Deposit Entry

Menu Path: Accounts Receivable Images\bluerarw.gif Customer Payments Images\bluerarw.gif Deposit Entry



Use Deposit Entry to record the entry and reverse entry of cash deposits. The cash deposit immediately updates a customer’s accounts receivable balance without having to wait until it is applied to specific invoices and other transactions.

Note As soon as a cash deposit is entered, it directly and immediately affects the customer for sales order credit checking.

Deposit Entry is separate from Payment Apply to provide processing flexibility, and segregation of duties controls if required.

Example Deposits can be entered by one person, posted, and then another person could later apply the payments. Deposits and payment application can also be done simultaneously by the same person or a deposit can have some payment application performed today and the remainder performed another day.

For more information, see Deposit and Payment Application Corrections FAQ.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Deposit Entry window.


Click this button to cancel an import. This button is only available after you click the Import button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display the Import tab or if the tab is already displayed to import/validate deposit and/or payment application information. You must enter a deposit import format ID in the Format ID field before you click this button. For more information, see Deposit and Payment Import Maintenance.

Link Prepayment Orders

Click this button to display Customer Prepayment Entry, which allows you to associate orders with a selected prepayment. This button is only available if a prepayment is selected in the Payments grid.

Link Unrelated Customers

Click this button to display Unrelated Customer Payment, which allows you to record payments from unrelated customers. This button is only available if you select an unrelated customer type deposit in the Payments grid.

Miscellaneous Deposit

Click this button to display Miscellaneous Payment, which allows you to view or change the general ledger distribution for a miscellaneous type deposit. This button is only available if you select a miscellaneous type deposit in the Payments grid.

Bank Account

Click this button to display Customer Bank Account Maintenance, which allows you to view or maintain bank account information for the selected customer payment.

Note This is helpful if the import fails to recognize the customer because the customer used a different bank account to make payment. You can immediately add this new bank account so the next import of this customer’s payment can be recognized.


Click this button to display A/R Payment -- Invoice Lookup, which allows you to view the open amount, customer, and address for an invoice, credit memo, or debit memo.


Click this button to display A/R Amount Lookup, which allows you to find accounts receivable transactions of a specific amount. This is useful if it is difficult to determine who the customer is on a payment (for example, the name on the check is a dba name), and there is no payment stub identifying reference numbers and corresponding amounts. If the payment is intended to pay for a single invoice, A/R Amount Lookup allows you to enter an amount and view all reference numbers with that amount, to help you determine the correct customer for the payment.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to enter notes for a selected deposit.

View Applied Items

Click this button to display Customer Payment Application Inquiry, which allows you to view details of a payment application.

Ribbon Batch Tab Buttons




Click this button to display Select a New Batch, which allows you to select a previously created batch.

Open Manual Batch

Click this button to display Open a New Batch, which allows you to create a new batch for manual deposits.

Open Electronic Batch

Click this button to display Open a New Batch, which allows you to create a new batch for electronic deposits.


Click this button to display Close A Batch, which allows you to close a batch.


Click this button to display Edit A Batch, which allows you to edit an existing batch.


Click this button to display Accounts Receivable Post, which allows you to post payments for the selected batch.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Batch #

This field displays the open deposit batch if one is still open. You can use the Select, Open Manual Batch, Open Electronic Batch, Close, and Edit buttons on the Batch tab in the ribbon to work with batches.

Note It is highly recommended that you use a separate batch for each bank deposit made and post to the general ledger only when you have completely entered the full deposit. This will help out during the deposit reconciliation process, and will make the cash account information in Account Detail Inquiry more meaningful.

Note The batch numbering sequence is shared by Deposit Entry, Non Sufficient Funds Reverse Deposit Entry, and Factor Receivables Entry, but you must use a separate batch for each type of entry. If you attempt to use the same batch number for any of these programs, a warning message appears, and you must select a different batch number.


This field displays the description of the batch.


The field displays the number of payments in this batch.


This field displays the total deposit amount in the currency selected.


Enter the currency of the deposit, or click the Lookup button to select the currency. The currency defaults to the general ledger currency.

Note A deposit batch can only have one currency. After you enter a payment for this deposit batch, you cannot change the currency.

Bank Account

Enter a bank account for the deposit batch, or click the Lookup button to select a bank account. You can only select a general ledger account that is in the Cash general ledger category. This field defaults to the account entered for your user ID in User Extended Options.

Note A deposit batch can only have one account. After you enter a payment for this deposit batch, you cannot change the account.

Format ID

Enter the format ID associated with a bank account that is only used for deposit imports. For more information, see Deposit and Payment Import Maintenance. This field defaults to the format ID entered for your user ID in User Extended Options.


Enter a bank account description for the deposit batch, or click the Lookup button to select a bank account description. You can only select a general ledger account that is in the Cash general ledger category. This field defaults to the description of the account entered for your user ID in User Extended Options.

Note A deposit batch can only have one account. After you enter a payment for this deposit batch, you cannot change the account.

Exchange Rate

This field displays the currency exchange rate. If the currency selected is the general ledger currency, this is equal to 1.


Click the Lookup buttons to select the period and year for the deposit. These fields default to the default accounts receivable general ledger period.

Deposit Date

Enter the date the deposit was recorded by the bank or financial institution, or click the drop-down arrow to select the date. This field is only available if individual payments will not be reconciled for the selected batch.


Select the deposit type. You can select one of the following types:

  • Related Customer - This is used to enter deposits received from customers to pay for their own invoices and/or invoices for other customers related to them. For more information, see Customer Concepts.

  • Unrelated Customer - This is used for a payment that is received to pay for invoices from multiple unrelated customers.

Example UPS sends a payment in collection of C.O.D. invoices for multiple customers.

  • Miscellaneous - This is used to record payments that are not from customers.

Example You receive a rebate check from your insurance company and want to record the general ledger accounts that are affected.

Note You must enter the general ledger distribution when you enter a miscellaneous payment.

Payment ID

Enter the check number or payment identification number associated with the payment.

Payment Name

Enter a name for the payment. This field is only available if you select the Miscellaneous radio button.

Customer Code

Enter the customer code of the customer associated with the payment, or click the Lookup button to select the customer code. This field is only available if you select the Related Customer or Unrelated Customer radio button.

Customer Name

Enter the customer name of the customer associated with the payment, or click the Lookup button to select the customer name. This field is only available if you select the Related Customer or Unrelated Customer radio button.


Enter the payment amount (in the batch currency).

Note A negative payment amount can be entered for two purposes: to reverse a previously-applied payment that is in error, or to record a customer refund of a credit balance.

Payment Date

Enter the payment date, or click the drop-down arrow to select a payment date. This field defaults to the deposit date. It can be a different date than the deposit date, and this is what is used for payment statistics calculations.

Example You received a payment on a Friday, but did not get to the bank to make a deposit until the subsequent Monday. Friday would be the payment date, and the subsequent Monday would be the deposit date.


Click the Lookup button to select a payment method. The payment method defaults from the payment method entered for the selected customer in Customer Maintenance.

Customer's Payment Date

Enter the date on the customer’s check, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This date can be used for payment analysis.


Click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the scanned image file for the customer’s check.

Note If a file or image upload directory is set up for the system ID, the file is copied to the Deposit_Images folder in the file or image upload directory when you select the file. If no file or image upload directory is set up, the file remains in the original location.

View Image

Click this button to display the image file entered in the Image field.


Click this button to delete the image file entered in the Image field.


Select this check box if you are entering a prepayment from a customer. This check box is only enabled if you select the Related Customer radio button and do not select the Apply Immediately check box. If you select this check box and add the payment, you can then link it to one or multiple orders.

For information on processing accounts receivable prepayments, see Accounts Receivable Prepayment Process Flow.

Apply Immediately

Select this check box to display Payment Apply immediately after you enter a payment. This check box is only enabled if the Prepayment check box is cleared.

Use Paying Customer

Select this check box to use the paying customer for the payment.

Example Customer A is set up as a paying customer for Customer B. If you select this check box, and then enter Customer B's customer code or name in the Customer Code or Customer Name field, the software substitutes Customer A's customer code and name so that the paying customer is used for the payment.

This check box is only enabled if you select the Related Customer radio button. For information on setting up paying customers, see Customer Maintenance.

Note This check box must be selected before you enter the customer code or name.

Retain Date

Select this check box if you want the payment date to be retained from the previously-entered payment date.

Enable Payment Algorithms

Select this check box to enable payment algorithms for this payment. This check box is only enabled if the Use Payment Algorithms check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Control Maintenance. For more information, see Payment Algorithms FAQ.

Default Customer Information

Select this check box to automatically enter the selected customer's default payment method in the Method field. This check box is selected by default. You can set up the customer's default payment method in Customer Maintenance.

Retain Customer

Select this check box if you want the customer to be retained from the previously-entered customer. This check box is only enabled if you select the Related Customer or Unrelated Customer radio button.

Example The customer sends multiple checks. You can then select this check box to avoid having to enter the customer for each payment.


Click this button to add the payment to this deposit.

Note After you click this button, the customer’s accounts receivable balance is adjusted by the payment amount.


Click this button to clear the current payment information.


Click this button to display Payment Apply, which allows you to apply the selected payment, or Customer Prepayment Entry, which allows you to apply the selected prepayment to sales orders.


Click this button to remove the selected payment from this deposit. You cannot remove a prepayment if sales orders are associated with it.

Note After you click this button, the customer’s accounts receivable balance is adjusted by the payment amount being removed.


This grid displays payments that have been entered in the current batch. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Customer Name - This column displays the name of the customer making the payment.

  • Customer Code - This column displays the code of the customer making the payment.

  • Type - This column displays related, unrelated, or misc to indicate the payment type.

  • Payment ID - This column displays the check number or other payment identification number.

  • Ref # - This column displays the reference number created for the payment. Every payment first becomes a reference type of UP (unapplied payment) and has a prefix of UP.

  • Payment Amount - This column displays the amount of the payment in the currency of the batch.

  • Unapplied Amount - This column displays the amount of the payment that has not yet been applied.

  • Payment Date - This column displays the date that the payment is credited for the customer.

  • Payment Method - This column displays the method of payment (for example, check).

  • Prepayment - The check box in this column is selected for prepayments.

  • G/L Currency Payment Amount - This column displays the payment amount converted to the general ledger currency.

  • Payment Name - This column displays the payment name if this is a miscellaneous payment.

  • Seq - This column displays the entered sequence of the payment.

  • Payment Algorithm - This column displays the payment algorithm used to perform payment application if one was used. For more information, see Payment Algorithms FAQ.

To change a payment amount, customer, or any other payment information on a payment already entered, double-click the payment, make the changes, then click the Add button to re-enter the changed payment information.

You can only change payment information if the payment has not yet been applied. If it is already applied, a message appears that informs you that you cannot change the deposit, but you can update the items applied. You can change the application by using the Open Item Apply and Resolve.

Import Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Processing Options

Select one of the following processing options:

  • Import if all Data is Valid - Verify the data in the selected file, and if all data is valid, load the data into the database.

  • Validate Only - Verify the data in the selected file (without importing it).

Note It is highly recommended that you use the Validate Only option before using the Import if all Data is Valid option. This will give you an opportunity to review any validation problems before importing.


Select an option for what to do with any unapplied balance for imported deposits. Select one of the following options:

  • Unapplied - This option allows you to leave the payment unapplied, so you can manually apply the payment in another session.

  • On Account - This option creates another transaction with a reference type of OA (On Account) for the unapplied balance amount. It is typically used when you cannot initially determine the application of a payment, and need to do research to determine how it should be applied.

  • Absorb - This option is used to absorb the unapplied balance, whether it is a positive or negative amount. This is typically used for minor amounts to avoid wasted time and effort to reconcile with your customer. This is also controlled by the Payment Maximum Absorption Amount business rule. For more information, see Customer Payment Rule Maintenance. If you select this option, and the amount is greater than the maximum absorption amount, the amount is left unapplied.

Import File

Enter the path and file name containing the data to be imported, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the file.

Attempt Invoice Number Conversion

Select this check box to import invoice numbers (reference numbers) that are formatted without zeros or that are formatted with a period or space instead of zeros. For example, if you are trying to import to PW000012345, if you select this check box, the software can import the following:

  • PW12345

  • PW.12345

  • PW 12345

Allow Import When Applications do not Equal Deposit Total

Select this check box to create payment application records if the total amount of the payment applications is not equal to the amount of the related deposit in the import file. If you select this check box, and the amount of the deposit does not equal the amount of the payment applications, an on account or chargeback transaction is created automatically to account for the difference. If this check box is cleared, only the deposit is imported.

Allow Invoices to be Over Applied

Select this check box to create payment application records if the payment application amount is greater than the invoice amount by more than the payment maximum absorption amount.

Import Status

This field displays the current status of the import in progress.

Print Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Output Option

Select one of the following output options:

  • Screen - Output to a PDF so you can immediately view the report.

  • File - Output to a PDF, Excel, Access, or delimited file to be stored for later use. If you select this option, specify the file type and either the output folder or file name.

  • Printer - Output to a selected printer. If you select this option, specify a printer in the Printer field.

  • Email - Output to your default email application. If you select this option, you are prompted to select recipients for the email, then an email is created with the report attached as a PDF file.

  • Excel - Output directly to Excel. You can specify the location of the Excel application in the Spreadsheet File field in User Profile Maintenance. If you output to Excel, the report may include additional information.

Output File Type

Select whether to output to a PDF, Excel, Access, or delimited (CSV, DAT, or TXT) file. These radio buttons are only available if you select the File radio button.

Specify File Name

Select this check box to specify the file name of the output report. This check box is only available if you select the File radio button.

Output Directory

Enter the location for the output report, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location. This field is only available if the Specify File Name check box is cleared.

Output File Name

Enter a location and file name for the output report, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location and file name. The file extension of the file name should match the selected output file type. This field is only available if you select the Specify File Name check box.

Excel Format Name

Enter an Excel format name, or click the Lookup button to select an Excel format name. Excel formats can be set up to specify which fields are output to Excel, and the order and sort order of the fields. This field is only available if you select the Excel radio button.

Format Maintenance

Click this button to display Excel Format Maintenance, which allows you to set up Excel formats. This button is only available if you select the Excel radio button.

Save As Type

Click the Lookup button to select whether to save the delimited file as a CSV, DAT, or TXT file. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button, and only enabled if the Specify File Name check box is cleared.

Include header

Select this check box to include a row of header information in the exported delimited file, which labels the data. This check box is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.


Enter a comma (,), caret (^), or vertical bar (|) as a delimiter for the exported delimited file. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.

Enclosing Character

If you want to use single or double quotation marks around data exported to a delimited file, enter ' or " in this field. Even if this field is left blank, text fields that have commas or carriage returns are enclosed in quotes. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.


Click the Lookup button to select a printer. This field is only available if you select the Printer radio button.


These radio buttons are disabled in this window.

Task Occurs

These radio buttons are disabled in this window.


These fields and radio buttons are disabled in this window.


This field is disabled in this window.

Task Description

This field is disabled in this window.

Scheduling Assistant Queue

This field is disabled in this window.

External Email

This check box is disabled in this window.

Screen Alert

This check box is disabled in this window.

Internal Email

This check box is disabled in this window.