Wireless Cycle Count / Recount Inquiry

Menu Path: Warehouse Management Images\bluerarw.gif Wireless Warehouse Images\bluerarw.gif Cycle Counting Images\bluerarw.gif Wireless Cycle Count / Recount Inquiry


View Wireless Warehouse cycle count and recount information.


Use Wireless Cycle Count / Recount Inquiry to display detailed information for a wireless cycle count and/or recount. You can also select two separate counts and add the quantities and amounts together. This is useful to compare information for a count and recount of the same products. For information on creating cycle count tasks, see Wireless Warehouse Cycle Count Process Flow.

Using the Inquiry

To use the Wireless Cycle Count / Recount Inquiry:

  1. Enter a Wireless Warehouse task ID for an inventory count or recount in the Physical Inventory ID 1 field.

  2. If you want to sum amounts and values from two counts or compare a count and recount, enter a second Wireless Warehouse task ID in the Physical Inventory ID 2 field.

  3. Enter a location prefix or name for the count/recount in the Location field.

  4. If you want to only display count information for a specific zone, clear the All Zones check box, and enter the zone in the Zone field.

  5. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The count and/or recount information displays in the Count grid.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Wireless Cycle Count / Recount Inquiry window.

Show Data

Click this button to display information for the wireless inventory count(s).

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Physical Inventory ID 1

Enter a Wireless Warehouse task ID for a cycle count task, or click the Lookup button to select a task ID. You can enter a location or zone in the Location or Zone fields to limit the task ID's displayed in the Lookup window.

Physical Inventory ID 2

Enter a second Wireless Warehouse task ID if you want to add two counts together, or click the Lookup button to select a task ID. You can enter a location or zone in the Location or Zone fields to limit the task ID's displayed in the Lookup window.


Enter a location prefix or name for which to display count information, or click one of the Lookup buttons to select a location.

All Zones

Select this check box to display counts for all zones.

Zone ID

Enter a zone ID for which you want to display count information, or click the Lookup button to select a zone ID. This field is only enabled if the All Zones check box is cleared.


This grid displays the count details for the selected inventory count(s). The grid includes the following columns:

  • Location - This column displays the location of the count/recount.

  • Bin - This column displays the bin for the count/recount.

  • Item - This column displays the product code for each product in the count/recount. This column also displays Style Total: for rows that total count/recount information for each product.

  • U/M - This column displays the unit of measure for each product in the count/recount.

  • Expected - This column displays the expected count for each product/unit of measure in the count.

  • Count - This column displays the quantity counted of each product/unit of measure in the count.

  • Recount - This column displays the recounted quantity of each product/unit of measure in the count (if products were recounted).

  • Average Cost - This column displays the average cost of each product in the count. The average cost is used to calculate the value of the counted inventory.

  • Count - Expected - This column displays the quantity counted of each product/unit of measure minus the expected quantity of each product/unit of measure.

  • Recount - Expected - This column displays the recounted quantity of each product/unit of measure minus the expected quantity of each product/unit of measure.

  • Recount - Count - This column displays the recounted quantity of each product/unit of measure minus the counted quantity of each product/unit of measure.

  • Count - Expected Amount - This column displays the value of each product/unit of measure counted minus the expected value of each product/unit of measure (based on the average cost of each product).

  • Recount - Expected Amount - This column displays the value of each product/unit of measure recounted minus the expected value of each product/unit of measure (based on the average cost of each product).

  • Recount - Count Amount - This column displays the value of each product/unit of measure recounted minus the value of each product/unit of measure counted (based on the average cost of each product).

Note Product quantities display in the product unit of measure for each product.