Transaction Application Detail Batch Inquiry

Menu Path: None

To use Transaction Application Detail Batch Inquiry, click the Show Details button in the ribbon in Transaction Batch Detail Inquiry.


Review transaction detail for a batch.


Use Transaction Application Detail Batch Inquiry to review transaction detail for a selected batch.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Transaction Application Detail Batch Inquiry window.

Inquiry Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Batch ID

This field displays the batch number for the selected batch.


This field displays the description of the selected batch.


This grid displays detailed transaction information for the selected batch. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Trans# - This column displays the transaction number for each transaction.

  • Seq# - This column displays the sequence number for each transaction.

  • Trans Type - This column displays one of the accounts receivable transaction types for each transaction.

  • Reference# - This column displays the reference number for each transaction.

  • Reference Type - This column displays one of the accounts receivable reference types for each transaction.

  • Trans Date - This column displays the transaction date for each transaction.

  • Amount - This column displays the transaction amount for each transaction.

  • Payment ID - This column displays the payment ID for each transaction.

  • Currency - This column displays the currency for each transaction.

  • Currency Exchange Rate - This column displays the currency exchange rate for each transaction.

  • Paying Customer Code - This column displays the paying customer code for each transaction.

  • Paying Customer Name - This column displays the paying customer name for each transaction.

  • Billing Customer Code - This column displays the billing customer code for each transaction.

  • Billing Customer Name - This column displays the billing customer name for each transaction.

  • Update Userid - This column displays the user ID of the user that last updated each transaction.

  • Update Date - This column displays the date each transaction was last updated.

  • Update Time - This column displays the time each transaction was last updated.

  • Cust Ref # - This column displays the customer's reference number.

  • Absorption Amount - This column displays the absorption amount for each transaction.