O/E Line Item Entry

Menu Path: None

To use O/E Line Item Entry, perform one of the following:

Note You must enter a customer for an order before you click the Edit Items in the ribbon in Order Entry. You cannot edit items for closed orders. O/E Line Item Entry must be set up as your default order line item entry method.


Maintain sales order line items.


Use O/E Line Item Entry to add, update, or delete line items on an order. If your order entry extended user options are not set up to use express order entry, you have the option of changing the unit of measure, changing the price, and allocating a price adjustment percentage before accepting the product. If you have selected an incorrect product, or want to select a different product, you can use the Delete Line button in the ribbon to delete a line item. After the item information is correct, click the Enter button to accept the item and move it to the Items grid. These two buttons are not in use if using express order entry.

For information on the grid columns displayed in O/E Line Item Entry, see O/E Line Item Entry Items Grid Columns.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the O/E Line Item Entry window.

Delete Line

Click this button to delete the line item selected in the Items grid.

Cancel Line

Click this button to cancel the line item selected in the Items grid. When you click this button, the Order Line Cancellation Reason window appears, which allows you to enter an order line cancel reason code and comment on why the line item was cancelled. This button is only available for sales and quote orders, and only available if you are allowed to manually cancel order lines.

Additional Charges

Click this button to display Additional Charge Entry, which allows you to enter additional charges (miscellaneous charges) to a line item. The icon for this button includes a check mark if an additional charge exists for the selected line item.


Click this button to display Location Selection, which allows you to select a shipping location for the selected line item. This button is only available if the Allow Multiple Location Ship from check box is selected in Customer Service Control Maintenance.

If this button is available, and an entered line item is backordered due to insufficient quantities in the shipping location selected on the Main tab in Order Entry, you are asked if you want to select another location. If you click the Yes button, the Location Selection window appears.

Promise Date

Click this button to display Promise Date Calculation, which allows you to view when product will be arriving if a product is backordered. For more information, see Promise Dates.


Click this button to display Serial Allocation, which allows you to specify serial numbers for the selected line item in the Items grid.

Note This button is only available if a serial-tracked product is selected in the Items grid, and the Allow Serial Allocation at This Location check box is selected in Location Maintenance for the shipping location of the product.

Config. Kits

Click this button to display Configuration Kit Group Selection, which allows you to select products for configuration kits. For more information on configuration kits, see Configuration Kit FAQ.

Note This button is only available if a configuration kit is selected in the Items grid.

Line Item User Defined Fields

Click this button to display Line Item User Defined Fields, which allows you to view and enter data for user-defined fields associated with the selected line item.


Click this button to recalculate the price of order line items. This is generally used in conjunction with mix and match or family code pricing. For information on setting up family code pricing, see Family Price Maintenance. For more information on pricing, see Price Logic FAQ. This button is not available for a return order if the Calculate Price for Returns check box is cleared for the order class of the order in Order Class Maintenance.

New Item

Click this button to display Product Definition, which allows you to create a new product on the fly. This button is only available if Allowed or Non Stock Only is selected in the On the Fly Product Creation field in User Extended Options. This button is disabled if you are entering a sample order.

Add Cust. Prod

Click this button to display Customer Product Code Entry, which allows you to create customer product codes linked to your company’s existing products. You must have a valid product displayed in the Product Code and Name fields before you click this button.

This button is only enabled if you are authorized to use Customer Product Maintenance.


Click this button to display Detail for Product, which allows you view detailed information and images for the selected product. This window provides additional information on the product such as the replenishment path, lead time, internal buyer, purchase minimum, purchase increment, and detailed description. This data is loaded at the product level or product-location level (set up in Product Maintenance or Product Location Maintenance).

Image File 1

Click this button to display the first image associated with the selected product. This button is only enabled if an image file is associated with the selected product.

You can enter the label for this button in the Product Image Label 1 field in Warehouse Management Control Maintenance.

Image File 2

Click this button to display the second image associated with the selected product. This button is only enabled if a second image file is associated with the selected product.

You can enter the label for this button in the Product Image Label 2 field in Warehouse Management Control Maintenance.

Image File 3

Click this button to display the third image associated with the selected product. This button is only enabled if a third image file is associated with the selected product.

You can enter the label for this button in the Product Image Label 3 field in Warehouse Management Control Maintenance.

Hold Selected

Click this button to put selected line items on hold. When you click this button, the check box in the Line Item Hold column is selected for all selected line items in the Items grid.

Note You can use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple line items.

Release Selected

Click this button to release the selected line items from being on hold. When you click this button, the check box in the Line Item Hold column is cleared for all selected line items in the Items grid.

Note You can use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple line items.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to enter notes for a line item on the order.


Click this button to display Remark Entry, which allows you to enter remarks for a line item on the order.

Edit Sample Reason

Click this button to display Order Entry Sample Data Input, which allows you to enter sample data for a sample order line item. This button is only available if you are entering a sample order.

Ribbon Entry Methods Tab Buttons




Click this button to display Order Pad, which allows you to order items based on a selected order pad. For more information on setting up order pads, see Order Pad Maintenance.


Click this button to display Product Style Entry, which allows you to order products within the same style.


Click this button to display Promotional Items, which allows you to order items on promotion (price matrix records marked as special promotions).

Recent Purchases

Click this button to display Recent Purchases Order Pad, which allows you to reorder products previously ordered by the selected customer.

Previous Orders/Previous Invoices

Click this button to display Previous Orders or Previous Invoices, which lists orders or invoices previously processed for the selected customer, and allows you to select products from those orders or invoices for the current order.

NOTE The Previous Invoices button is only available for return orders.

Previous Products

Click this button to display Orders for Items, which lists orders for the selected item. You can use this window for informational purposes or to enter new order line items.

Invoices for Item

Click this button to display Invoice for Items, which lists invoices for the selected item. You can use this window for informational purposes or to enter new order line items. This button is only available for return orders.

Style Matrix

Click this button to display Style Matrix Entry, which allows you to quickly enter products to an order using product styles. When you click this button, the O/E Line Item Entry window closes.

Ribbon Inquiries Tab Buttons



Price Matrix

Click this button to display Order Entry Item Price Lookup, which allows you to view applicable price matrixes for the selected product or the selected line item in the Items grid. This window also identifies the price source of the product.

Inventory Matrix

Click this button to view detailed product information in Inventory Matrix Inquiry for the selected item or a selected line item in the Items grid.

Style Inventory Matrix Inquiry

Click this button to display Style Inventory Matrix Inquiry, which allows you to view inventory for a style associated with a selected product.

Bill of Material Multi-Level Inquiry

Click this button to display Bill of Material Multi-Level Inquiry, which allows you to view components of a bill of material for a selected product.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Product Code

Enter a product code, or click the Lookup button to select a product code. You can select a product by code or name.

Note If a search name is set up for a product in Product Maintenance, you can enter the search name in this field instead of the product code. If a product synonym is set up for a product in Product Synonym Maintenance, you can enter the product synonym code in this field instead of the product code. If a customer product code is set up for a product in Customer Product Maintenance, you can enter the customer product code in this field instead of the product code.


Enter the order quantity for the product.

NOTE You can only enter a decimal quantity in this field if the Decimal radio button is selected for the Enter Order Quantity As radio set on the Order Entry tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance.


Enter the unit of measure for the order quantity. This field defaults to the selling unit of measure for the selected product in the selected shipping location.

Note If you are using express order entry, you can only select an alternate unit of measure before entering a quantity in the Qty field.

Unit Price

Enter the price per unit for the ordered product. If a price is set up for the product, it is entered in this field automatically. For more information, see Price Logic FAQ. If you are using express order entry, you can only change a price in the Unit Price column in the Items grid after the item is entered. This field is disabled for transfer orders.

Note You can only change a price in the Items grid if the Can change price at order time check box is selected in User Extended Options. If you change the price, MANUAL appears in the Price Source column in the Items grid. If you change a price and a price change reason is required, the Price Change Reason Code and Comments window appears, and allows you to enter the price change reason code.


Click this button to add the line item to the order.

If the line item is for a serial-tracked product and you click this button, the Question dialog box appears and asks you if you want to manually select serial numbers. If you click the Yes button, Serial Allocation appears, and allows you to select the serial numbers.

Name / Short Desc

Enter a product name, or click the Lookup button to select a product name. You can select a product by code or name.

Note If a product synonym is set up for a product in Product Synonym Maintenance, you can enter the product synonym name in this field instead of the product name. If a customer product name is set up for a product in Customer Product Maintenance, you can enter the customer product name in this field instead of the product name.

Price U/M

This field displays the price unit of measure.

Adjustment/Adjustment %

Enter a positive or negative price adjustment. A positive amount will increase the extended price of an item while a negative adjustment will decrease the extended price of an item. If you are using express order entry, you can only change this value in the Items grid after the item is entered. For more information, see Price Logic FAQ.

Whether this field is an amount or percentage is controlled by the Price Type field on the price matrix record. This defaults to percent when the price record is a Percent Discount, and otherwise it defaults to amount.


Click this button to clear the line item being entered.


This field displays the minimum order quantity allowed for the selected product. This value is stored on the product/location record.


This field displays the order quantity multiple for the selected product. This value is stored on the product/location record.


Click this button to display a Lookup window, which allows you to select products based on the customer product code or name. Double-click a product in the Lookup window to add it to the order.

Note Before you use this button, set up customer product codes in Customer Product Code Entry.


Click this button to display Item Search, which allows you to search for products, and view a product's available quantity, whether it can be sold, or if it is discontinued.


Note This button is only available if the selected product has one or more complementary products.

Click this button to display Complementary Product Entry, which allows you to select complementary items for the selected product. Complementary products are defined and maintained in Complementary Product Maintenance.


Note This button is only available for a selected product if the product has one or more substitute products.

Click this button to display Substitute Product Entry, which allows you to substitute products for the selected product. Substitute products are defined and maintained in Substitute Product Maintenance.

VAT Taxable

Select this check box if the order line is VAT taxable. This defaults from the product/location, the order, or any applicable VAT rules. This check box is only enabled if the order is VAT taxable, and is only available if the country to which the order is shipping uses VAT.

Note This check box is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT Amount

This field displays the amount of VAT for the product, which is equal to the VAT rate of the product/location multiplied by the sum of the price and price adjustment. This field is only available if the country to which the order is shipping uses VAT.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Use Same Bookings Reason for All Changes

Select this check box to use the same bookings reason for all changes made to the order. This check box is only available if you are editing an order.

VAT Exempt Reason Code

If the product is not VAT taxable, but is shipping to a VAT-taxable country, enter an active VAT exempt reason code to explain why the product is exempt from VAT, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT exempt reason code. This field defaults from several sources in the following hierarchy:

  • Order

  • VAT rule

  • Product/location

  • Product

  • Order class

  • Default VAT exempt reason for the country from which the order is shipping

For information on setting up reason codes, see VAT Exempt Reason Maintenance. This field is only enabled if you clear the VAT Taxable check box for the order or line item, and is only available if the country to which the order is shipping uses VAT.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Total Unit Price

Enter the price of the product being ordered, including VAT. When you enter a value in this field, the price in the Price field is updated automatically. This field defaults to the sum of the price entered in the Price field, the price adjustment, and any calculated VAT amount based on the VAT class of the product/location. This field is disabled for transfer orders.

Drop Ship from Supplier

Select this check box if the selected product is to be drop-shipped at the customer’s ship-to address instead of following your company’s conventional order shipping methods. A product can be drop-shipped based on the product-location record (entered in Product Location Maintenance). You can select this check box only if drop ships are allowed or the product must be drop shipped for the selected location. Additionally, a drop-shippable product requires a supplier; a primary supplier should also be entered for the product location. Enter a supplier, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier. Both drop ship and non-drop ship products can be on a single order. However, products that will be drop shipped to the customer will follow the rules for creating a drop-ship order. For more information, see Drop Ship Orders Process Flow. This check box and field are disabled for transfer and customer consignment orders. This check box and field are not available for return orders. The field displays Restricted if you are not authorized to access the entered supplier.

Note This check box is selected by default and disabled if orders from the sales location for the order must be drop shipped.

Adjustment Type

Select whether the return order is a price or inventory adjustment. This field is only available if you are entering a return order.

Plan to Receive

Select whether you plan to receive returned goods. These radio buttons are only available if Inventory is selected as the adjustment type. This field is only available if you are entering a return order.

Return Code

Enter a return code, or click the Lookup button to select a return code. This field defaults to the default return code for the location entered in Location Maintenance. This field is only available if you are entering a return order.


This field displays the quantity available for the selected product.

Unit Weight

This field displays the unit weight for the selected product.

Weight U/M

This field displays the weight unit of measure for the selected product.

Customer Only

This field displays the customer quantity available for the selected product.

Unit Cube

This field displays the volume of the selected product.

Cube U/M

This field displays the volume unit of measure for the selected product.


This field displays the quantity allocated for the selected product.

Catalog Page

This field displays the catalog page of the selected product (if any is assigned).

On Order

This field displays the quantity on order for the selected product.


This field displays the category to which the selected product is assigned.

Non Stocked Item

This check box is selected if the product is not stocked.

Primary Supplier

This field displays the primary supplier for the selected product.


This check box is selected if the product is discontinued.

Break 1-10

These fields display the price breaks for the selected product. For catch weight products, price breaks are by weight. For all other products, price breaks are by quantity.


This grid displays all the items selected for an order. Many columns in this grid can be edited. For more information on this grid, see O/E Line Item Entry Items Grid Columns.

Note This grid is cached to improve performance. You cannot sort, filter, group, graph, or summarize data in this grid.


This field displays cubic volume in the default unit of measure for the shipping location.

Items Total

This field displays the total price before additional charges and sales tax.

VAT (Line Items)

This field displays the total VAT amount for line items. This field is only available if the order is marked as VAT taxable or VAT exempt.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Items Grand Total

This field displays the total amount of the line items, including any VAT amounts. This field is only available if the order is marked as VAT taxable or VAT exempt.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.


This field displays the total quantity (regardless of unit of measure).

Sales Tax

This field displays the total sales tax, if any, on the order.


This field displays the total weight in the default unit of measure for the shipping location.

Item Charges

This field displays the total amount of line item additional charges.

VAT (Item Charges)

This field displays the total VAT amount for line item additional charges. This field is only available if the order is marked as VAT taxable or VAT exempt.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Item Charges Total

This field displays the total amount of line item additional charges, including any VAT amounts. This field is only available if the order is marked as VAT taxable or VAT exempt.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Order Charges

This field displays the total amount of order-level additional charges for the order.

VAT (Order Charges)

This field displays the total VAT amount of order-level additional charges for the order. This field is only available if the order is marked as VAT taxable or VAT exempt.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Order Charges Total

This field displays the total amount of order-level additional charges for the order, including VAT amounts. This field is only available if the order is marked as VAT taxable or VAT exempt.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Order Total

This field displays the sum of the amount of the line items, sales tax (if applicable), line item additional charges, and order-level additional charges.

VAT (Total)

This field displays the total VAT amount for the order. This field is only available if the order is marked as VAT taxable or VAT exempt.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Order Grand Total

This field displays the grand total for the order, which is equal to the values in the Items Grand Total, Item Charges Total, and Order Charges Total fields. This field is only available if the order is marked as VAT taxable or VAT exempt.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Note For freight calculation per line item, see Freight Free or Partial Freight Free Orders.