A/P PO Inbound Reconciliation

Menu Path: None

To use A/P PO Inbound Reconciliation, click the Reconcile button in the ribbon in Voucher Entry, Voucher Edit, or Voucher PO Selection.


Reconcile purchase order line items for inbound vouchers.


Use A/P PO Inbound Reconciliation to select purchase order line items to reconcile for a voucher, and add any additional charges associated with the purchase order(s).

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button when you have completed the process of reconciling purchase orders with the voucher.

Show Data

Click this button to refresh data in the Line Items grid.

As Is

Click this button to reconcile a voucher as is with the displayed quantities, unit costs, and extended costs.

Select Receipts

Click this button to display A/P PO Select Receipts, which allows you to reconcile to only specific receipts. By default, all receipts for the displayed purchase order's line items are available for reconciliation. This button is only enabled after products are received (when manually reconciling an inbound voucher).

Receipt Notes

Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view and enter notes for a selected receipt. This button is only enabled after products are received (when manually reconciling an inbound voucher).

Line Item Notes

Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view and enter notes for a selected line item.


Click this button to display Reconciliation Charge Maintenance, which allows you to manually assign voucher and pay amounts to a selected additional charge. This button is only available if you click the Additional Charges tab.

Items Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Line Items

This grid displays all line items for the selected purchase order(s). This grid includes the following columns:

  • Purchase Order Number - This column displays the purchase order number for all purchase orders' line items that can be reconciled.

  • Receipt # - This column displays all receipt numbers associated with the purchase order(s) being reconciled after products are received (when manually reconciling an inbound voucher).

  • Shipment # - This column displays the shipment number for each line item.

  • Container Code - This column displays the container code for each line item.

  • Container Name - This column displays the container name for each line item.

  • Receipt Date - This column displays the date of each receipt against the displayed purchase order(s) after products are received (when manually reconciling an inbound voucher).

  • Line # - This column displays the line item number for each purchase order.

  • UM - Enter the unit of measure for each line item.

  • Inbound Qty - This field displays the inbound quantity for each line item.

  • Voucher Quantity - Enter the supplier's invoice quantity for each line item you want to reconcile. If you change this quantity, the corresponding quantity in the Pay Qty column also changes.

  • Inbound Unit Cost - This field displays the inbound unit cost for each line item.

  • Voucher Unit Cost - Enter the cost of each line item from the supplier's invoice. This column's data defaults from the purchase order's unit costs.

  • Voucher Cost Adjustment - Enter a cost adjustment against the unit cost entered in the Voucher Unit Cost column.

  • Inbound Tot Cost - This column displays the total inbound cost for each line item, which is equal to the Inbound Qty column multiplied by the Inbound Unit Cost column.

  • Voucher Total Cost - This column displays the voucher total cost for each line item, which is equal to the Voucher Quantity column multiplied by the sum of the Voucher Unit Cost and Voucher Cost Adjustment columns.

  • Pay Qty - Enter the pay quantity for each line item you want to reconcile. The quantities in this column default to the quantities entered in the Voucher Quantity column.

  • Pay Unit Cost - Enter the unit cost you want to pay the supplier for each line item. The costs in this column default to the costs in the Voucher Unit Cost column.

  • Pay Cost Adj - Enter a cost adjustment against the unit cost entered in the Pay Unit Cost column.

  • Pay Tot Cost - This column displays the total payment cost for each line item, which is equal to the Pay Qty column multiplied by the sum of the Pay Unit Cost and Pay Cost Adj columns.

  • Expected Qty - This column displays the quantity expected to be reconciled for each line item.

  • Exp Unit Cost - This column displays the expected unit cost for each line item. This cost is established on the purchase order and cannot be changed.

  • Exp Cost Adj - This column displays any adjustments to the cost in the Exp Unit Cost column for each line item. This cost adjustment is established on the purchase order and cannot be changed.

  • Exp Tot Cost - This column displays the expected total cost for each line item. This total cost is established on the purchase order and cannot be changed.

  • Release # - This column displays the release number for blanket purchase orders.

  • Release Line # - This column displays the release line number for blanket purchase orders.

  • Product Code - This column displays the product code for each purchase order's line item.

  • Product Name - This column displays the product name for each purchase order's line item.

  • Supplier Product Code - This column displays the supplier's product code if assigned. If one does not exist, it displays Not Available.

  • Exp Total Weight - This column displays the expected total weight for each line item.

  • Voucher Weight - Enter the voucher weight for each line item.

  • Pay Weight - Enter the weight for which you are paying the supplier for each line item.

  • Exp Unit Cost Per Weight - This column displays the expected unit cost per weight for each line item.

  • Voucher Unit Cost Per Weight - Enter the voucher unit cost per weight for each line item.

  • Pay Unit Cost Per Weight - Enter the unit cost per weight you are paying for each line item.

Note Voucher values should correspond with the supplier's invoice, and are informational only. Pay values should correspond with the actual payment to the supplier, and will affect accounting entries.

Total Cost

This field displays the total cost associated with the payment to the supplier.

Additional Charges Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Supplier Type

Additional charges can be created on purchase orders payable to the supplier of the purchase order or to a different supplier. Select one of the following options :

  • PO Supplier - Display charges associated with the purchase order from the supplier of the products on the purchase order. Each charge is payable to the supplier associated with the purchase order. This option is selected by default.

  • Charge Supplier - Display charges associated with the purchase order, but not from the supplier of the products. The charge is payable to a supplier other than the supplier of the purchase. An example of this type of charge is customs or duty charges, which are usually payable to customs clearing agents.

PO #

This field displays the purchase order being reconciled. This field defaults to the first purchase order on the Items tab. Click the Lookup button to select another purchase order (if valid).

Container #

This field displays the container for the displayed purchase order. Click the Lookup button to select another container, if valid.

Line #

Click the Lookup button to select the a line item for which you want to display additional charges.

Voucher Charge Amount

Enter an additional charge amount from the voucher that you want to distribute to multiple containers.


Click this button to apply the amount entered in the Voucher Charge Amount to line items for the selected additional charge in the Charges grid, based on the distribution settings for the additional charge. When you click this button, amounts in the Voucher Amount and Amount columns are updated for each row with the selected charge in the Charges grid.


This grid displays all additional charges for the selected purchase order or line item number. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Charge Type - This column displays the charge type for each additional charge.

  • Description - This column displays the description for each additional charge.

  • Purchase Order Number - This column displays the purchase order number associated with each additional charge.

  • Receipt # - This column displays the receipt number associated with each additional charge after products are received (when manually reconciling an inbound voucher).

  • Shipment # - This column displays the shipment ID associated with each additional charge.

  • Container Code - This column displays the container code associated with each additional charge.

  • Container Name - This column displays the container name associated with each additional charge.

  • Release # - This column displays the release number associated with each additional charge.

  • Release Line # - This column displays the release line number associated with each additional charge.

  • Receipt Date - This column displays the receipt date associated with each additional charge after products are received (when manually reconciling an inbound voucher).

  • Line # - This column displays the line item number for each additional charge.

  • Pay Amount - This column displays the pay amount for each additional charge.

  • Voucher Amount - This column displays the voucher amount for each additional charge.

  • Exp Amount - This column displays the expected amount for each additional charge.

  • Inbound Amount - This column displays the inbound amount for each additional charge.

  • Product Code - This column displays the product code associated with each line item additional charge. This column is blank for an additional charge associated with an entire purchase order.

  • Product Name - This column displays the product name associated with each line item additional charge. This column is blank for an additional charge associated with an entire purchase order.

  • Product Description - This column displays the product description associated with each line item additional charge. This column is blank for an additional charge associated with an entire purchase order.

Double-click an additional charge to display Reconciliation Charge Maintenance, which allows you to manually assign voucher and pay amounts to a selected additional charge.

Total Cost

This field displays the total cost associated with the payment to the supplier.

VAT Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays all VAT line items for the supplier. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Charge Type - This column displays the charge type for each VAT line item.

  • Supplier Code - This column displays the supplier code for the purchase order for each VAT line item.

  • Purchase Order Number - This column displays the purchase order number for each VAT line item.

  • Receipt # - This column displays the receipt number for each VAT line item after products are received (when manually reconciling an inbound voucher).

  • VAT Exempt Reason Code - Enter a VAT exempt reason code if the VAT line item is exempt from VAT.

  • Shipment # - This column displays the shipment number for each VAT line item.

  • Container Code - This column displays the container code for each VAT line item.

  • VAT Rate - This column displays the VAT rate for each VAT line item. This defaults to the rate calculated from the VAT class. The VAT rate is based on the rate on the purchase order line items.

  • Base Amount - This column displays the amount on which VAT is based for each VAT line item.

  • Source - This column displays the source for each VAT line item.

  • VAT Supplier Code - This column displays the VAT supplier code for each VAT line item.

  • Release # - This column displays the blanket purchase order release number for each VAT line item that is for a blanket purchase order release.

  • Receipt Date - This column displays the receipt date for products received for each VAT line item after products are received (when manually reconciling an inbound voucher).

  • Product Code - This column displays the product code for each VAT line item.

  • VAT Class Code - Enter the VAT class for each VAT line item.

  • Pay Amount - Enter the pay amount for each VAT line item.

  • Voucher Amount - Enter the voucher amount for each VAT line item. If you change this amount, the corresponding amount in the Pay Amount column also changes.

  • Exp Amount - This column displays each VAT line item.

  • Inbound Amount - This column displays the inbound amount for each VAT line item.

  • Header - This column indicates if each VAT line item is a header.

  • Line # - This column displays the line number for each VAT line item.

  • Expected Qty - This column displays the expected quantity of received product for each VAT amount.

  • Voucher Quantity - Enter the supplier's invoice quantity for each VAT amount you want to reconcile. If you change this quantity, the corresponding quantity in the Pay Qty column also changes, and the amounts in the Pay Amount and Voucher Amount columns change.

  • Pay Qty - Enter the pay quantity for each line item you want to reconcile. The quantities in this column default to the quantities entered in the Voucher Quantity column.

  • Inbound Qty - This column displays the inbound quantity for each VAT line item.

  • Exp Rcpt Amt - This column displays the expected receipt amount for each VAT line item.

  • Manual - Select the check box in this column if you want to manually change voucher/pay quantities and amounts for a VAT line item.

  • Voucher # - This column displays the voucher number for each VAT line item.

  • Release Line # - This column displays the release line number for each VAT line item associated with blanket purchase orders.

Total Cost

This field displays the total cost associated with the payment to the supplier.