Menu Path: Electronic Data Interchange Module Setup
EDI Trading Partner Maintenance
Set up and maintain EDI trading partners.
Use EDI Trading Partner Maintenance to define a trading partner relationship between your company and its trading partners. This trading partner ID is then associated with customers in Customer Maintenance, suppliers in Supplier Maintenance, or third-party logistics warehouses in Location Maintenance.
Note Each trading partner is associated with one EDI standard.
Establishing a new partner relationship requires setup and testing periods determined by the partner. Each partner has different periods and testing methods. For more information, refer to the partner’s implementation documentation.
If your third-party EDI software is provided by Sterling Commerce, then the partner relationship must also be defined in Sterling Director.
Note If you are using EDI Transaction Management, you must set up a network in Network Maintenance before creating trading partners.
To create a trading partner:
Click the New button in the ribbon.
Enter a trade ID for the trading partner in the Trade ID field.
Enter a name for the trading partner in the Trade ID Name field.
Select options for the trading partner. If you are using EDI Transaction Management, select the ETM Partner check box.
Click the Forms tab. Double-click EDI forms in the Available Forms grid that you will send to and receive from the trading partner.
If you selected the ETM Partner check box in step 4, click the ETM Partner tab, and enter data for the required fields, then click the ETM Partner Outbound Options tab, and enter data for the required fields.
Click the OK button in the ribbon. The trading partner is created.
NOTE You can create multiple cross-references for a single Apprise value (e.g., a unit of measure may be called Each in Apprise, but the trading partner uses values of EA, PK, and PR). If multiple cross-references are set up for an Apprise value, the first partner value is used for outgoing EDI transactions. If you need to transmit a value that is not the first partner value, you can use a spare or user-defined field.
To create a cross-reference:
Enter a valid trade ID in the Trade ID field for the trading partner for which you want to set up a cross-reference.
Click the Update button in the ribbon.
Click the Lookup button to the right of the Xref Type field, and select a cross-reference type. You can also use the First, Prev, Next, and Last buttons to navigate through the cross-reference types.
If the cross-reference is only for a specific form type, enter the form type in the Form Type field.
Enter in the partner’s code for the cross-reference in the Partner Code field.
Enter the internal Apprise code for the cross-reference in the Apprise Code field.
If you want to allow the cross-reference to be used for all outbound transactions, select the Valid Outbound check box.
Click the Add button to add the cross-reference to the Related Cross References grid.
Click the OK button in the ribbon. The cross-reference is created.
Button |
Description |
Exit |
Click this button to close the EDI Trading Partner Maintenance window. |
New |
Click this button to create a new EDI trading partner. |
Update |
Click this button to update the selected EDI trading partner. |
Delete |
Click this button to delete the selected EDI trading partner. |
OK |
Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update or Delete button in the ribbon. |
Cancel |
Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update or Delete button in the ribbon. |
First |
Click this button to display the first EDI trading partner. |
Prev |
Click this button to display the previous EDI trading partner. |
Next |
Click this button to display the next EDI trading partner. |
Last |
Click this button to display the last EDI trading partner. |
Form Options |
If the 754 form is selected in the Selected Forms grid on the Forms tab, click this button to display Routing Instructions Options, which allows you to set up routing instruction options for the trading partner. If an invoice form (810, 880, 894, INVOIC, etc.) is selected in the Selected Forms grid on the Forms tab, click this button to display EDI Invoice Options, which allows you to set up EDI invoice options for the trading partner. If the 846 or INVRPT form is selected in the Selected Forms grid on the Forms tab, click this button to display EDI Inventory Advice Options, which allows you to set up EDI inventory inquiry/advice options for the trading partner. If the 850, 875 or ORDERS form is selected in the Selected Forms grid on the Forms tab, click this button to display Purchase Order Options, which allows you to set up EDI purchase order options for the trading partner. If the 855 or ORDRSP form is selected in the Selected Forms grid on the Forms tab, click this button to display Order Acknowledgment Options, which allows you to set up order acknowledgment options for the trading partner. If an outbound 856 or DESADV form is selected in the Selected Forms grid on the Forms tab, click this button to display Advanced Ship Notice Options, which allows you to set up ASN options for the trading partner. If the 870 or OSTRPT form is selected in the Selected Forms grid on the Forms tab, click this button to display Form Options, which allows you to set up order status report options for the trading partner. If the 944, 945, or DESADV-IN form is selected in the Selected Forms grid on the Forms tab, click this button to display Warehouse Advice Options, which allows you to set up warehouse shipping advice form options for the trading partner. This button is only available if you click the Forms tab, and only enabled if you select the 846, 855, 870, 945, INVRPT, ORDRSP, OSTRPT, or DESADV-IN form in the Selected Forms grid. |
Users To Notify |
Click this button to display Users to Notify, which allows you to send custom reports to the selected users. This button is only available if the ETM Forms tab is displayed, and is only enabled when you select, create, or update an EDI inbound form record. |
Field or Button |
Description |
Enter the trading partner's unique trade ID, or click the Lookup button to select a trade ID. This code defines the link between the partner and the outside world to a customer or supplier defined in the software. Note This is used to match with the partner’s EDI Code in Sterling Partner Definition (if using Sterling Commerce). If the trading partner was automatically generated, the trade ID is prefixed with SYS. You should enter the trading partner's actual trade ID and name. |
Enter the trade ID name, or click the Lookup button to select a trade ID name. |
Click the Lookup button to select Amazon (Amazon Seller Central), or Shopify to create an ETM trading partner. To create an EDI gateway trading partner, select blank. This field is only enabled if you have licensed ETM Lite (eBridge). With this license, you can only set up ETM trading partners for the available eBridge connectors. |
Field or Button |
Description |
Enter a shipping location prefix or name for the trading partner, or click the Lookup buttons to select a shipping location prefix or name. These are used as the default for the trading partner’s orders. For more information on shipping locations, see Sales Location / Shipping Location. |
Enter a sales location prefix or name for the trading partner, or click the Lookup buttons to select a sales location prefix or name. These are used as the default for the trading partner’s orders. For more information on sales locations, see Sales Location / Shipping Location. |
Enter a location prefix or name for the location to which received customer consignment orders are transferred, or click the Lookup button to select the location prefix or name. For more information, see Consignment Order Process Flow. |
Enter the default shipper for the trade ID, or click the Lookup button to select a shipper. |
Enter the default order class for the trade ID, or click the Lookup button to select an order class. |
Enter the default consignment order class used when a customer consignment order is received, or click the Lookup button to select the default consignment order class. For more information, see Consignment Order Process Flow. |
Enter a department number for the EDI partner. This information is generally passed from the inbound data to outbound documents. Some vendors prefer to see this information when the document is sent back (via 856 and 810). |
Enter the internal vendor number for the EDI partner. This information is generally passed from the inbound data to outbound documents. Some vendors prefer to see this information when the document is sent back (via 856 and 810). |
Select whether comments are converted to notes or remarks during EDI import. |
Enter the name of the label template to use on pallets for this EDI partner. |
Enter the shipping label format to use for this EDI partner. |
Enter the application ID for the EDI partner. This information is generally passed from the inbound data to outbound documents. Some vendors prefer to see this information when the document is sent back (via 856 and 810). |
This field is disabled in this window. For existing ETM trading partners, this field displays the network ID entered in the Network ID field on the ETM Partner tab. |
Enter the default sale type for the trading partner's orders (sometimes used for analytical reporting purposes), or click the Lookup button to select the sales type. This sale type is used as a default for imported EDI orders if the imported file does not indicate a sale type. This sale type is also used as a default for manually entered orders if no default sale type is set up for the user entering the order. For information on setting up sales types, see Sales Type Maintenance. |
Enter an email address of a person who should receive log file errors from EDI processing. Errors are also emailed to members of the customer service team assigned to the trading partner and to the email address entered in EDI Control Maintenance. |
Select whether prices for imported orders include VAT for the trading partner. This setting is used as a default for importing sales orders, but can be overridden in the import file or for the customer. |
Select whether unit prices for exported EDI invoices include VAT for the trading partner. |
Enter the customer service team assigned to the EDI trading partner, or click the Lookup button to select a customer service team. Members of the assigned customer service team will receive log file errors from EDI processing. Errors are also emailed to the email address entered in the Log File Email Address field and to the email address entered in EDI Control Maintenance. For information on setting up customer service teams, see Customer Service Team Maintenance. |
Select one of the following values for calculating required dates for the trading partner:
This defaults to Customer Service Control Based. |
Enter a number of business days past the current date to use to calculate a default required date for the trading partner's sales orders. The required date can still be manually changed for orders. This field is only enabled if you select Yes for the Default Required Date field. Note The required date will not use this default if the shipper selected for an order is a fleet delivery shipper with a defined route/stop for the customer. |
Select one of the following options to generate pack list:
Click the Lookup button and select the time zone of the trading partner. If the time zones of the trading partner differs from that of the location, the system converts the date and time of the trading partner to that of the location while importing the EDI Order Date and Time using the Purchase Order Form. |
Select this check box if the product numbers used on the inbound and outbound maps are supplier product codes. If this check box is selected, you must enter supplier product codes in Supplier Product Maintenance. If you want to use your company's product codes, clear this check box. Note If you select this check box, the Use Customer Product Table and Use Product UPC/GTIN Codes check boxes are automatically cleared. You can only select one of these product code cross-reference methods. |
Select this check box if the product numbers used on the inbound and outbound maps are customer product codes. If this check box is selected, you must enter customer product codes in Customer Product Maintenance. If you want to use your company's product codes, clear this check box. Note If you select this check box, the Use Supplier Product Table and Use Product UPC/GTIN Codes check boxes are automatically cleared. You can only select one of these product code cross-reference methods. |
Select this check box if the product numbers used on the inbound and outbound maps are product UPC or GTIN codes. If you select this check box, all UPCs for products must be unique. Note If you select this check box, the Use Supplier Product Table and Use Customer Product Table check boxes are automatically cleared. You can only select one of these product code cross-reference methods. |
Select this check box if the description from the inbound EDI transmission will override the Apprise product name. NOTE If the product description is blank in an import file, it will not override the Apprise product name even if this check box is selected. |
Select this check box if you want the payment terms on inbound EDI orders to override the customer's default terms. If this check box is cleared, the customer’s default terms override the terms from the inbound EDI order. You may need to establish a cross-reference to the partner’s terms on the Cross Reference tab. |
Select this check box to allow a blank shipper on inbound EDI orders. If this check box is cleared, a shipper is required. The software uses the following hierarchy to determine the shipper:
Note The shipper ID is validated during EDI order imports even if this check box is selected. |
Select this check box if you want to ignore the product unit of measure in EDI order import files received from the trading partner, and instead use the default selling unit of measure for the ordered products. You should select this check box if the trading partner always sends EDI order files with invalid units of measure to avoid errors. |
Select this check box to allow duplicate purchase order numbers when importing orders for the trading partner in Order Import or EDI Order Import. Note If this check box is selected for an order class, customer, or trading partner, duplicate purchase order numbers are allowed. |
Select one of the following options to determine what occurs if the price on an inbound EDI order is different from the price calculated for the price matrix.
NOTE If this option is selected, and a blank price is imported, the price matrix price is used.
Select one of the following options to determine if a price warning is generated when the price calculated for a price matrix is different from the price on an inbound EDI order:
Note These radio buttons are disabled if the Fatal Error radio button is selected in the Price Discrepancy Option radio set. |
Enter the percentage difference between the price on an inbound EDI order and the price matrix that will generate a price warning (based on the selected price warning option). The percentage is calculated as the matrix price being X percentage different from the import price, where X is the value entered in this field. Example If you enter 25 in this field and the Always radio button is selected, a price warning is always generated if the matrix price is 25% greater than or less than the import price. If the import price is 8 and the matrix price is 10, a price warning is generated because 10 is 25% greater than 8. However, if the import price is 12 and the matrix price is 10, a price warning is not generated because 10 is 20% less than 12. Note This field is disabled if the Never radio button is selected in the Price Warning Option radio set. |
Select one of the following options to determine what occurs for inbound EDI orders:
Select this check box to not calculate any tax (internal tax and AvaTax) on orders or invoices for the customers associated with the trading partner. |
Select this check box if the trading partner is an ETM trade partner. If you select this check box, the ETM Partner and ETM Forms tabs are enabled. This check box is only enabled if you have an ETM license. |
Select this check box to consolidate drop-ship purchase orders by distribution center for the trading partner. If you select this check box, the check box is selected in the Consolidate column for the trading partner's orders in the grid on the Results tab in Drop Ship and Special Order Create. |
Select this check box to include SDQ records for EDI purchase orders for the trading partner. |
Select this check box to allow a blank or invalid Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) for the trading partner. If this check box is cleared, the SCAC is validated during bill of lading completion to prevent compliance errors for 856s and 810s. |
Enter a return address name for the trading partner. |
Enter a return address company name for the trading partner. |
Enter the first line of the return address for the trading partner. |
Enter the second line of the return address for the trading partner. |
Enter the third line of the return address for the trading partner. |
Enter the city of the return address for the trading partner, or click the Lookup button to select the city. |
Enter the state or province of the return address for the trading partner, or click the Lookup button to select the state or province. |
Enter the postal code of the return address for the trading partner, or click the Lookup button to select the postal code. |
Enter the country of the return address for the trading partner, or click the Lookup button to select the country. |
Enter the phone number associated with the return address for the trading partner. |
Field or Button |
Description |
This grid displays customers associated with the selected trading partner. Double-click a customer to display Customer Maintenance, which allows you to view and modify detailed information for the customer. If you are not authorized to use Customer Maintenance, Customer Inquiry appears instead, and allows you to view detailed information for the customer. |
Field or Button |
Description |
This grid displays suppliers associated with the selected trading partner. Double-click a supplier to display Supplier Maintenance, which allows you to view and modify detailed information for the supplier. If you are not authorized to use Supplier Maintenance, Supplier Inquiry appears instead, and allows you to view detailed information for the supplier. |
Field or Button |
Description |
This grid displays all EDI forms that are not selected for the trade ID. For more information on EDI forms, see EDI Forms. NOTE If the ETM Partner check box is cleared for the trading partner on the Main tab, only EDI Gateway supported forms are available in this grid. If the ETM Partner check box is selected for the trading partner, the available forms in this grid are based on the standard entered on the ETM Partner tab. |
Click this button to add the selected form in the Available Forms grid to the Selected Forms grid. Note If you add an outbound form to an existing trading partner, you should process all unprocessed transactions for the trading partner to clear out all the old transactions. |
Click this button to add all EDI forms in the Available Forms grid to the Selected Forms grid. |
Click this button to remove the selected EDI form from the Selected Forms grid. |
Click this button to remove all EDI forms from the Selected Forms grid. |
This grid displays all EDI forms used for the trading partner. This grid includes the following columns:
Example Trade ID = 123 for Customer A. The customer’s ship-to record contains sequence numbers 001, 002,and 003 to suggest there are three different ship-to addresses for this customer. If you enter an outbound trade ID of 123-001, you are indicating that the software should use the first ship-to address.
Note This setting does not apply to 940's.
Field or Button |
Description |
Click the Lookup button to select the cross-reference type that you will associate with the EDI partner’s code for the following codes:
Enter the EDI partner’s code that is equal to the internal code. |
Select this check box to allow the selected cross-reference to be used for all outbound EDI transactions. Example You create a cross-reference that is not associated with a specific form, and select this check box so you can use it for all outbound transactions, such as 753, 810, and 856 transactions. |
Enter the EDI form (e.g., 850), or click the Lookup button to select an EDI form. |
Enter the internal code that is equal to the partner code, or click the Lookup button to select the internal code. |
Click this button to add a cross-reference pair to the Related Cross References grid. |
Click this button to delete the selected cross-reference pair in the Related Cross References grid. |
This grid displays cross-reference information for the selected trading partner. If you want to edit a cross-reference, double-click it, and the data for the cross-reference appears in the fields above the grid. Then, after updating the cross-reference, click the Add button to update the cross-reference in the grid. |
Field or Button |
Description |
Click this button to display EDI Distribution Center Maintenance, which allows you to create distribution centers for the selected trading partner. |
This grid displays distribution center information for the selected trading partner. |
Note This tab is only enabled for ETM trading partners.
Field or Button |
Description |
Enter the trading partner's interchange ID. This field is automatically changed to the value entered in the Interchange Receiver ID (ISA08) field on the ETM Partner Outbound Options tab. |
Enter the company's interchange ID. This field is automatically changed to the value entered in the Interchange Sender ID (ISA06) field on the ETM Partner Outbound Options tab. |
Enter the EDI standard to use for the trading partner, or click the Lookup button to select a standard. |
Enter an element separator. |
Enter the trading partner's group ID. This identifies the trading partner. This field is automatically changed to the value entered in the Group Receiver Code (GS03) field on the ETM Partner Outbound Options tab. |
Enter the company's group ID. This field is automatically changed to the value entered in the Group Sender ID (GS02) field on the ETM Partner Outbound Options tab. |
Enter the organization. |
Enter a sub-element separator. |
Enter a segment terminator. |
Enter a network ID, or click the Lookup button to select a network ID. For information on setting up networks, see Network Maintenance. |
Select this check box to automatically create new forms for the trading partner. This check box is cleared by default. |
Select this check box if the trading partner uses sequential control numbers for inbound documents, and you want the system to verify that no control numbers were skipped and report any skipped control numbers in EDI Exception Report. This check box is cleared by default. |
Enter the functional acknowledgment wait time in hours. This defaults to 24 hours. |
Select whether the functional acknowledgment level is summary or group. |
Enter the interchange send control number. |
Enter one of the following interchange checking characters:
This field displays one of the following interchange format characters:
This field displays one of the following interchange level characters:
Enter the interchange receive control number. |
Enter the group send control number. |
Enter one of the following group checking characters:
This field displays one of the following group format characters:
This field displays one of the following group level characters:
Enter the group receive control number. |
Enter the transaction send control number. |
Enter one of the following transaction checking characters:
Enter one of the following transaction format characters:
Enter one of the following transaction level characters:
Enter the transaction receive control number. |
Note This tab is only enabled for ETM trading partners.
Note This tab is only enabled for ETM trading partners.
Field or Button |
Description |
Click this button to create a new ETM form record for the trading partner. Note This button is only enabled if you are updating a previously saved EDI trading partner. |
Click this button to update the selected ETM form record for the trading partner. |
Click this button to delete the selected ETM form record for the trading partner. |
Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update or Delete button. |
Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update or Delete button. |
Enter the EDI standard for the ETM form record, or click the Lookup button to select a standard. |
Enter a form version, or click the Lookup button to select a version. |
Enter a transaction, or click the Lookup button to select a transaction. |
Select whether the form is received or sent. |
Enter a map for the form, or click the Lookup button to select a map. For information on creating EDI maps, see EDI Mapper. |
Enter the outbound GS functional ID. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the X12 or UCS standard. |
This field displays the outbound GS group sender ID. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the X12 or UCS standard. |
This field displays the outbound GS group receiver code. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the X12 or UCS standard. |
Enter the outbound GS group date. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the X12 or UCS standard. |
Enter the outbound GS group time. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the X12 or UCS standard. |
This field displays the outbound GS group control number. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the X12 or UCS standard. |
Enter the outbound GS agency code. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the X12 or UCS standard. |
Enter the outbound GS group version for the form. When you create a new form, this defaults to the version entered in the Version field. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the X12 or UCS standard. |
Enter the outbound EDIFACT message type. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the EDIFACT standard. |
Enter the outbound EDIFACT message version number. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the EDIFACT standard. |
Enter the outbound EDIFACT message release number. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the EDIFACT standard. |
Enter the outbound EDIFACT controlling agency. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the EDIFACT standard. |
Enter the outbound EDIFACT association assigned code. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the EDIFACT standard. |
Select this check box if a functional acknowledgment is required for the form. If you clear this check box for a form, outbound transactions for the form are assigned a status of skipped. Note These transactions can be viewed in EDI Task Management, but they will not appear on the EDI Exception Report. Therefore, you should not clear this check box for forms if you want the associated transactions to appear on the EDI Exception Report. |
Select this check box to not list the transaction for the form record on output EDI exception reports. For information on EDI exception reports, see EDI Exception Report. |
Select this check box to allow the raw EDI data to be updated for the form in Data Viewer. Note Usually, you should not edit raw EDI data. You can only edit raw data if the Allowed to Update Raw EDI check box is selected in User Profile Maintenance for your user ID. |
Select whether the processing is in Test or Production mode. |
Enter up to three key segments that you want to store for transaction ID's of the form. The ID 1 segment/element/subelement values for each form should match the values to which the transaction ID is mapped in the associated EDI map. For example, the values should match the mapping for the pick demand (the transaction ID for INSDES/940), the shipment/bill of lading number (the transaction ID for 856/DESADV), or the invoice reference number (the transaction ID for INVOIC/810). |
Enter up to three key qualifiers for the associated segments entered in the Segment fields. This allows you to specify a specific qualifier for segments that repeat. |
Enter up to three key elements for the associated elements entered in the Element fields. The ID 1 segment/element/subelement values for each form should match the values to which the transaction ID is mapped in the associated EDI map. For example, the values should match the mapping for the pick demand (the transaction ID for INSDES/940), the shipment/bill of lading number (the transaction ID for 856/DESADV), or the invoice reference number (the transaction ID for INVOIC/810). |
Enter up to three subelements that you want to store for transaction ID's of the form. The ID 1 segment/element/subelement values for each form should match the values to which the transaction ID is mapped in the associated EDI map. For example, the values should match the mapping for the pick demand (the transaction ID for INSDES/940), the shipment/bill of lading number (the transaction ID for 856/DESADV), or the invoice reference number (the transaction ID for INVOIC/810). |
This field displays the last received or sent interchange control number for the trading partner. |
Enter one of the following interchange checking characters:
This field displays one of the following interchange format characters:
This field displays one of the following interchange level characters:
This field displays the last received or sent group control number for the trading partner. |
Enter one of the following group checking characters:
This field displays one of the following group format characters:
This field displays one of the following group level characters:
This field displays the last received or sent transaction control number for the trading partner. |
Enter one of the following transaction format characters:
Enter one of the following transaction level characters:
Enter the outbound ISA interchange standards ID for the form. This field is only available if the trading partner uses the X12 or UCS standard. |
Enter a prefix for the deposit and payment import files generated from imported EDI payment remittance forms from your customers. This field is only enabled for incoming 820 and REMADV forms. |
Enter the folder path to which to export the deposit and payment import file generated from imported EDI payment remittance forms from your customers, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the folder. This field is only enabled for incoming 820 and REMADV forms. |
Enter the name of the custom report form to use for generating a report after receiving EDI transactions, or click the Lookup button to select a custom report form. Note The custom report form defined in this window takes precedence over the one defined in EDI Map Table Definition Maintenance. However, if this field is blank, the system uses the form defined in EDI Map Table Definition Maintenance. |
Enter the directory to output the custom reports for the selected EDI Form (Received EDI Forms only). |
This grid displays information for ETM forms associated with the selected trading partner. Double-click a form to display information for it in the fields above the grid. |
Note This tab is only enabled if you have licensed Managed ETM.
Field or Button |
Description |
Select this check box to allow the system to bypass checking of the pack list required fields for the trading partner. |
This grid displays all the pack list fields for the selected trading partner. Select the check box in the Required column to mark the fields as mandatory for the pack list. For more information about the hierarchy in which the system determines whether a pack list field is required, see Pack List Required Fields Hierarchy. |