Supplier Portal User Maintenance

Menu Path: Portals Images\bluerarw.gif Supplier Portal Images\bluerarw.gif Site Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Supplier Portal User Maintenance


Set up and maintain supplier portal users.


Use Supplier Portal User Maintenance to view, create, edit, and delete supplier portal users.

Creating Supplier Portal Users

To create a supplier portal user:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a supplier portal site ID or name that the user will access in the Site ID or Site Name field.

  3. Enter a portal user name for the user in the User Name field. If the portal user was not previously created in Portal User Maintenance or imported in Portal User Import, you will have to enter a password and email address for the user after you set up options for the supplier portal user.

  4. Enter the supplier portal role for the user in the Role field.

  5. Enter the default language for the user in the Default Language field.

  6. Select additional options for the supplier portal user.

  7. If you want to override portal page role settings for the user, click the Portal Pages tab. You can then select the check box in the User Overrides grid column for any portal page access settings that you do not want to default from the user's role, and either clear or select the check box in the User Access grid column.

  8. If you want to override task role settings for the user, click the Update Access tab. You can then select the check box in the User Overrides grid column for any task access settings that you do not want to default from the user's role, and either clear or select the check boxes in the Updateable grid column and/or Generate Task grid column.

  9. If you want to associate suppliers with the user, click the Suppliers tab, then for each supplier, enter a supplier code/name, and click the Add button.

  10. If you want to associate shippers with the user, click the Shippers tab, then for each shipper, enter a shipper ID/name, and click the Add button.

  11. Click the OK button in the ribbon. If the portal user name you entered in step 2 did not previously exist, the Portal User Creation Completion window appears. Enter a password and email for the portal user, and then click the OK button in the ribbon.

The supplier portal user is created.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Supplier Portal User Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new supplier portal user. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to update the selected supplier portal user. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to copy a selected supplier portal user. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to delete the selected supplier portal user. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, Copy or Delete button in the ribbon. If you are creating a new user, after you click this button, Portal User Creation Completion appears and allows you to enter the password and email address for the user.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, Copy or Delete button in the ribbon.

Show Data

Click this button to display supplier portal users on the Inquiry tab. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is displayed.


Click this button to display the first supplier portal user. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to display the previous supplier portal user. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to display the next supplier portal user. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.


Click this button to display the last supplier portal user. This button is only available if the Inquiry tab is not displayed.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Site ID

Enter a supplier portal site ID for the supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select a site ID.

Site Name

Enter a supplier portal site name for the supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select a site name.

User Name

Enter a portal user name for the supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier portal user name. You can enter a user name for which a portal user was not previously created. If you do this, you will be required to enter a password and email address for the user, and a new portal user will be created.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter a supplier portal role for the supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier portal role. For information on setting up supplier portal roles, see Supplier Portal Role Maintenance.

Default Language

Enter the default language for the supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select the default language.

NOTE You can only use languages for which your company has licensed the associated language packs.

Can View Costs

Click the Lookup button and select whether the supplier portal user can view costs on the supplier portal site, or whether this setting is controlled by their role settings.

Can Access All Suppliers

Click the Lookup button and select whether the supplier portal user can access all suppliers associated with the supplier portal site, or whether this setting is controlled by their role settings.

Can Access All Shippers

Click the Lookup button and select whether the supplier portal user can access all shippers associated with the supplier portal site, or whether this setting is controlled by their role settings.

Can Access Transfer Orders

Click the Lookup button and select whether the supplier portal user can view transfer orders on the supplier portal site, or whether this setting is controlled by their role settings. Typically, this is set to No for an employee of a supplier, but Yes for a broker.

Can Access Transactions with Blank Shipper

Click the Lookup button and select whether the supplier portal user can access transactions with blank shippers, or whether this setting is controlled by their role settings.

Can Perform Production Monitoring Tasks

Click the Lookup button and select whether the supplier portal user can perform supplier production monitoring tasks, or whether this setting is controlled by their role settings.

Can Perform Product Lifecycle Management Tasks

Click the Lookup button and select whether the supplier portal user can perform product lifecycle management tasks, or whether this setting is controlled by their role settings.

Notes Group

Enter the notes group for the supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select the notes group. For information on setting up notes groups, see Note Group Maintenance.

Notes Type

Enter the notes type for the supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select the notes type. For information on setting up notes types, see Note Type Maintenance.

Attachment Group

Enter the attachment group for the supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select the attachment group. For information on setting up attachment groups, see Attachment Group Maintenance.

Attachment Type

Enter the attachment type for the supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select the attachment type. For information on setting up attachment types, see Attachment Type Maintenance.

Time Option

Select whether the user prefers a 12-hour or 24-hour clock for displayed times.

Disable Login

Select this check box to prevent the supplier portal user from logging in to the supplier portal site.

Portal Pages Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Portal Pages

This grid lists portal pages and allows you to select which pages can be accessed by the user (overriding the user's role settings).

Update Access Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid lists tasks and allows you to select which tasks are updateable by the user, and which tasks generate supplier portal tasks after being updated by the user (overriding the user's role settings).

Suppliers Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Supplier Code

Enter a supplier code to associate with the selected supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code.


Click this button to add the selected supplier to the Selected Suppliers grid.

Supplier Name

Enter a supplier name to associate with the selected supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name.


Click this button to remove the selected supplier from the Selected Suppliers grid.

Remove All

Click this button to remove all suppliers from the Selected Suppliers grid.

Selected Suppliers

This grid displays suppliers that can be accessed by the selected supplier portal user.

Shippers Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Shipper ID

Enter a shipper ID to associate with the selected supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select a shipper ID.


Click this button to add the selected shipper to the Selected Shippers grid.

Shipper Name

Enter a shipper name to associate with the selected supplier portal user, or click the Lookup button to select a shipper name.


Click this button to remove the selected shipper from the Selected Shippers grid.

Remove All

Click this button to remove all shippers from the Selected Shippers grid.

Selected Shippers

This grid displays shippers that can be accessed by the selected supplier portal user.

Inquiry Tab Fields and Buttons

Note This tab is disabled if you are creating, editing, copying, or deleting a supplier portal user.

Field or Button


Supplier Portal Users

This grid displays supplier portal users after you click the Show Data button in the ribbon.