Hashing Totals

The Hash Totals feature is useful if you have many accounts in your journal entry. It is especially useful if you use statistical accounts, because they reflect no total or difference with total credits and debits in Journal Entry. Hashing totals allow you to see if all the necessary lines were entered into an entry by adding up the account element values. Clicking on the Hash Totals button displays the G/L Journal Hash Totals window.

The G/L Journal Hash Totals window contains three columns: one for the hashed totals, one for the expected total, and one for the difference. The account group elements each represent a row. The software calculates the hash total and difference columns. You can enter the figures for the Expected Total column by simply adding all the account group numbers in your journal entry. If the difference column contains all zeros, then, unless your expected total calculations are incorrect, you can be sure you added all the necessary accounts to your journal entry. Click on the OK button to close the window and continue to make your journal entry.

This feature ignores alphanumeric account number sequences.