Purchase Order Status

You can use the Purchase Order Status field in Purchase Order Maintenance to track the status of a purchase order. This field allows you to determine the current status of any given purchase order. The following describes the various purchase order statuses:




The purchase order has been created, but the Finalized check box is cleared. These purchase orders have not been through the purchase order authorization process yet. Open purchase orders can be edited and you can select the Finalized check box to run them through the purchase order authorization process.

Awaiting Approval

The purchase order has been created with the Finalized check box selected, and has been put through the purchase order authorization process. The purchase order is awaiting authorization (or rejection) from an approved user. The purchase order can be edited, but the Ordered check box cannot be selected. For information on approving purchase orders, see Purchase Order Authorize.


A purchase order which was Awaiting Approval has been rejected by an approved user. The purchase order can be edited, but the Ordered check box cannot be selected. It must be resubmitted through the purchase order authorization process. For information on rejecting purchase orders, see Purchase Order Authorize.


The purchase order has been created with the Finalized check box selected, but it has not yet been ordered. That is, the inventory allocation of On Order has not yet taken place. Purchase orders created in Min-Max Buying Recommendations or those created in Drop Ship and Special Order Create contain this status. You cannot generate receipts against purchase orders that have this status. To order a purchase order that is Approved, you must select the purchase order in Purchase Order Maintenance, click Edit, select the Ordered check box, and click OK to accept the order. This will change the purchase order status to Ordered and allow you to receive against the purchase order.


The purchase order has been created and inventory has been allocated as on order (both the Finalized and Ordered check boxes are enabled.) This status allows you to create receipts against the purchase order. You can add additional items or remove items from the purchase order at this point. The allocation of on order will be adjusted accordingly.

Pending Invoice

The purchase order was created for a drop-ship sales order. This status indicates you need to process the accounts payable voucher against the purchase order.


You have received in goods against this purchase order either in part or in full, but you can no longer receive in goods against this purchase order. You can perform accounts payable/purchase order reconciliation for the products that have already been received.

Fully Voided

The purchase order has been voided in full. There are no receipts against this purchase order. You cannot receive against this purchase order or perform accounts payable/purchase order reconciliation.


The purchase order has been ordered and items contained within the order have been partially received. The primary receipt as well as any subsequent receipts against the order did not completely receive the purchase order. This status will remain until all items on the purchase order have been receipted. If you want to remove certain items that you know will not be received against the purchase order, you can do so at this point. Similarly, you can add additional items to the purchase order at this time and receive against the additional items.

Fully Received

The purchase order has been ordered and received in full with only a primary receipt or multiple receipts. This status is automatically set if the As Is button is clicked during the purchase order receipt.


The purchase order has been ordered and received in full and has been reconciled. The reconciliation process of a purchase order takes place during Voucher Entry. A closed purchase order cannot be edited.

Note The ability to edit a purchase order in Ordered or Fully Received status is controlled by user settings in User Extended Options and general settings in Purchasing Control Maintenance.