Scorecard Manual GL Account List

Menu Path: None

To use Scorecard Manual GL Account List, double-click an amount in the Manual GL Difference column in Scorecard General Ledger Amount Inquiry.


List general ledger journal entries for a specific scorecard profit category/subcategory.


Use Scorecard Manual GL Account List to display general ledger journal entries for which profitability data was manually entered for general ledger accounts in a specific scorecard profit category/subcategory.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Scorecard Manual GL Account List window.

Show Data

Click this button to display data on the Results tab based on criteria selected on the Select tab.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Time Frame

The Period radio button is selected to indicate data is displayed for a specific period.


Click the Lookup button and select the period for which to display data.


Click the Lookup button and select the year for which to display data.

G/L Account

This field displays general ledger accounts for which data is displayed.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays general ledger journal entries for which profitability data was manually entered for general ledger accounts in a specific profit category/subcategory.