Product Code and Name

Each product that is created is assigned a code and a corresponding name.

A product code can be up to 20 characters, whereas the product name can be up to 30 characters.

Product names can be similar for multiple products, but product codes must be unique for each product.

Product codes and names are required when generating a customer's order, processing a purchase order, creating a bill of material, generating a work order, setting up supplier/product relationships, defining price matrices, defining product costs, or conducting various inquiries and reports by product.

Products are created in Product Maintenance or can be imported in Product Import.

Note For information on the required format for importing products, seeĀ Product Import Format.

After a product record exists, it is associated with a location for purchasing, selling, and stocking purposes. This can also be accomplished via an import program, during product creation in Product Maintenance, or more generally, from Product Location Maintenance.

To select a valid product code and name in any window, click the Lookup button next to either a product code or name field. This button displays a Lookup window, which lists products. You can select a product by double-clicking it.