Purchasing Control Maintenance

Menu Path: Purchasing Images\bluerarw.gif Module Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Purchasing Control Maintenance



Use Purchasing Control Maintenance to set up various defaults for the Purchasing module. The purchase order options define miscellaneous fields to make the purchase order system more streamlined and consistent. You can also set up how various accounts are derived in the Purchasing module.

Setting Up Purchasing Settings

To set up default settings for the Purchasing module:

  1. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

  2. Select default settings.

  3. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The module settings are updated.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Purchasing Control Maintenance window.


Click this button to update purchasing options.


Click this button to accept changes to purchasing options. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.


Click this button to reject changes to purchasing options. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


PO Weight U/M

Enter the weight unit of measure in which to display total purchase order weight.

PO Volume U/M

Enter the volume unit of measure in which to display total purchase order volume.

Determine Next PO # Based On

Select whether the next purchase order number is based on the ship-to, bill-to, or buyer's location. Each location has a separate purchase order numbering sequence with the location prefix preceding the number. Select one of the following:

  • Ship To - Prefix purchase order numbers with the ship-to location prefix. This is the warehouse location to which goods will be delivered (stocking location).

Example If the ship-to location is NJ for a purchase order, the purchase order number is NJ00000001.

  • Bill To - Prefix purchase order numbers with the bill-to location prefix. This is the location to which the invoice is sent (purchasing location).

Example: If the bill-to location is 100 for a purchase order, the purchase order number is 10000000001.

  • Buyer's Location - Prefix purchase order numbers with the bill-to location prefix set up for your user ID in User Extended Options. The purchase order uses the default purchasing and stocking locations for your user ID, and your user ID is entered as the buyer for the purchase order in Purchase Order Maintenance.

Note The ship-to location selected during purchase order entry remains on the purchase order and cannot be changed in Edit mode. If you do require a change to the ship-to location, see Change Ship-To Location/Address on a Purchase Order FAQ. The bill-to location can be changed in Edit mode irrespective of the option selected for assigning purchase order numbers.

Audit Amendments

Select this check box to create an audit trail for purchase orders. If this check box is selected, an audit increment is created each time a purchase order is updated. If this check box is selected, users can cancel purchase order line items and enter a purchase order line cancellation reason code and remark.

Allow Updates to Fully Received PO's

Select this check box to allow purchase orders with a status of Fully Received to be updated. Even if this check box is selected, you cannot lower the purchase order quantity below what has already been received.

Note To update fully received purchase orders, the Can Update Ordered PO's check box must also be selected for your user ID in User Extended Options.

Increase Amendment Code

Select one of the following options for increasing amendment codes when purchase orders are edited:

  • Yes - Automatically increase the amendment code when a purchase order is edited.

  • No - Do not increase the amendment code when a purchase order is edited.

  • Ask - Display a message asking the user whether to increase the amendment code when a purchase order is edited.

The Ask radio button is selected by default.

Perform Sanity Check on Product Cost

Select this check box to display a warning when a cost is entered on a purchase order that varies from the actual product cost by the cost variance percentage entered in the Cost Variance % field.

Cost Variance %

Enter the acceptable percentage of a product’s cost that is used to determine if a purchase order's supplier has overcharged on an item. This field is only enabled if you select the Perform Sanity Check on Product Cost check box. If that check box is selected, you should define the acceptable variance percentage in this field.

Alpha Parameter

Enter the alpha factor used for moving average calculation for lead times. Moving averages provide trend information that a simple average of all historical data would mask, therefore an alpha factor is necessary. This field is used in lead-time averaging and is used in calculations in Lead Time Management. The date a purchase order was entered compared to the date of receipt of the purchase order includes a period of time that is calculated based on a weight average on inventory. This is the functionality of lead-time averaging.

The alpha parameter is used in the following equation to recalculate the lead time:

New Lead Time = Alpha Parameter * New Receipt Actual Lead Time + (1 - Alpha Parameter) * Old Lead Time

The value of the alpha parameter should be between 0 and 1.

Example If a received purchase order has a receipt date of 02/28/2020 and a purchase order date of 02/01/2020, the new receipt actual lead time is 27. If the old lead time is 40 and the alpha parameter is 0.2, then the new lead time is calculated as:

New Lead Time = 0.2 * 27 + (1-0.2) * 40 = 37.4

You can use the alpha parameter to determine whether the old lead time or recent actual lead time has more effect on the calculation of new lead time. Increase the alpha parameter to increase the impact of the new receipt actual lead time on the calculation.

Acceptable Variance% Above Avg

Enter a receipt days deviation percentage for when the receipt days is over "Y" days. This field is used in lead-time averaging and is used in calculations in Lead Time Management. The date a purchase order was entered compared to the date of receipt of the purchase order includes a period of time that is calculated based on a weight average on inventory. This is the functionality of lead-time averaging.

Acceptable Variance% Below Avg

Enter a receipt days deviation percentage for when the receipt days is below "Y" days. This field is used in lead-time averaging and is used in calculations in Lead Time Management. The date a purchase order was entered compared to the date of receipt of the purchase order includes a period of time that is calculated based on a weight average on inventory. This is the functionality of lead-time averaging.

Use Check Digit for License Plates

Select this check box to use a check digit for license plates.

Allow Creation of Containers Not on Shipments

Select this check box to allow containers to be created in Container Management.

Require PO Date Change Reason

Select this check box to require a reason to be entered when users change dates on purchase orders. This check box is cleared by default.

Require Shipment/Container Date Change Reason

Select this check box to require a reason to be entered when users change dates for shipments or containers. This check box is cleared by default.

Post Royalties to G/L

Select this check box to post royalties to the general ledger for supplier receipts in Inventory Receipt Post and customer invoices in Invoice Post. If you select this check box, you must enter a default royalty expense and accrual account in the Royalty Expense Account and Royalty Accrual Account fields. If you do not select this check box and you track royalties, you must manually create journal entries to post royalties.

Launch Workflows when PO is Ordered

Select this check box to create a supplier production monitoring workflow for a purchase order when the order is marked as ordered. If this check box is cleared, the workflow is created when the purchase order is created.

Note Supplier production monitoring workflows are only automatically created for purchase orders if a workflow supplier production monitoring rule is set up. For information on setting up workflow supplier production monitoring rules, see Creating Supplier Production Monitoring Rules.

Warn If Product Is Not Set Up for Supplier

Select this check box to display a warning if a purchase order includes a product that is not set up for the supplier.

Warn If the Final Change Date Is Prior to Updated Date

Select this check box to display a warning if a purchase order is changed after the date entered in the Final Change Date field in Purchase Order Maintenance.

Allow Receipt If No Charges Are Added to Shipment

Select one of the following options:

  • Yes - Allow all shipments that do not have additional charges to be received and counted.

  • No - Prevent the receipt of shipments with no additional charges unless the Allow Receipt with No Charges check box is selected in Shipment Management.

  • Ask - Display a confirmation message when shipments with no additional charges are received unless the Allow Receipt with No Charges check box is selected in Shipment Management.

Default PO Cost

Select whether the default cost for purchase order line items is the last cost or zero if no purchase cost matrix is set up.

Allow Receipt with Zero Distributing Charge

Select this check box to allow the receipt of purchase orders with additional charges distributed by weight, cube, units, or cost when the weight, cube, units, or cost for the purchase orders is zero. If this check box is cleared, such purchase orders cannot be received.

Example A purchase order includes an additional charge that is distributed by cube value, but the cube value of products on the purchase order is zero. If this check box is cleared, the purchase order cannot be received until the cube value or additional charge is updated.

Default Container Type

Enter the default container type, or click the Lookup button to select a container type.

Max.# of Email Attachments

Select this check box if you want to limit the number of attachments that users can send with a purchase order when emailing the purchase order, and then enter the maximum number of attachments. If you enter 0, no attachments can be sent.

Royalty Expense Account

Enter a default royalty expense account, or click the Lookup button to select an account. This account is used for posting royalties if a royalty expense account is not specified for a supplier. This field is only enabled if you select the Post Royalties to G/L check box.

Note The account entered in this field must be different from the account entered in the Royalty Accrual Account field. You cannot enter an A/P Trade, A/P Clearing, A/R Trade, or A/R Clearing category account in this field.

Royalty Accrual Account

Enter a default royalty accrual account, or click the Lookup button to select an account. This account is used for posting royalties if a royalty accrual account is not specified for a supplier. This field is only enabled if you select the Post Royalties to G/L check box.

Note The account entered in this field must be different from the account entered in the Royalty Expense Account field. You cannot enter an A/P Trade, A/P Clearing, A/R Trade, or A/R Clearing category account in this field.

Blanket Release Method

Select one of the following as the default for the Release Method option in Blanket Purchase Order Release Entry.

  • Direct Ship - Select this option if products for blanket order releases are shipped directly to a customer.

  • Warehouse - Select this option if products for blanket order releases are shipped to a warehouse location.

Note This default is not used when accessing Blanket Purchase Order Release Entry from Order Entry or Order Edit, because when entering a sales order, it is assumed that the release is a direct-ship release.

This default setting can be overridden for individual users in User Extended Options.

Labels Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Group 1-4

Enter up to four user-defined group labels. These labels appear in the four groups of user-defined fields on the Other Information tab in Product Maintenance.

Include Week Numbers in Column Label

Select this check box to include a sequential number (1 through 52) in DRP column labels for weeks. If you select this check box, 1 represents the first week in the year and 52 represents the last week in the year.

Cycle 1-10

Enter up to 10 labels for the life cycle of your products. You can mark products as completed for each of these cycles on the Status tab in Product Maintenance.

Shipments Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Shipment Status Default

Enter the default shipment status for new shipments, or click the Lookup button to select a shipment status. For information on setting up shipment statuses, see Shipment Status Maintenance.

Container Status Default

Enter the default container status for new containers, or click the Lookup button to select a container status. For information on setting up container statuses, see Shipment Status Maintenance.

Complete Receipt Container Status Default

Enter the default status to assign to completely received containers, or click the Lookup button to select a container status. For information on setting up container statuses, see Shipment Status Maintenance.

Partial Receipt Shipment Status Default

Enter the default status to assign to partially received shipments, or click the Lookup button to select a shipment status. For information on setting up shipment statuses, see Shipment Status Maintenance.

Complete Receipt Shipment Status Default

Enter the default status to assign to completely received shipments, or click the Lookup button to select a shipment status. For information on setting up shipment statuses, see Shipment Status Maintenance.

Account Resolution Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays the accounts used for purchasing account resolution. Select an account to display the hierarchy for account mask lookup in the Mask List grid.

Example The A/P account used in purchase orders may be stored in the supplier record, the shipping location, or the purchase order class. The software will look at the three records in the sequential order you select here, and will attempt to group together a full general ledger account number based on the masks stored in each. If the same part of the general ledger account is found in more than one place, the first one found is used.

For more information, see Purchasing Account Resolution.

Mask List

This grid displays the hierarchy for account mask lookup for the account selected in the Accounts grid. You can select an account mask and use the arrow buttons to increase or decrease the mask's priority. For more information, see Purchasing Account Resolution.