Customer Standard Remark Maintenance

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Customers Images\bluerarw.gif Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Customer Standard Remark Maintenance


Create standard remarks that can be placed on documents.


Use Customer Standard Remark Maintenance to create automatic remarks that can be printed on documents that go to specific customers (for example, an invoice). Each time a document is generated, the standard remark is included on the document. You can also select the dates for which the remarks appear on documents.

Creating Remarks

To create a new remark:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a customer code or name in the Customer Code or Customer Name field. Existing remarks for this customer display in the Existing Remarks grid in numbered sequence.

  3. Enter the remark in the Remark field.

  4. If you want the remark to only appear on documents for a range of dates, enter the range of dates in the Start Date and/or End Date field. If you want the range of dates to repeat annually, select the Repeat Yearly check box.

  5. Select the document(s) in the Available Documents grid for documents on which you want the remark to display.

  6. Click the right arrow button to move the selected document(s) to the Selected Documents grid.

  7. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The remark is created.

Updating Remarks

To update an existing remark:

  1. Enter a customer code or name in the Customer Code or Customer Name field. Existing remarks for this customer display in the Existing Remarks grid in numbered sequence.

  2. Click the remark you want to edit in the Existing Remarks grid.

  3. Click the Update button in the ribbon to update the remark for the selected customer.

  4. To edit the contents of the remark, edit the Remark field.

  5. If you want the remark to only appear on documents for a range of dates, enter the range of dates in the Start Date and/or End Date field. If you want the range of dates to repeat annually, select the Repeat Yearly check box.

  6. Select the documents on which the remark appears using the arrow buttons.

  7. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The remark is updated.

Deleting Remarks

To delete an existing remark:

  1. Enter a customer code or name in the Customer Code or Customer Name field. Existing remarks for this customer display in the Existing Remarks grid in numbered sequence.

  2. Click the remark you want to delete in the Existing Remarks grid.

  3. Click the Delete button in the ribbon.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The remark is deleted.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Customer Standard Remark Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new remark.


Click this button to update the selected remark.


Click this button to delete the selected remark.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display System Standard Remark Maintenance, which allows you to maintain system-wide remarks.

Note This button is not available if you accessed this window from Customer Maintenance.


Click this button to display Supplier Standard Remark Maintenance, which allows you to maintain supplier-specific remarks.

Note This button is not available if you accessed this window from Customer Maintenance.


Click this button to display Product Standard Remark Maintenance, which allows you to maintain product-specific remarks.

Note This button is not available if you accessed this window from Customer Maintenance.


Click this button to display Location Standard Remark Maintenance, which allows you to maintain location-specific remarks.

Note This button is not available if you accessed this window from Customer Maintenance.


Click this button to display Route Standard Remark Maintenance, which allows you to maintain route-specific remarks.

Note This button is not available if you accessed this window from Customer Maintenance.


Click this button to display Style Standard Remark Maintenance, which allows you to maintain style-specific remarks.

Note This button is not available if you accessed this window from Customer Maintenance.

Check Spelling

Click this button to check spelling for the remark text entered in the Remark field. This button is only available after you click the New or Update button in the ribbon.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Customer Code

Enter the customer code for the customer for which you want to maintain remarks, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code. If you accessed this window from Customer Maintenance, this field displays the selected customer code and cannot be changed.

Customer Name

Enter the customer name for the customer for which you want to maintain remarks, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name. If you accessed this window from Customer Maintenance, this field displays the selected customer name and cannot be changed.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This field displays the selected remark. If you click the New or Update button in the ribbon, you can enter or edit a remark in this field.

Start Date

Enter the first date for which to display the remark on documents, or click the drop-down arrow to select the date. The date that is compared to this date depends on the document for the remark. For information on which date applies for each document, see Remarks.

Repeat Yearly

Select this check box to include the remark on documents for the date and month range set up in the Start Date and End Date fields for every year.

Example You enter 1/1/2020 in the Start Date field and 1/31/2020 in the End Date field. You select the Repeat Yearly check box, and the remark is included on documents during January for 2020, 2021, 2022, etc.

This check box is only enabled after you enter a date in both the Start Date and End Date fields.

End Date

Enter the last date for which to display the remark on documents, or click the drop-down arrow to select the date. The date that is compared to this date depends on the document for the remark. For information on which date applies for each document, see Remarks.

Available Documents

This grid displays all documents on which you can print this type of remark.

Click this button to add a document selected in the Available Documents grid to the Selected Documents grid. This allows you to specify the documents on which the selected remark is printed for the customer.

Click this button to add all documents in the Available Documents grid to the Selected Documents grid. This allows you to specify that the selected remark is printed on all documents for the customer.

Click this button to remove a document from the Selected Documents grid.

Click this button to remove all documents from the Selected Documents grid.

Selected Documents

This grid displays documents on which the selected remark prints. You can add the same remarks to more than one document.

Existing Remarks

This grid displays all existing remarks that can be printed on documents for the selected customer. The sequence number indicates the order that remarks print on documents.

Click this button to move the selected remark up one position in the Existing Remarks grid.

Click this button to move the selected remark down one position in the Existing Remarks grid.