Deposit and Payment Import Maintenance

If you edit this topic, review Deposit and Payment Import Maintenance Database Information.

Menu Path: Accounts Receivable Images\bluerarw.gif Customer Payments Images\bluerarw.gif Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Deposit and Payment Import Maintenance



Use Deposit and Payment Import Maintenance to define valid import formats for importing deposit information in Deposit Entry and/or payment information in Payment Apply.

Note Imports can only be used with the general ledger currency. If the general ledger currency is US Dollars, then only transactions with US Dollars as the entered currency will be evaluated for payment imports.

Adding Deposit and/or Payment Import Formats

To add a new deposit and/or payment import format:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Select whether the source of the imported data is a bank, customer, or factor.

  3. Enter details for the import format.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The import format is created.

Updating Deposit and/or Payment Import Formats

To update a deposit and/or payment import format:

  1. Display the import format you want to update.

  2. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

  3. Update the import format information as necessary.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The import format is updated.

Deleting Deposit and/or Payment Import Formats

To delete a deposit and/or payment import format:

  1. Display the import format you want to delete.

  2. Click the Delete button in the ribbon.

  3. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The import format is deleted.

For database information for this window, see Deposit and Payment Import Maintenance Database Information.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Deposit and Payment Import Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new deposit and/or payment import format.


Click this button to update the selected deposit and/or payment import format.


Click this button to delete the selected deposit and/or payment import format.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available if you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available if you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display the first deposit and/or payment import format.


Click this button to display the previous deposit and/or payment import format.


Click this button to display the next deposit and/or payment import format.


Click this button to display the last deposit and/or payment import format.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Select the source of the import.

  • Bank - This indicates that a bank or financial institution is the source of the deposit and (optionally) payment import information.

  • Customer - This indicates that the customer is the source of the payment import information.

  • Factor - This indicates that you have a factor that is used by one of more of your customers. For more information, see Factoring Receivables Process Flow.

Note Available options vary based on the selected source.

Bank Account

Enter a valid bank account (general ledger account with a category of cash), or click the Lookup button to select an account. This field is only available if you select the Bank radio button.

Customer Code

Enter a customer code, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button.


Enter a customer name, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button.

Factor Account

Enter the factor account number, or click the Lookup button to select the account. This field is only available if you select the Factor radio button.

Format ID

Enter an ID for the import format, or click the Lookup button to select an existing import format ID. The bank or customer could be sending import files in multiple formats. This identifies the specific format for importing. This field is only available if you select the Bank or Customer radio button.

Program Name

Enter a custom program to output the accounts receivable transactions in the format required for importing by the factoring company. Consult with Apprise before populating this field. This field is only available if you select the Factor radio button.

If you are exporting to Wells Fargo, enter invexp-wf.p in this field.

If you are exporting to CIT, enter invappexp-cit.p in this field.

For information on the export file format, see Factor Accounts Receivable Transactions Export Format.


Select this check box if the import format is the default to be displayed in Deposit Entry and/or Payment Apply. You can only indicate one default format per bank or customer. This check box is only available if you select the Bank or Customer radio button.

Use Automatic Payment Algorithms

Select this check box to use automatic payment algorithms to apply payments when no payment detail is provided. For more information, see Payment Algorithms FAQ. This check box is only available if you select the Bank radio button.

Note Payment algorithms only work based on the general ledger currency transactions. If the general ledger currency is US dollars, then only transactions with US dollars as the entered currency are evaluated for payment algorithms.

Export Directory

Enter the folder path into which to save exported accounts receivable transactions files for a factoring company, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a folder. This field is only available if you select the Factor radio button.


If you select the Bank radio button, select one of the following options:

  • Deposit - The bank is only supplying deposit-level information (payment ID, payment date, payment amount, bank ABA/routing number, and bank account number).

  • Deposit & Payment Application - The bank is supplying both deposit-level information and payment detail information, such as the reference number.

If you select the Customer radio button, Payment Application is selected by default, and cannot be changed. This indicates that the customer is providing payment detail information, such as the reference number.

These radio buttons are only available if you select the Bank or Customer radio button.

File Format

Select whether the import files are in Excel or ASCII format. This field is disabled if you enter invappexp-cit.p in the Program Name field.


Enter the character that the import files use between import values. This field is only available if you select the ASCII radio button.

Example The caret (^) character is a common character used for delimiting import files.

Note If you enter invexp-wf.p in the Program Name field, you cannot specify a delimiter.

Max Blank Lines

Enter the maximum number of blank lines the import program should read before it stops and considers the import complete. This field is only available if you select the Bank or Customer radio button.

Example Excel files being imported may have blank rows (lines) between transactions making it difficult to determine when to stop looking for more transactions to import. So, in order to avoid having to perform extra work on the file to remove blank lines, this allows the import to stop when it has read this number of blank lines.

Payment Amount Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the payment amount is imported. This field is only available if you select the Bank radio button.

Payment Amount Import Sign

Select whether the payment amount is recorded as a positive or negative value in the import file so that the import program knows how to convert it. These radio buttons are only available if you select the Bank radio button.

Payment ID Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the payment ID is imported. This field is only available if you select the Bank radio button.

Payment Date Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the payment date is imported. This field is only available if you select the Bank radio button.

ABA/RT# Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the bank ABA/routing number is imported. This field is only available if you select the Bank radio button and the By Account radio button.

Bank Account # Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the bank account number is imported. This field is only available if you select the Bank radio button and the By Account radio button.

Customer Code Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the customer code is imported. This field is only available if you select the Bank radio button and the By Customer radio button.

By Account/By Customer

Select whether to import deposit information by account number or customer code. This radio set is only available if you select the Bank radio button.

Reference # Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the reference number is imported. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons. This field is only enabled if the Use PO # to Apply check box is cleared.

Amount Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the reference amount is imported. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons.

Note For many import files, the amount (whether a payment amount or a deduction amount) is recorded in this column.

Amount Import Sign

Select whether the reference amount is recorded as a positive or negative value in the import file so that the import program knows how to convert it. These radio buttons are only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons.

Credit Amount Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the reference amount (if a credit, or deduction from a payment) is imported. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons.

Note This is an optional column. Sometimes import files have separate columns for credit amounts and payment amounts.

Credit Amount Import Sign

Select whether the credit amount is recorded as a positive or negative value in the import file (if it is stored in a separate column) so that the import program knows how to convert it. These radio buttons are only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons.

Discount Amount Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the cash discount amount is imported. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons.

Discount Amount Import Sign

Select whether the cash discount amount is recorded as a positive or negative value in the import file (if it is stored in a separate column) so that the import program knows how to convert it. These radio buttons are only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons.

Store ID Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the store ID is imported. Some mass merchants record the store number (ID) for chargeback (deduction) transactions. This is sometimes helpful for chargeback reconciliation. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons.

PO # Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the purchase order number is imported. Some mass merchants record the purchase order number for transactions. This is sometimes helpful for payment application and/or reconciliation. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons.

Use PO # to Apply

Select this check box to use the purchase order to apply payment. Some mass merchants use the purchase order number to pay. In this scenario, the mass merchant does not want to receive an invoice, record it, and pay it. When the mass merchant records a receipt from a purchase order, they calculate the value of the receipt and make a remittance, only referencing the purchase order number. This check box is only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons.

Cust CB Reason Code Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the customer's chargeback reason code is imported. Reason codes must be set up in Customer Chargeback Reason Maintenance before importing. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons.

Note Some mass merchants have their own chargeback code system. Recording this information is sometimes helpful for chargeback reconciliation.

Billing Customer Code Column Letter/Number

Enter the column letter (if you select the Excel radio button) or the column number (if you select the ASCII radio button) of the import file from which the billing customer code is imported. This is generally only used when you can easily identify chargebacks for a specific billing customer, and you update the import file with this information before importing. This field is only available if you select the Customer radio button, or select both the Bank and Deposit & Payment Application radio buttons.

Example Wal-Mart Corp (paying customer) is paying for Wal-Mart stores and Sam’s Clubs (each are individual billing customers related to Wal-Mart Corp). Each payment has chargebacks (deductions) for both of these billing customers. If the import file sent by Wal-Mart indicates which billing customer the chargeback relates to (Wal-Mart Stores or Sam’s Club), then the file can be updated with the correct billing customer code. This means that the chargeback appears for the correct billing customer instead of being recorded for Wal-Mart Corp (where it would later have to be re-assigned to the proper billing customer).