays the second line of the address for the order number entered in the Order Number field.

Band Number

Enter a band number if you want to view the packages for a specific band.


This field displays the third line of the address for the order number entered in the Order Number field.

Add Pkg

Click this button to add the selected package to the band number.

Band Remainder

Click this button to band all remaining packages for the pick demand entered in the Pick Demand field.


This field displays the city for the order number entered in the Order Number field.


This field displays the state for the order number entered in the Order Number field.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code for the order number entered in the Order Number field.


Click this button to remove the selected package(s) from a band.


Click this button to remove the selected package from the Packages grid.

Remove All

Click this button to remove all packages from the Packages grid.


This grid displays all the package information for a band number. You can enter a band number for each package in the Banding # column.