EDI Inventory Advice Options

Menu Path: None

To use EDI Inventory Advice Options, select the 846 or INVRPT form in the Selected Forms grid on the Forms tab in EDI Trading Partner Maintenance, and then click the Form Options button in the ribbon.


Set up EDI inventory inquiry/advice form options for a trading partner.


Use EDI Inventory Advice Options to set default EDI inventory inquiry/advice options for each trading partner.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the EDI Inventory Advice Options window and accept changes to the EDI inventory inquiry/advice options.


Click this button to close the EDI Inventory Advice Options window without changing EDI inventory inquiry/advice options.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


EDI Inventory Advice Promise Date Day Buffer

Enter a number of days to add to the promise dates in EDI inventory inquiry/advice files for the trading partner as a buffer.

Promise Date Minimum PO Qty

Enter a minimum purchase order quantity required for a purchase order date to be used as a promise date in EDI inventory inquiry/advice files for the trading partner.

Example You enter 100 in this field, and a purchase order is for 50. The promise date is not set to the purchase order date of the purchase order. However, if a purchase order is for 150, the promise date is set to the purchase order date of the purchase order.

Use Non-Blank EDI Inventory Advice Promise Date Days

Select this check box if you want to prevent blank promise dates from being included in EDI inventory inquiry/advice files for the trading partner. If you select this check box, enter the number of days from the current date to use as the promise date instead of a blank value.

Example You select this check box and enter 120. There are no purchase orders for product A. The EDI inventory inquiry/advice promise date will be the date 120 days from the current date (instead of a blank).

Default Promise Date

Select this check box if you want to prevent blank promise dates from being included in EDI inventory inquiry/advice files for the trading partner.

Days From Current Date

Enter the number of days from the current date to use as the promise date instead of a blank value. This field is only enabled on selecting the Default Promise Date check box.

NOTE The days are business days, not calendar days. Business days are set up in Business Calendar Day Maintenance.

Example You select the Default Promise Date check box and enter 120 in the Days From Current Date field. There is not enough incoming inventory for product A and the system calculated a blank promise date. The EDI inventory inquiry/advice promise date will be the date 120 business days from the current date (instead of a blank).

Hold Inventory for Backorders

Select one of the following options for the trading partner:

  • Product Default - Include or do not include backorders when calculating available quantities for EDI inventory inquiry/advice files based on whether the Hold Inventory for Backorders check box is selected for products in Product Location Maintenance.

  • Yes - Include backorders when calculating available quantities for EDI inventory inquiry/advice files.

  • No - Do not include backorders when calculating available quantities for EDI inventory inquiry/advice files.

Send Zero Qty X Times Before Excluding a Product

Enter a value to set the number of times the users can send zero quantity of the product before excluding it from EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice files.