Pricing Authorization Level FAQ

Question: How does the pricing authorization level work?

Answer: A user’s pricing authorization level is set up in User Extended Options. These levels add another layer of security to the establishment of prices in Price Book Product Profit Price Maintenance.

User's Authorization Level



This is the lowest level of price authorization. All price changes or updates to a price are assigned to Plan status until a user with a Review or Active pricing authorization level approves the price. A user who is assigned this pricing authorization level cannot view any price authorizations in Price Change Authorize.



This is the middle level of price authorization. All price changes or updates to a price can be assigned to Plan or Review status until a user with an Active pricing authorization level approves the price to the Active status. A user who is assigned this pricing authorization level can view all pending price authorizations in Price Change Authorize that are at the Plan status.


This is the highest level of price authorization. All price changes or updates to a price can be assigned to Plan, Review, or Active status. A user who is assigned this pricing authorization level can view all pending price authorizations in Price Change Authorize that are at the Plan or Review status.

Note Only Active records are used to automatically assign pricing to customer orders. If a user who has Plan authority updates an Active record, the record will become inactive (it goes back to the Plan level).