Price Change Authorize

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Order Options Images\bluerarw.gif Pricing Images\bluerarw.gif Price Change Authorize


View and approve price change authorizations based on user security level.


Use Price Change Authorize to authorize price records set up in Price Book/Product Profit Price Maintenance. It does not work in conjunction with any other price record windows. For more information, see Pricing Authorization Level FAQ.

Make a price authorization level selection, then click the Show Data button in the ribbon to view the initial results. Select the check box in the Active column in the Price Records grid to authorize records for the level selected, then click the Show Data button in the ribbon to view the updated results.

Note You can only view price records if Review or Active is selected in the Pricing Authorization Level field in User Extended Options for your user ID. Only users with Review or Active status can view price authorizations in this window. The default price authorization level based on your user profile is displayed.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Price Change Authorize window.

Show Data

Click this button to display price records for the selected authorization level in the Price Records grid.

Inquiry Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Price Authorization Level Change to

Click the Lookup button to select the price authorization level to which you are moving price records.

Example If you want to move price records currently in the Plan price authorization level to the Review level, select Review.

Price Records

This grid displays price records to which you can change the price authorization level to the selected level. Double-click a price record to display Price Book/Product Profit Price Maintenance, which allows you to view, edit, copy, or delete price records. Select the check box in the Active column to authorize the price record.

Note Price records that are already set to the Active price authorization level do not appear in the grid.