System ID Maintenance

Menu Path: System Administration Images\bluerarw.gif Module Setup Images\bluerarw.gif System ID Maintenance



Use System ID Maintenance to define separate systems that operate individually. For each system, you can define whether or not by-user security is activated, the number of tasks to display from the menu bar, the format of phone numbers and postal codes, and the descriptions to use for defining tax codes. In addition, you can enter the default viewing program.

When you create a new system ID, you functionally create a new database without creating a new physical database. This allows you to have a test database or run a second company all within the same physical database, i.e., a demo database and your own company’s database. If you set up two or more system ID's, you will have multiple databases for your use. You also have the ability to share data across these system ID's.

After you have set up system ID's, use User System ID Access to specify which users can access each system ID. For more information, see Setting Up a New System.

Creating System IDs

To create a system ID:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a unique system ID in the System ID field.

  3. Enter a unique company name in the Company Name field. The company name is visible for all programs in the title bar, so you will always know which company database is currently in use.

  4. Enter a default postal code format for postal code fields in the Postal Code Format field.

  5. Enter a default phone number format for phone number fields in the Phone Format field. For example, if you enter XXX-XXX-XXXX for the phone format, where the X’s represent spaces for the actual numbers, the fields will be pre-formatted with hyphens.

  6. Enter the number of recent tasks to display on the Previous Tasks menu in the # of Transactions to Display field.

  7. Enter the functional ledger ID for the system ID in the Functional Ledger ID field.

  8. If your company has licensed Apprise in more than one language, click the Lookup button for the Language field, and select the language to use for default records for the system ID.

  9. Click the Addresses tab.

  10. Enter any addresses for the system ID. Click the Commit Changes button to save each address.

  11. Click the Network tab.

  12. Enter the path and file name of the default viewing program for report output in the View Program field. The entered program will be the default for the system ID; however, in User Profile Maintenance, you can enter a default view program for each individual user.

  13. Click the Tax Info tab.

  14. Enter tax information for the system ID.

  15. Click the Output Options tab.

  16. Specify email and fax settings for the system ID.

Note You must enter valid values in the SMTP Server, SMTP Userid, SMTP Password, and Default From Address fields if you are using EDI Transaction Manager. These values are used even if the Outlook radio button is selected.

  1. Click the Credit Card Options tab.

  2. Set up credit card processing options. For more information, see Credit Card Interface FAQ.

  3. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The System ID Default Selection window appears.

  4. If you want to load default data into the system ID (for example, countries and states), select the data you want to load, and then click the Load button in the ribbon. The system ID is created. The Check DRP window appears.

  5. Click the Start button in the ribbon. DRP data is set up for the system ID.

Updating System IDs

To update a system ID:

  1. Enter a system ID in the System ID field.

  2. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

  3. Edit the options for the system ID.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The system ID is updated.

Note You cannot edit the System ID field.

By-User Security

If you want to restrict user access to suppliers and/or customers, you can activate by-user security. By-user security indicates that in addition to the original supplier or customer record, additional records must be created for each individual user for the user to have access to the specific supplier and/or customer. There are programs for manually creating these additional records, or it can be done automatically.

Note An original record will always be created for the system, regardless of security. Copies are made for users when necessary.

Supplier or Customer Security

There are two forms of security for each by-user security, Auto and Demand. Auto indicates that every time the user creates a supplier or customer, a supplier or customer record is created for that user. Demand indicates that Access to Suppliers By User Maintenance or Access to Customers By User Maintenance must be used to create the record for the user.

These options are applicable even if the Security check box is not selected. If the user creates suppliers or customers when security is not active and the Auto option is selected, the user will have access to the suppliers or customers if security is activated at a later time. If the Demand option is selected, the user will have to use the by-user access maintenance programs when security is activated. Until security is activated, however, the user will have access to all suppliers and/or customers.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the System ID Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new system ID.


Click this button to update the selected system ID.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New or Update button in the ribbon.

When you click this button, the entered system ID folder paths are validated. If any invalid paths are found, the Question dialog box appears and asks you whether you want to correct the invalid folders. If you want to leave the invalid folders, click the No button. If you want to change the invalid folders and output the Directory Status Report, which lists the folders, click the Yes button.

Note After you create a new system ID, the System ID Default Selection window appears, and allows you to select default data for the system ID, and then the Check DRP window appears, and allows you to set up DRP data for the system ID.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New or Update button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display the first system ID.


Click this button to display the previous system ID.


Click this button to display the next system ID.


Click this button to display the last system ID.

Aptean eCommerce Site

Click this button to open the Aptean eCommerce Site Maintenance screen. This button is only available when the Aptean eCommerce Options tab is displayed.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


System ID

Enter a system ID, or click the Lookup button to select an existing system ID. If you are creating a new system ID, this must be unique.

Company Name

Enter the company name that will be visible on all programs in the title bar, so you will always know which company database is currently in use. The company name must be unique.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Postal Code Format

Enter the default formatting for postal code fields. The postal code format will default into any postal code fields.

Example For the US, the format could be 99999-9999.

Note Only the character X and/or 9 are used to denote an entry value. X can be any keyboard value. 9 must be a numeric value. All other characters will appear exactly in the field position designated. So, if the format was XXt99, then the t would always appear in the third position of this field, and the fourth and fifth positions must be numbers.

# of Transactions to Display

Enter the number of tasks to display in the Previous Tasks option in the File menu. The Previous Tasks option displays a list of the last tasks of the user, known as the task history. For example, if you last entered invoice #123 for customer ABC, the Previous Tasks menu displays Invoice # 123 created for cust ABC. This allows you to easily keep track of any transactions you completed.

Phone Format

Enter the default formatting for phone number fields. The phone format will prefill into any phone number fields. Examples of phone number formats include (XXX) XXX-XXXX or XXX XXX-XXXX. Users will not need to type parentheses and/or hyphens when typing phone numbers.

Note Only the character X and/or 9 are used to denote an entry value. X can be any keyboard value. 9 must be a numeric value. All other characters will appear exactly in the field position designated. So, if the format was XXt99, then the t would always appear in the third position of this field, and the fourth and fifth positions must be numbers.

# Days to Keep Transaction Log

This option is slated for functionality in a future release.

UCC Mfg.#

Enter the UCC manufacturing number for the system ID. This number prefixes generated UCC128 numbers.

Session Timeout

Enter the number of minutes after which an inactive user is automatically logged out of the system. This is 0 by default. This can be overridden for specific users in User Profile Maintenance.

NOTE When this field is left blank, that is, 0 by default, then:

    • in the desktop client, the users are never logged out of the desktop client.

    • in the web UI, as the default session tiimeout is 30 minutes, an inactive user is logged out of the web UI automatically after 30 minutes.

UCC Sequence #

Enter the number to use for the next UCC128 number for the system ID. This number is used as the last four digits before the final digit in the next generated UCC128 number. This number is shared for all your system ID's to prevent the creation of duplicate UCC128 numbers. When you create a new system ID, this field defaults to the next unused number.

  If you decrease this number, duplicate UCC128 numbers may be generated.

Bill of Lading Sequence

Enter the number to use for the next bill of lading for the system ID. This number is used as the last nine digits before the final digit in the next generated bill of lading number.

Note You cannot decrease this number.


Click the Lookup button to select a vertical market for the system ID.

If you select Grocery, the weight and unit of measure of inventory appear on the Inventory Valuation Report.

If you select Beverage, the Actual UM Levels check box is cleared by default in Inventory and History Inquiry.

Additional market-specific functionality is slated for functionality in a future release.


Click the Lookup button to select the default language for the system ID. Default records for the system ID are created in this language. This field is only available if your company has licensed more than one language, and the Lookup button is only enabled if you are creating a new system ID.

NOTE You can only use languages for which your company has licensed the associated language packs.

Functional Ledger ID

Enter the functional ledger for the system ID, or click the Lookup button to select a functional ledger.

Drop Browser Scroll Limit

Enter the maximum number of records in a Lookup window for which to allow users to scroll up. If a Lookup window includes more records than this value, users will not be able to scroll up. This defaults to 1000.

First Weekday

Click the Lookup button to select the first day of each week for the system ID. This controls how weekly time periods are divided in DRP.

Customers by User

Select this check box to enable customer security by user.

Note If you select the Allowed to Access All Customers check box for a user in User Profile Maintenance, the user can access all customers, overriding the customer security by user.

To Be Activated (Customers by User)

Select how additional records are to be created for users. Select one of the following options:

These radio buttons are only enabled if the Customers by User check box is selected.

Suppliers by User

Select this check box to enable supplier security by user.

Note If you select the Allowed to Access All Suppliers check box for a user in User Profile Maintenance, the user can access all suppliers, overriding the supplier security by user. If that check box is cleared, you can specify a supplier division in the Supplier Division field to allow the user to access only suppliers in the selected division.

To Be Activated (Suppliers by User)

Select how additional records are to be created for users. Select one of the following options:

These radio buttons are only enabled if the Suppliers by User check box is selected.

Audit Program Access

Select this check box if you want to make an entry into the task history table for each program accessed. If this check box is cleared, the Previous Tasks menu bar option will not show recent tasks. This check box should be selected unless you have space limitation.

Re-route External Reports Back to User

Select this check box to allow users to select a printer when printing using Scheduling Assistant. If the user does not select a printer, the user's default Windows printer is used. However, for this option to work properly, the printer driver from the client must be set up on the computer on which Scheduling Assistant is running. The print jobs are not re-routed to the client, the jobs are just printed to the printer the user specifies. If the printer is not defined, the print job will fail.

If this check box is cleared, all reports print to the default Windows printer set up on the computer on which Scheduling Assistant is running.

Include in ASP Export/import

This check box is obsolete, and will be removed in a future version of Apprise.

Permission Priority

Select whether to allow or revoke menu access to users that are members of user groups with conflicting security settings.

Example User A is a member of User Group A and User Group B. User A uses default menu security settings. However, User Group A is allowed to access Credit Task Management and User Group B is not allowed to access Credit Task Management. If you select the Allow radio button, User A can access Credit Task Management. If you select the Restrict radio button, User A cannot access Credit Task Management.

Threading Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



In the grid, set up the number of threads required to speed up the processing for EDI 846, Forecast Create, and Order Import. Invoice Create Multithreading is not available currently, but will be added in a future release. By default, multithreading is turned off so the number of threads is set to zero.

When using multithreading for Order Import, you must experiment with the settings to see what number of threads provides the greatest performance improvement. We recommend starting with 1 or 2 if you only import few orders. If you import hundreds or thousands of orders a day, a setting of 5 may be more suitable.

NOTE Setting the number of threads too high can slow down the overall performance of the order import. There are finite resources on a system and spinning up threads involves some overhead. For assistance, contact the Aptean Professional Services Team or the Aptean Customer Success Team.

Addresses Tab Fields and Buttons

Note You must click the Commit Changes button to save changes to a system ID address.

Field or Button


Address Type

Click the Lookup button to select an address type. You can enter the following address types for each system ID:

  • Bill-To

  • BOL 3rd Party - Used for third-party billing during bill of lading processing if you select 3rd Party in the Freight Charge Terms field in Bill of Lading Process.

  • Mailing

  • Physical - Used for EDI 810 and 856 transactions (if a remit-to address is not set up), for UCC 128 labels, and for accounts payable form 1099 printing.

  • Remit-To - Used for customer invoice printing and EDI 810 and 856 transactions.

  • Ship-To

The bill-to, mailing, and ship-to addresses are not presently used by the system.

Copy Address

Click this button to copy the physical address for the system ID to the selected address. This button is only enabled if an option other than Physical is selected for the Address Type field.

Note You can only use this button to copy an address for a previously created system ID.


Enter an address name, or click the Lookup button to select an address name.

Enable SmartyStreets Address Validation

Select this check box to enable sales order address validation using SmartyStreets. This check box is cleared by default.

Address 1

Enter the first line of the address.

SmartyStreets Validation Type

Select the type of SmartyStreets address validation to use:

  • US Address - Validate US addresses using the SmartyStreets US Street Address API.

  • International Address - Validate addresses using the SmartyStreets International Street Address API.

  • Both - Validate addresses using both the SmartyStreets US Street Address API and the SmartyStreets International Street Address API. For US addresses, the US Street Address API is used first, but if an address is not found, the International Street Address API is used.

This radio set is only enabled if the Enable SmartyStreets Address Validation check box is selected.

Enable Enhanced Matching

Select this check box to turn on Enhanced Matching. SmartyStreets uses this feature to validate addresses through a more aggressive matching mechanism. This check box is only enabled if either the US Address radio button or Both radio button is selected for the field SmartyStreets Validation Type.

NOTE This feature requires a SmartyStreets US Core license.

Address 2

Enter the second line of the address.

Phone #

Enter the phone number of the address.

Authentication ID

Enter the SmartyStreets authentication ID for your company. This field is only enabled if the Enable SmartyStreets Address Validation check box is selected.

Address 3

Enter the third line of the address.

Fax #

Enter the fax number of the address.

Authentication token

Enter the SmartyStreets authentication token for your company. This field is only enabled if the Enable SmartyStreets Address Validation check box is selected.


Enter the city of the address, or click the Lookup button to select a city.

Manual Hold Reason Code

Enter a manual hold reason code to use when putting orders on hold if SmartyStreets validation determines that the addresses are not valid, or click the Lookup button to select a manual hold reason code. This field is only enabled if the Enable SmartyStreets Address Validation check box is selected.


Enter the state or province of the address, or click the Lookup button to select a state or province.

Note If you are creating a new system ID, you can only enter a state or province that exists in the system ID into which you are currently logged in. After the new system ID is created, you can then create states or provinces for it, and update the state or province in the address for the system ID.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code of the address, or click the Lookup button to select a postal code.

Note If you are creating a new system ID, you can only enter a postal code that exists in the system ID into which you are currently logged in. After the new system ID is created, you can then create postal codes for it, and update the postal code in the address for the system ID.


Enter the country of the address, or click the Lookup button to select the country.

Note If you are creating a new system ID, you can only enter a country that exists in the system ID into which you are currently logged in. After the new system ID is created, you can then create countries for it, and update the country in the address for the system ID.


Enter the county of the address.


Enter a contact name for the address.


Enter an email address for the address.

Commit Changes

Click this button to save the changes made to an address for the selected system ID.

Delete Address

Click this button to delete the selected address for the selected system ID.

Network Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


View Program

Enter the default path and file name of the executable text editor program (typically Wordpad.exe) for viewing reports, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the program. This can be overridden for specific users. If no view program is entered for the user or system ID, the default Windows text viewer is used.

Spreadsheet File

Enter the default path and file name of the executable spreadsheet program (typically Excel.exe) for exporting reports and/or inquires, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the program.

Image Viewer

Enter the default path and file name of the executable view program for all images (typically, Visioneer’s Paperport Viewer), or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the program.

Report Directory

Enter the default path and folder where reports are temporarily stored (typically C:\temp\reporting), or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the folder. A reporting log file is saved in this folder. Report database files (MDB), report files (RPT), and output files (PDF, XLSX, etc.) are also stored in this folder.

Report Working Directory

Enter the default path and folder where Crystal Reports reports are stored, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the folder. This can be overridden for specific users.

Label Directory

Enter the default path and folder where label files are stored, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the folder.

ODBC Data Source

Enter the ODBC data source for the Crystal Reports interface. The field is set to Apprise-odbc by default.

Custom ODBC Data Source

Enter the custom ODBC data source for the Crystal Reports interface. This is the ODBC data source for the custom database if you have custom reports that need to connect to the custom database.

Help File

Enter the folder path and file name of the Help file for the system ID, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the Help file. This can be overridden for specific users in User Profile Maintenance. If no Help file is specified for the user and system ID, the default Apprise Help file is used.

Default BI File Location

Enter the default folder path in which PowerPlay MDC and PPX files are stored for the Business Intelligence (legacy) module, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the folder. For more information on the files stored in this folder, see Business Intelligence (legacy) Overview.

3rd Party Forecasting Export File

Enter the default folder path and file name for the Export Filename Path field in 3rd Party Forecasting Export, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the folder path and file.

Attachment Directory

Enter the folder path used to store attachments for the system ID, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the folder. This can be overridden for a specific attachment group or type. The folder path for the attachment type takes precedence over the other folder paths.

NOTE This can be a UNC path or a mapped drive. The AppServer must be able to access this folder, and the folder must be in the same domain as the AppServer.

When an attachment is created, the file for the attachment is moved to this folder.

File or Image Upload Directory

Enter the folder path used to store files and images for the system ID, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the folder. This folder is used to store files that are not attached to records in Attachment Entry (for example, a voucher image).

NOTE This can be a UNC path or a mapped drive. The AppServer must be able to access this folder, and the folder must be in the same domain as the AppServer.

When a file or image is specified for a record, the file or image is moved to this folder.

Apprise Analytics URL

Enter the URL of the Apprise Action Center. When the URL is populated, any new login to Apprise will display a new icon on the main menu. Click this icon to view the Data Warehouse dashboard on the Apprise application.

Enable Data Warehouse Sync

Select this check box to create a recurring scheduled task to synchronize data to the Data Warehouse. If you clear this check box, the recurring scheduled task is cancelled. By default, the synchronization occurs every minute. A log file is generated and updated continuously during the synchronization process. This log file lists the successfully synchronized records and the failed synchronized records.

NOTE Every time you select or clear this check box, you must restart the Apprise application for the changes to be applied.

Log File

Enter the location for the log file that is generated, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location.

For more information on synchronizing the failed records, see Data Warehouse Sync Exception Management.

Tax Info Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Tax Interface

Select any one of the following tax interfaces:

  • None - Select this option if you do not want to use any tax interface.

  • AvaTax - Select this option if you want to use AvaTax as the tax interface. The Tax Interface settings appear only when this option is selected. For more information, see AvaTax Interface FAQ.


Select any one of the following modes:

  • Test - Connects to AvaTax sandbox environment

  • Live - Connects to AvaTax production environment

Enable Location Based Reporting

Select this check box to enable location based reporting to send the sales location code for a transaction in Apprise to AvaTax as the reporting location code.

Place Orders on Manual Hold

Select this check box to place orders with AvaTax errors on manual hold.

Reason Code

Click the Lookup button to select the specific reason for which the orders are placed on manual hold. This field is only enabled when the Place Orders on Manual Hold check box is selected.

Account Number (Test)

Enter the account number provided by Avalara for the sandbox environment. This field is only enabled when the Test mode is selected.

Test Connection (Test)

Click this button to verify whether the connection to the AvaTax sandbox environment is successful.

License Key (Test)

Enter the license key generated on the AvaTax website for the sandbox environment. This field is only enabled when the Test mode is selected.

Company Code (Test)

Enter the company code configured on the AvaTax website for the sandbox environment. This field is only enabled when the Test mode is selected.

Account Number (Live)

Enter the account number provided by Avalara for the production environment. This field is only enabled when the Live mode is selected.

Test Connection (Live)

Click this button to verify whether the connection to the AvaTax production environment is successful.

License Key (Live)

Enter the license key generated on the AvaTax website for the production environment. This field is only enabled when the Live mode is selected.

Company Code (Live)

Enter the company code configured on the AvaTax website for the production environment. This field is only enabled when the Live mode is selected.

Output Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Use External Mail

Select this check box to use external email.

Note If this check box is cleared, internal Apprise mail is used. Delivery to CC and BCC addresses is only available if you use external email.

If this check box is cleared, you cannot email reports from Apprise.

Use Scheduling Assistant for All Emails

Select this check box to use Scheduling Assistant for sending email. This allows users to continue their work as email is being sent. A special Scheduling Assistant queue is used to prioritize email tasks.

Delivery Method

Select whether email is delivered by Outlook or SMTP. If you select the SMTP radio button, you must enter the SMTP server and default from address in the SMTP Server and Default From Address fields. These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the Use External Mail check box.

Note You do not need to select the SMTP radio button unless you want to send all Apprise reports via SMTP. If you have both Outlook and SMTP configured on your network, the only noticeable difference between the two is that when a report is sent via SMTP, the From email address is the address entered in the Default From Address field.

Use SSL for SMTP

Select this check box to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption for increased security when delivering email via SMTP.

Note If you select this check box, you must restart Apprise to apply the change.

Address Book

Select whether to use the internal or Outlook address book for email.  These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the Use External Mail check box.

SMTP Server

Enter the server name or IP address where the SMTP service is running. This field is only enabled if you select the Use External Mail check box. If you need to specify a port number, enter the value in the following format:

Note You must enter a valid value in this field if you are using EDI Transaction Manager. This value is used even if the Outlook radio button is selected.

SMTP Userid

Enter a valid user for the SMTP service (often an email address). This user ID is used to send email via Scheduling Assistant if no SMTP user ID is specified for the Apprise user ID. This field is only enabled if you select the Use External Mail check box.

Note You must enter a valid value in this field if you are using EDI Transaction Manager. This value is used even if the Outlook radio button is selected.

SMTP Password

Enter the password for the user entered in the SMTP Userid field. This field is only enabled if you select the Use External Mail check box.

Note You must enter a valid value in this field if you are using EDI Transaction Manager. This value is used even if the Outlook radio button is selected.

Default From Address

Enter the default email address from which to send outgoing email via SMTP. This generally is the same as the SMTP user ID entered in the SMTP Userid field, but may be different depending on how the SMTP service is configured on the network. This field is only enabled if you select the Use External Mail check box.

Note You must enter a valid value in this field if you are using EDI Transaction Manager. This value is used even if the Outlook radio button is selected (but it is not used for Outlook email).

Use External Fax through Email Service

Select this check box to enable users to fax documents via a third-party email fax service. This check box is cleared by default.

NOTE Only select this check box if you have set up an account with a third-party email fax solution.

Fax Email Suffix

Enter the fax service domain if you will send faxes via email using a third-party email fax service. This field is only enabled if the Use External Fax through Email Service check box is selected.

Example You use a fax email service called When a fax is sent via email to a contact at fax number 555-5555, the email is sent to Enter in this field.

Credit Card Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Credit Card Interface

Select one of the following options:

  • Worldpay - Select this option to enable automatic validation and processing of credit card sales orders and returns through the Internet using Worldpay.

  • None - Select this option if you do not want to use any credit card interface.

For more information, see Credit Card Interface FAQ.

Authorization Basis

Click the Lookup button to select the monetary amount for credit card authorizations. Select one of the following:

  • Minimum Charge - For Worldpay, a zero amount AVS Only transaction.

  • Order Total - The total amount of the order.

  • Shippable Amount - The shippable amount of the order. If there is no shippable amount, an authorization is made for 1 in the currency of the order.

If no option is selected, the total amount of the order is authorized. This option can be overridden for specific order classes, and group, division, and customer credit rules.

The Lookup button for this field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field.

For information on how this setting affects credit card transactions, see Credit Card Orders.

Authorize Over Amount %

Enter the percentage over the amount for allocated products to authorize during pick demand creation.

This percentage should account for the following:

  • Freight that may be added during shipping (not known, not on the order before shipping)

  • Backordered quantities on the order that may come into inventory and ship with the shipment being prepared

This field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field.

Mode (Worldpay Settings)

Select Test if you are testing the system, or Live if you are ready to go live. This only needs to be selected if you are using online credit card processing through Worldpay. For more information, see Credit Card Interface FAQ.

These radio buttons are only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field.

Account ID (Test)

Enter the Worldpay test account ID. This field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field and the Test radio button.

Application ID (Test)

Enter the Worldpay test application ID. This field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field and the Test radio button.

Acceptor ID (Test)

Enter the Worldpay test acceptor ID. This field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field and the Test radio button.

Account Token (Test)

Enter the Worldpay test account token. This field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field and the Test radio button.

Terminal ID (Test)

Enter the Worldpay test terminal ID. This field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field and the Test radio button.

Account ID (Live)

Enter the Worldpay live account ID. This field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field and the Live radio button.

Application ID (Live)

Enter the Worldpay live application ID. This field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field and the Live radio button.

Acceptor ID (Live)

Enter the Worldpay live acceptor ID. This field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field and the Live radio button.

Account Token (Live)

Enter the Worldpay live account token. This field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field and the Live radio button.

Terminal ID (Live)

Enter the Worldpay live terminal ID. This field is only enabled if you select Worldpay for the Credit Card Interface field and the Live radio button.

Aptean eCommerce Options Tab Fields and Buttons

NOTE This tab is only enabled if you have licensed Aptean eCommerce

Field or Button


Use Aptean eCommerce

Select this check box to enable Aptean eCommerce options


Select any one of the following modes:

  • Test - Connects to Aptean eCommerce sandbox environment.

  • Live - Connects to Aptean eCommerce production environment.

Test Connection (Test)

Click this button to verify whether the connection to the eCommerce sandbox environment is successful.

eCommerce Tenant ID (Test)

Enter the Tenant ID for the sandbox environment provided by the Aptean Services team. This field is only enabled if you select the Test radio button.

Test Connection (Live)

Click this button to verify whether the connection to the eCommerce production environment is successful.

eCommerce Tenant ID (Live)

Enter the Tenant ID for the production environment provided by the Aptean Services team. This field is only enabled if you select the Live radio button.

Print Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Note This tab is only used when outputting the Directory Status Report. This report lists invalid folders that you have set up in System ID Maintenance, and is output if you click the OK button in the ribbon, and then the Yes button.

Field or Button


Output Option

Select one of the following output options:

  • Screen - Output to a PDF so you can immediately view the report.

  • File - Output to a PDF, Excel, Access, or delimited file to be stored for later use. If you select this option, specify the file type and either the output folder or file name.

  • Printer - Output to a selected printer. If you select this option, specify a printer in the Printer field.

  • Email - Output to your default email application. If you select this option, you are prompted to select recipients for the email, then an email is created with the report attached as a PDF file.

  • Excel - Output directly to Excel. You can specify the location of the Excel application in the Spreadsheet File field in User Profile Maintenance. If you output to Excel, the report may include additional information.

Save Report File

Select this check box to save the Crystal Reports report (.rpt) file for the report to the folder entered in the Report Working Directory field for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance. You can use the report file to customize the report. For more information, see Crystal Reports FAQ. This check box is only available if you select the Screen radio button.

Save Access Database File

Select this check box to save the Access database (.mdb) file for the report to the folder entered in the Report Working Directory field for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance. You can use the Access database file to customize the report. For more information, see Crystal Reports FAQ. This check box is only available if you select the Screen radio button.

Output File Type

Select whether to output to a PDF, Excel, Access, or delimited (CSV, DAT, or TXT) file. These radio buttons are only available if you select the File radio button.

Specify File Name

Select this check box to specify the file name of the output report. This check box is only available if you select the File radio button.

Output Directory

Enter the location for the output report, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location. This field is only available if the Specify File Name check box is cleared.

Output File Name

Enter a location and file name for the output report, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location and file name. The file extension of the file name should match the selected output file type. This field is only available if you select the Specify File Name check box.

Excel Format Name

Enter an Excel format name, or click the Lookup button to select an Excel format name. Excel formats can be set up to specify which fields are output to Excel, and the order and sort order of the fields. This field is only available if you select the Excel radio button.

Format Maintenance

Click this button to display Excel Format Maintenance, which allows you to set up Excel formats. This button is only available if you select the Excel radio button.

Save As Type

Click the Lookup button to select whether to save the delimited file as a CSV, DAT, or TXT file. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button, and only enabled if the Specify File Name check box is cleared.

Include header

Select this check box to include a row of header information in the exported delimited file, which labels the data. This check box is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.


Enter a comma (,), caret (^), or vertical bar (|) as a delimiter for the exported delimited file. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.

Enclosing Character

If you want to use single or double quotation marks around data exported to a delimited file, enter ' or " in this field. Even if this field is left blank, text fields that have commas or carriage returns are enclosed in quotes. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.


Click the Lookup button to select a printer. This field is only available if you select the Printer radio button.


Enter a subject for the report email. This field is only available if you select the Email radio button. If you leave this field blank, the subject is the report title.

Report File Prefix

Enter a prefix for the report file name. This field is only available if you select the Email radio button.

Add Additional Comments

Select this check box if you want to include additional comments with the emailed report. If you select this check box, the Additional Comments window appears after you click the Print button in the ribbon, and allows you to enter the comments. This check box is only available if you select the Email radio button.

Print Full Heading on All Pages

Select this check box to include the entire heading from the first page of the report on all pages of the report. This check box is cleared by default, and only enabled if you select the Screen, File, Printer, or Email radio button.

Print Title Line on All Pages

Select this check box to include the report title, page number, and printed date/time on all pages of the report. This check box is selected by default and only enabled if you select the Screen, File, Printer, or Email radio button, and if the Print Full Heading on All Pages check box is cleared.

Report Language 1

Enter the first language for the report, or click the Lookup button to select a language.

Report Language 2

Enter the second language for the report, or click the Lookup button to select a language. If you enter a language in this field, the report is printed in this language and the language entered in the Report Language 1 field.

Horizontal Shading

Select this check box to include horizontal shading on alternate lines of the report to make it easier to read report data. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you select the Screen, File, Printer, or Email radio button.


Select this check box to collate the printed copies of the report (if you are printing multiple copies of the report). This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you select the Printer radio button and enter a value greater than 1 in the Number of Copies field.

Example You are printing five copies of a 20 page report to distribute to five different people. Leave this check box selected, so that pages 1-20 of the first copy prints, then pages 1-20 of the second copy, etc. If you clear this check box, five copies of page 1 prints, then five copies of page 2, etc.

Horizontal Shading Color

Click the Lookup button to select the color of horizontal shading on the report. This Lookup button is only enabled if you select the Horizontal Shading check box.

Number of Copies

Enter the number of copies of the report to print. This field is only enabled if you select the Printer radio button.


These radio buttons are disabled in this window.

Task Occurs

These radio buttons are disabled in this window.


These fields and radio buttons are disabled in this window.


This field is disabled in this window.

Task Description

This field is disabled in this window.

Scheduling Assistant Queue

This field is disabled in this window.

External Email

This check box is disabled in this window.

Screen Alert

This check box is disabled in this window.

Internal Email

This check box is disabled in this window.

Report Files

This grid displays report files set up for the report, and is only available if report files are set up for the program in Report File Maintenance. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Print - Select the check box in this column to output the report file.

  • Number of Copies - Enter the number of copies of the report file to print. This column is only available if you select the Printer radio button.

  • Report Description - This column displays the description of each report file.

  • Report Filename - This column displays the .rpt file name for each report file.

  • Report Name - This column displays the name of each report file.