3rd Party Forecasting Export

Menu Path: Purchasing Images\bluerarw.gif Distribution Resource Planning Images\bluerarw.gif External Interface Images\bluerarw.gif 3rd Party Forecasting Export


Output inventory and history information to a third-party demand forecasting file.


Use 3rd Party Forecasting Export to export current inventory and history information to a third-party demand forecasting application. You can select exactly what product information is exported, such as non-stocked products, drop-ship products, discontinued products, and products that cannot be sold.

Exporting Demand Forecasting Data

To export demand forecasting data:

  1. Enter the month and year of the most recent full period of history in the Month and Year fields.

  2. If you want to export data for specific locations, clear the All Locations check box, and enter a range of locations in the From and To fields, or click the List button to select locations from a grid.

  3. Select the history data to include in the export.

  4. Click the Display Options tab.

  5. Select the format of exported data.

  6. Select the export options.

  7. Select the location(s) of the export file(s).

  8. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The data is exported.

  9. Enter the folder path and file name for the third-party demand forecasting program in the DF Run File Name & Path field.

  10. Click the Run DF button in the ribbon to run the third-party demand forecasting software.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the 3rd Party Forecasting Export window.


Click this button to export the demand forecasting file.


Click this button to close the 3rd Party Forecasting Export window without running the third-party demand forecasting application. This button is only available after you click the OK button in the ribbon.

Run DF

Run the third-party demand forecasting software in the location entered in the DF Run File Name & Path field. This button is only available after you click the OK button in the ribbon.

Filter Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter the month of the most recent full period of history. Enter the month for the most recent month end (the month prior to the current month).

Example If today is December 15th, enter 11 to signify November. When you export, history for November, October, September, etc. is included. December’s partial history is also exported to the current month.


Enter the current year of the most recent full period of history.

All Locations

Select this check box to export sales history for products in all locations. This check box is selected by default.


Enter the first location in a range of locations for which to export sales history, or click the Lookup button to select a location. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Locations check box.


Enter the last location in a range of locations for which to export sales history, or click the Lookup button to select a location. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Locations check box.


Click this button to select multiple locations for which to export sales history. When you click this button, the Available Locations and Selected Locations grids appear, along with the Add, Add All, Remove, and Remove All buttons.

Include Transfer Qty in History

Select this check box to export sales history including transfers out of warehouses. This is important to include if your warehouse location handles transfer of merchandise to other locations on a frequent basis. If users in warehouse locations generally perform their own purchasing, you can clear this check box. This check box is selected by default.

Add Future Qty to Committed Qty

Select this check box to add future quantities to committed quantities. This check box is selected by default.

Include Drop Ship Qty in History

Select this check box to export sales history for products that may have been drop shipped (in addition to regular shipments). This check box is cleared by default.

Current Month History Only

Select this check box to only export current month's history. You should select this check box only after the 12 month sales history has already been imported into the third-party demand forecasting system (done the first time demand forecasting information is loaded). This check box is selected by default.

Available Locations

This grid displays all locations for which you can export sales history. This grid is only available after you click the List button.


Click this button to add the selected location in the Available Locations grid to the Selected Locations grid. This button is only available after you click the List button.

Add All

Click this button to add all locations to the Selected Locations grid. This button is only available after you click the List button.


Click this button to remove the selected location from the Selected Locations grid. This button is only available after you click the List button.

Remove All

Click this button to remove all locations from the Selected Locations grid. This button is only available after you click the List button.

Selected Locations

This grid displays all locations for which you want to export sales history. This grid is only available after you click the List button.

DF Run File Name & Path

Enter the path and file name of the third-party demand forecasting application, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the application. This field is only available after you export third-party forecasting data. This field defaults to the third-party demand forecasting path and file name entered in the Demand Forecasting Executable field in User Extended Options.

Display Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Select whether to export to the old MARS format, the new MARS format, or the Demand Solutions format. For information on the MARS formats, see MARS Export Formats. For information on the Demand Solutions format, see Demand Solutions Export / Import Formats.

Include Can Not be Sold Items

Select this check box to export data for products that cannot be sold. This check box is cleared by default. A product cannot be sold if the Can Be Sold check box is cleared in Product Maintenance.

Include Drop Ship Only Items

Select this check box to export data for products that can only be drop shipped. This check box is cleared by default. A product must be drop shipped if the Must Drop Ship check box is selected in Product Maintenance.

Include Non Stocked Items

Select this check box to export data for non-stocked products. This check box is cleared by default. A product is not stocked if the Non Stocked Item check box is selected in Product Maintenance.

Include Discontinued Items

Select this check box to export data for discontinued products. This check box is cleared by default. A product is a discontinued product if the Discontinued check box is selected in Product Maintenance.

Include Backordered Non-Stocked Products Only

Select this check box to only export data for backordered non-stocked products. This check box is cleared by default. A product is not stocked if the Non Stocked Item check box is selected in Product Maintenance.

Demand Forecasting Products Only

Select this check box to only export data for products for which Demand Forecasting is entered in the Buying Method field on the Buying tab in Product Maintenance. If you clear this check box, data is exported for all buying methods. This check box is selected by default.

Exclude not Available from Qty on Hand

Select this check box to exclude product quantities in not available bins from the quantity on hand. This check box is selected by default.

Export Filename Path

Enter the path and file name for the exported MARS file. This field defaults to the folder path and file name entered in the 3rd Party Forecasting Export File field on the Network tab in System ID Maintenance. This field is only available if you select the OLD MARS Format or NEW MARS Format radio button.

On Hand

Enter the path and file name for the exported on hand inventory balances Demand Solutions file. This field defaults to the required file name and path. This field is only available if you select the Demand Solutions radio button.

Open Orders

Enter the path and file name for the exported open customer orders Demand Solutions file. This field defaults to the required file name and path. This field is only available if you select the Demand Solutions radio button.

Open Receipts

Enter the path and file name for the exported open receipts Demand Solutions file. This field defaults to the required file name and path. This field is only available if you select the Demand Solutions radio button.


This field appears to the right of the Export Filename Path field or the On Hand, Open Orders, and Open Receipts fields after you click the OK button in the ribbon. This field displays the status of the export. If the export is successful, this field displays Export Completed.