EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Management

Menu Path: Electronic Data Interchange Images\bluerarw.gif Module Setup Images\bluerarw.gif EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Management


Manage inventory inquiry/advice data sent to each trading partner.


Use EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Management to specify products and quantities to include in inventory inquiry/advice files sent to trading partners.

NOTE If you use this window to specify products and quantities, EDI inventory inquiry/advice data is not exported for products with blank promise dates.

For information on outputting EDI inventory inquiry/advice files, see EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Export. If you want to update products and quantities for multiple trading partners at the same time after you set up products and quantities in this window, you can use EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice by Product Management.

NOTE To use EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Management, a default location must be set up for the trading partner or all customers associated with the trading partner.

Managing EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Data

To manage EDI inventory inquiry/advice data:

  1. Enter a trading partner trade ID or trade ID name for which you want to manage inventory inquiry/advice data in the Trade ID or Trade ID Name field. The products for which inventory information will be sent to the trading partner in EDI inventory inquiry/advice files appears in the Products grid.

  2. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

  3. If you want to report inventory data for additional products to the trading partner in EDI inventory inquiry/advice files, specify the products, as follows:

    1. Select whether to add products by product, product style, or product category.

    2. Enter a product code, product style, or product category. If you entered a product category and want to specify a specific product subcategory, clear the All Subcategories check box and enter the product subcategory.

    3. Click the Add button. If you selected to add products by product style or product category, you are asked to confirm. Click the Yes button to confirm.

    4. Repeat substeps a to c for all products you want to add.

  4. If you want to remove products from EDI inventory inquiry/advice files sent to the trading partner, select the check box in the Select grid column for each product, then click the Delete Selected button in the ribbon.

  5. Enter the inventory quantity settings for each product in the Products grid, or use the ribbon buttons to change the quantity settings.

  6. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The EDI inventory inquiry/advice data is updated.

Recalculating Output Quantities

When you click the Recalculate Output Quantity, Reset Forecast Percent, or Reset Minimum Quantities button in the ribbon, the following processing occurs:

    • minimum output quantity

    • customer forecast percentage quantity (based on the percent of monthly customer forecast and the customer forecast quantity)

Example Product A has a minimum available inventory quantity of 100 and a current quantity available of 200. The customer forecast quantity for the product is 100, the minimum output quantity is 75, and the percent of monthly customer forecast is 50%. Current quantity available is greater than the minimum available inventory quantity, so the software calculates the inventory advice output quantity as 75. This is the minimum output quantity, because it is larger than the customer forecast percentage quantity, which is 50 (.50 x 100 = 50).

Note The inventory advice output quantity is not calculated for products for which the check box is selected in the Ignore Recalculation column. However, the customer forecast quantity, current quantity available, MTD units sold, YTD units sold, promise date, and expected quantities are recalculated.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Management window.


Click this button to update EDI inventory inquiry/advice data for the selected trading partner.

Count Detail

Click this button to display the EDI Inventory/Inquiry/Advice Count Details for the selected product in the Products grid.


Click this button to accept changes. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel changes. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Select All

Click this button to select the check box in the Select column for all products in the Products grid. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Deselect All

Click this button to clear the check box in the Select column for all products in the Products grid. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Delete Selected

Click this button to remove all products from the Products grid for which the check box is selected in the Select column. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice Import, which allows you to import EDI inventory inquiry/advice data from a file. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Recalculate Output Quantity

Click this button to recalculate output quantities for each product in the Products grid for which the check box is selected in the Select column. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

For information on the calculations performed, see Recalculating Output Quantities.

Reset Forecast Percent

Click this button to recalculate output quantities and reset the forecast percentage for each product in the Products grid for which the check box is selected in the Select column.

When you reset forecast percentages, the percentage in the Percent of Monthly Customer Forecast column in the Products grid is set to the percentage in the Default Percent of Monthly Customer Forecast column.

Note If 0 is entered in the Default Percent of Monthly Customer Forecast column, the percentage in the Percent of Monthly Customer Forecast is calculated as the year-to-date units sold for the trading partner divided by the total year-to-date units sold for all customers.

This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

For information on the calculations performed for recalculating output quantities, see Recalculating Output Quantities.

Reset Minimum Quantities

Click this button to recalculate output quantities and reset the minimum output quantity for each product in the Products grid for which the check box is selected in the Select column.

When you reset minimum quantities, the quantity in the Min. Output Qty column in the Products grid is set to the quantity in the Default Min. Output Qty column.

This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

For information on the calculations performed for recalculating output quantities, see Recalculating Output Quantities.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Trade ID

Enter the trade ID of the EDI trading partner for which you want to update EDI inventory inquiry/advice data, or click the Lookup button to select a trade ID.

Note You can only set up EDI inventory inquiry/advice data for a trading partner if the trading partner is set up to receive EDI inventory inquiry/advice data in EDI Trading Partner Maintenance.

Trade ID Name

Enter the trade ID name of the EDI trading partner for which you want to update EDI inventory inquiry/advice data, or click the Lookup button to select a trade ID name.

Note You can only set up EDI inventory inquiry/advice data for a trading partner if the trading partner is set up to receive EDI inventory inquiry/advice data in EDI Trading Partner Maintenance.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Define for

Select whether to add data for products, product styles, or product categories.

Product Code

Enter a product code for which to add data, or click the Lookup button to select a product code. This field is only available if you select the Product radio button.

Product Name

Enter a product name for which to add data, or click the Lookup button to select a product code. This field is only available if you select the Product radio button.

Product Style

Enter a product style for which to add data, or click the Lookup button to select a product style. This field is only available if you select the Product Style radio button.


This field displays the description of the selected product style. This field is only available if you select the Product Style radio button.


Enter a product category for which to add data, or click the Lookup button to select a product category. This field is only available if you select the Category radio button.

Short Description

This field displays the description of the selected product category. This field is only available if you select the Category radio button.

All Subcategories

Select this check box to add data for all subcategories. This check box is only available if you select the Category radio button.


Enter a product subcategory for which to add data, or click the Lookup button to select a product subcategory. This field is only available if you select the Category radio button, and only enabled if you clear the All Subcategories check box.


Click this button to add the selected product, product style, or product category.


This grid displays products for which inventory data is reported to the selected trading partner in outbound EDI inventory inquiry/advice files. If the quantity in the Inventory Advice Output Quantity column is zero for a product, the row displays in red.

This grid includes the following columns:

  • Select - Select this check box for each product you want to select. You can then delete selected products by clicking the Delete Selected button in the ribbon, or update product data by clicking the Recalculate Output Quantity, Reset Forecast Percent, or Reset Minimum Quantities buttons in the ribbon. You can also click the Select All or Deselect All buttons in the ribbon to select or clear this check box for all products.

  • Trade ID - This column displays the trade ID of the EDI trading partner for which you are updating EDI inventory inquiry/advice data.

  • Trade ID Name - This column displays the trade ID name of the EDI trading partner for which you are updating EDI inventory inquiry/advice data.

  • Product Code - This column displays the product code for each product for which the trading partner will receive inventory data.

  • Product Name - This column displays the product name for each product for which the trading partner will receive inventory data.

  • UM - This column displays the default selling unit of measure for each product.

  • Customer Product Code - This column displays the customer product code (if it exists) for each product. For information on setting up customer product codes, see Customer Product Maintenance.

  • Customer Product Name - This column displays the customer product name (if it exists) for each product. For information on setting up customer product names, see Customer Product Maintenance.

  • MTD Net Units - This column displays the month-to-date net units sold to the trading partner for each product. This data is stored in the EDI inventory inquiry/advice record and refreshed when the output quantity is recalculated.

  • YTD Net Units - This column displays the year-to-date net units sold to the trading partner for each product. This data is stored in the EDI inventory inquiry/advice record and refreshed when the output quantity is recalculated.

  • MTD Net Units (All Customers) - This column displays the month-to-date net units sold to all customers for each product. This data is stored in the EDI inventory inquiry/advice record and refreshed when the output quantity is recalculated.

  • YTD Net Units (All Customers) - This column displays the year-to-date net units sold to all customers for each product. This data is stored in the EDI inventory inquiry/advice record and refreshed when the output quantity is recalculated.

  • Product Style - This column displays the product style for each product.

  • Category Code - This column displays the product category for each product.

  • Subcategory Code - This column displays the product subcategory for each product.

  • Product User Defined 1-20 - These columns display the user-defined field information for each product. For information on setting up user-defined fields, see User Defined Fields Maintenance.

  • Current Quantity Available - This column displays the current quantity available for each product for the default shipping location of the trading partner. If the trading partner does not have a default shipping location, the shipping location for the first customer associated with the trading partner is used. This data is stored in the EDI inventory inquiry/advice record and refreshed when the output quantity is recalculated.

  • Customer Reservation Quantity - This column displays the quantity on customer reservations for each product.

  • Shipping Location Prefix - This column displays the default shipping location prefix for the trading partner. If the trading partner does not have a default shipping location, this is the shipping location prefix for the first customer associated with the trading partner.

  • Shipping Location Name - This column displays the default shipping location name for the trading partner. If the trading partner does not have a default shipping location, this is the shipping location name for the first customer associated with the trading partner.

  • Customer Forecast Group - This column displays the customer forecast group for the first customer associated with the trading partner.

  • Customer Forecast Quantity - This column displays the customer forecast quantity for the current month for each product. This data is stored in the EDI inventory inquiry/advice record and refreshed when the output quantity is recalculated.

  • Promotional Forecast Quantity - This column displays the promotional forecast quantity for the current month for each product.

  • Updated Date - This column displays the date each product record was updated for the trading partner.

  • Updated Time - This column displays the time each product record was updated for the trading partner.

  • Updated By - This column displays the user ID that last updated each product record for the trading partner.

  • Created Date - This column displays the date each product record was created for the trading partner.

  • Created Time - This column displays the time each product record was created for the trading partner.

  • Created By - This column displays the user ID that created each product record for the trading partner.

  • Promise Date - This column displays the promise date for each product. This data is refreshed when the output quantity is recalculated.

  • Expected Quantity - This column displays the expected quantity for each product. This data is refreshed when the output quantity is recalculated.

  • Default Min. Output Qty - Enter the default minimum output quantity for each product. When you reset minimum quantities, the minimum output quantity is set to this value.

  • Min. Output Qty - If you want to send the trading partner inventory values that are at least a minimum quantity, enter the minimum output quantity for each product. When you recalculate output quantities for a product for which sufficient quantity is available, the inventory advice output quantity is set to this value if it is larger than the customer forecast percentage quantity. If you change the value in this column, the inventory advice output quantity is recalculated (unless the check box in the Ignore Recalculation check box is selected).

  • Default Percent of Monthly Customer Forecast - Enter the default percentage of monthly customer forecast for each product. When you reset forecast percentages, the percent of monthly customer forecast is set to this value.

  • Percent of Monthly Customer Forecast - If you want to send the trading partner inventory values that are a percentage of monthly customer forecast, enter the percentage. When you recalculate output quantities for a product for which sufficient quantity is available, the inventory advice output quantity is set to this percent multiplied by the customer forecast quantity (divided by 100) if it is larger than the minimum output quantity. If you change the percentage in this column, the inventory advice output quantity is recalculated (unless the check box in the Ignore Recalculation check box is selected).

  • Minimum Available Inventory Quantity - Enter the minimum available inventory quantity to send to the trading partner for each product. When the output quantity is calculated for a product, if this number is greater than the current quantity available, the inventory advice output quantity is set to 0. If you enter 0 in this column for a product, the inventory advice output quantity is not calculated when you recalculate output quantities. If you change the value in this column, the inventory advice output quantity is recalculated (unless the check box in the Ignore Recalculation check box is selected).

  • Inventory Advice Output Quantity - This column displays the quantity sent to the trading partner in EDI inventory inquiry/advice files. If you want to manually change the inventory quantity for a product that is sent to the trading partner, enter it in this column. If you always want to send the trading partner a quantity of 0, enter 0, and select the check box in the Ignore Recalculation column.

  • Ignore Recalculation - Select this check box for each product for which you want to ignore recalculation of the inventory advice output quantity. This check box is cleared by default for each product.

  • Ignore Recalculation Date - This column displays the date the check box was selected in the Ignore Recalculation column for each product.

  • Ignore Recalculation Reason - Enter a reason the check box was selected in the Ignore Recalculation column for each product.

  • Manually Updated Output Qty - The check box in this column is selected for each product for which a value was manually entered in the Inventory Advice Output Quantity column instead of calculated.

  • Zero Output Qty Count - This column displays the number of times zero quantity of the product was sent.

  • Exclude - Select the check box in this column for each product to exclude that product from the EDI Inventory Inquiry/Advice files. This, in turn, changes the inventory quantity to 0 for that product in the Inventory Advice Output Quantity column. This check box is cleared by default for each product.  

Note This grid is cached to improve performance. You cannot sort, filter, group, graph, or summarize data in this grid.