Excise Voucher Create

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To use Excise Voucher Create, click the Create Excise Voucher button in the ribbon in Excise Tax Management.


Create excise tax vouchers.


Use Excise Voucher Create to create vouchers for excise taxes. For more information, see Tracking Excise Taxes.

Creating Excise Vouchers

To create excise vouchers:

  1. Verify the correct posting period, year, and batch are selected for the vouchers.

  2. Enter a reference number for the vouchers in the Reference # field.

  3. Verify the correct voucher date is selected for the vouchers.

  4. Verify the correct default payment method is selected for the vouchers.

  5. Verify the correct accounts payable account is entered for the vouchers and enter an expense account for the vouchers. If necessary, you can enter specific accounts for each voucher in the grid.

  6. Click the Process button in the ribbon to create excise vouchers. The number of created vouchers is displayed.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Excise Voucher Create window.


Click this button to create excise vouchers.

Ribbon Batch Tab Buttons




Click this button to display Select a New Batch, which allows you to select a previously created batch.


Click this button to display Open a New Batch, which allows you to create a new batch.


Click this button to display Close A Batch, which allows you to close a batch.


Click this button to display Edit A Batch, which allows you to edit an existing batch.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Click the Lookup button to select the posting period for created vouchers. This field defaults to the current accounts payable posting period.


Click the Lookup button to select the posting year for created vouchers. This field defaults to the current accounts payable posting year.

Reference #

Enter an alphanumeric identifier for excise vouchers.

Batch #

This field displays the currently selected batch. To select a different batch, click the Select button in the ribbon.

Voucher Date

Enter the voucher date for created vouchers, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. The date defaults to today.

Payment Method

Click the Lookup button to select the default payment method for the excise vouchers. This is only used for suppliers who do not have a default payment method.

A/P Account

Enter an accounts payable account for created excise vouchers, or click one of the Lookup buttons to select an account. This account is only used for vouchers for which the A/P Account column is blank in the Excise Vouchers grid.

Expense Account

Enter an expense account for created excise vouchers, or click one of the Lookup buttons to select an account. This account is only used for vouchers for which the Expense Account column is blank in the Excise Vouchers grid.

Excise Vouchers

This grid displays information for excise vouchers you are creating. You can enter accounts in the A/P Account and Expense Account columns for each voucher.