G/L Journal Hash Totals

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To use G/L Journal Hash Totals, click the Totals button in the ribbon in Journal Entry, Journal Entry Edit, or Recurring Journal Entry Maintenance.


Double-check journal entry hash totals.


Use G/L Journal Hash Totals to double-check a journal entry by adding account element numbers together. For information on setting up account elements, see Account Element Maintenance and Ledger Maintenance.

The hashing totals feature is useful if you have many accounts in your journal entry, and especially if you use statistical accounts, since they reflect no total or difference with total credits and debits in Journal Entry, Journal Entry Edit, or Recurring Journal Entry Maintenance. Hashing totals allow you to see if all the necessary lines were entered into an entry by adding up the account element values.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the G/L Journal Hash Totals window.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Hash Total

These fields displays the total of each general ledger account element for the journal entry.

Note Alphanumeric account number sequences are ignored.

Expected Total

Enter the expected total for each general ledger account element for the journal entry. You can enter these numbers by adding all the account elements in the journal entry.


This field displays the difference between the hash total and the expected total for each general ledger account element. If this column contains all zeros, and you are sure the expected totals are correct, you can be sure you added all the necessary accounts to the journal entry.