Define Column Header and Format

Menu Path: None

To use Define Column Header and Format, double-click a row in the Selected Columns grid in Financial Report Print / Export.


Define the column header and width for a specific column in financial reports.


Use Define Column Header and Format to set up column headings and column width for financial reports output in Financial Report Print / Export.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Define Column Header and Format window.


Click this button to accept the column header and width, and close the Define Column Header and Format window.

Company Range

Click this button to display G/L Groups and Reporting Fields Ranges, which allows you to select ranges of accounts for columns. This button is only available if the column is not a DESCRIPTION, general ledger account, or blank column.

Column Range

Click this button to display G/L Groups and Reporting Fields Ranges, which allows you to select ranges of accounts for the selected column data.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Column Data

This field displays the column data for which you are setting up the column header and width.

Column Header

Enter a label to display above the column data in the financial reports. This field is disabled for a blank column.


Select this check box to print the column data. This check box is selected by default. This field is disabled for a blank column.

Column Width

Enter the width of the column in characters. The maximum length is 30. The minimum column width is determined by the width of the column headers and column precision. The column width automatically adjusts based on the width of the column headers and column precision.

Font Size

Enter the font size for the column in points. This defaults to the value entered in the Default Font Size field in Financial Report Print / Export when you initially select a column. You can only enter a value between 5 and 11. If you enter 0, the default font size entered in the Default Font Size field in Financial Report Print / Export is used.

Column Precision

Click the Lookup button to select the precision for amounts in the column. This field is only available if the column is not a DESCRIPTION, general ledger account, or blank column.


Click the Lookup button to select the currency for displaying amounts in the column. This field is only available if the column is not a DESCRIPTION, general ledger account, percent, or blank column.

Data Option

Click the Lookup button to select the type of data you want to report for the actual account balances. Select one of the following:

  • Balance - Report the account balance as of the selected period plus the beginning balance.

  • Transactions - Only report account transaction information for selected periods.

This field is only available if the column is not a DESCRIPTION, general ledger account, or blank column.

Currency Format/Percent Format

Click the Lookup button to select whether to display the currency symbol (or the percentage symbol for a percentage column). This field is only available if the column is not a DESCRIPTION, general ledger account, or blank column.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Note This tab is only available if the column is a sum, variance, or percent of two other columns.

Field or Button



This grid displays all other columns in the grid, so you can select the two columns for the sum, variance, or percentage calculation. Select the check box in the Select column for the two columns on which you want to perform the calculation.