EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Count Detail

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To use EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Count Detail, click the Count Detail button in EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Management, EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice by Product Management, or Customer Product Maintenance.


View the EDI inventory inquiry/advice count details for the selected product.


Use EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Count Detail to view the  EDI inventory inquiry/advice count details for the selected product in EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Management, EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice by Product Management, or Customer Product Maintenance.

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Click this button to close the EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Count Detail window.

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EDI Inventory/Inquiry/Advice Count Detail grid

This grid displays the following EDI inventory inquiry/advice count details for the selected product:

  • Trading Partner ID - Trading partner's ID

  • Trading Partner Name - Trading partner's name

  • Archive Date - Archive date of the EDI activity

  • Archive Time - Archive time of the EDI activity

  • Session ID - The session ID of the EDI processing session