Stop Selection Map

Menu Path: None

To use Stop Selection Map, click the Stop Selection Map button in the ribbon in Planned Bill of Lading Management or Planned Bill of Lading Simulate.

Note You can only open Stop Selection Map if Microsoft MapPoint is installed on the same computer as the Apprise Client.


Set up stops and calculate routes for bills of lading.


Use Stop Selection Map to select shippable stops for a bill of lading using a map, arrange the orders of the stops, and then calculate driving directions for the route.

Note Stop Selection Map uses Microsoft MapPoint to display maps and calculate routes. Ensure that the maps for MapPoint are updated regularly.

Setting Up Routes

To set up a route:

  1. Click each unselected stop in the map that you want to include in the route for the bill of lading. When a stop is selected, the stop order number for the stop appears in the map. You can also click a selected stop to remove it from the route for the bill of lading.

  2. Use the arrow buttons at the left of the grid to arrange the order of stops in an efficient route.

  3. Click the Calculate Route button in the ribbon to calculate and display route information and driving directions for the route.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to accept changes to stops and the calculated route, and close the Stop Selection Map window.


Click this button to close the Stop Selection Map window without saving changes to stops and the calculated route.

Calculate Route

Click this button to calculate the route based on the selected stops for the bill of lading. When you click this button, route information and driving directions appear above the map.

Hide Location Labels

Click this button to hide address information for stops in the map. This button is only available if address information for stops is currently displayed.

Show Location Labels

Click this button to display address information for stops in the map. This button is only available if address information for stops is currently hidden.

Reset View

Click this button to reset the map to the default view.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Route Map

This is a map of the shippable stops for the bill of lading. Each shippable stop is represented by a flag icon.

Click the flag icon or location label for a stop that is not currently in a route to add it to the route. When you select a stop, the stop number appears next to the flag icon. Click the flag icon or location label for a selected stop you want to remove from the route.

You can double-click an area of the map to zoom in on that area. You can also drag the map to move to a different area, and use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out of the map.

After you calculate the route, the Directions pane appears above the map, and displays detailed route information and driving directions. You can right-click the pane to select display options, copy the information and directions (which you paste into another application), or print the information and directions. For more information, refer to the Microsoft MapPoint Help.

Click this button to make the selected stop the first stop for the bill of lading.

Click this button to move the selected stop up one position in the stop order for the bill of lading.

Click this button to move the selected stop down one position in the stop order for the bill of lading.

Click this button to make the selected stop the last stop for the bill of lading.


This grid displays stops for the bill of lading. You can use the arrow buttons to the left of it to change the order of stops. If 0 is displayed in the Stop Order column for a stop, the stop is not selected for the bill of lading.

Number of Stops

This field displays the total number of stops for the bill of lading.

Selected Weight

This field displays the weight for all selected stops for the bill of lading.

Selected Cube

This field displays the cube value for all selected stops for the bill of lading.