Configuration Kit Group Selection

Menu Path: None

To use Configuration Kit Group Selection, perform one of the following:


View or select products for configuration kits.


Use Configuration Kit Group Selection to select products from product groups in a configuration kit. You can also use this window to view the products that are included in a configuration kit.

Note If you access this window directly from Order Inquiry, you can only view the products included in a configuration kit. You can also only view the products if the work order was already created.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Configuration Kit Group Selection window and save selected products for configuration kit groups.


Click this button to close the Configuration Kit Group Selection window.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Select whether you want to view only product groups or both product groups and products in the Product Groups and Products grid. This field is only available if you access this window from O/E Line Item Entry.

Product Groups/Product Groups and Products

This grid displays all the product groups in the selected configuration kit. It also displays the products if you select the Product Groups and Products radio button. Double-click a product group to select the product quantities for that group in the order. This grid is only available if you access this window from O/E Line Item Entry.

Selected Products

This grid displays all products for the configuration kit group that you double-clicked in the Product Groups and Products grid. Enter a quantity for the products to include in the configuration kit in the Qty Used column, and then click Enter. The sum of quantities entered must equal the quantity in the Req. Qty field in the Product Groups and Products grid for the selected product group. This grid is only available if you access this window from O/E Line Item Entry.


Click this button to accept the quantities entered in the Qty Used column in the Selected Products grid. When you click this button, the grid is cleared so that you can select another product group (if necessary). This button is only available if you access this window from O/E Line Item Entry.


Click this button to clear the Selected Products grid. This button is only available if you access this window from O/E Line Item Entry.


This grid displays all products for the configuration kit. This grid is only available if you access this window directly from Order Entry.