Forecast Sales History Maintenance

If you edit this topic, review Forecast Sales History Maintenance Database Information.

Menu Path: Purchasing Images\bluerarw.gif Distribution Resource Planning Images\bluerarw.gif Forecast Management Images\bluerarw.gif Forecast Sales History Maintenance


Edit sales history for DRP.


Use Forecast Sales History Maintenance to adjust sales history for forecasting purposes. Adjustments can be made for the following reasons:

Reason for Adjustment


One-time large sale not expected to recur

If no adjustment is made, future forecasts will be too high.

Excess sales in one period caused by promotions that are not expected to continue in subsequent forecasting periods

If no adjustment is made, future forecasts will be too high.


Correction of a large mistake that happened in a prior period, but was corrected in a subsequent period

For example, an order was processed for 10,000 each (instead of 100 each) in a prior period. The error was not discovered until a subsequent period. Corrections should be made to both affected periods.

New product introduction

To have a forecast for a product, you must have prior period sales data. If a product is being launched in June/2020, you could manually enter sales estimates for the prior 6-12 months so that forecasts could be calculated for June/2020 and future periods.

Extended stock out

If you run out of stock and can’t replenish it quickly, then the sales history might be showing less than what you would have expected to sell if there was no stock-out. This would lead to lower forecast quantities for future periods.

Single or dominant customer product

If one customer dominates the demand for a particular product, then it’s probably best to monitor that customer’s buying habits closely and make adjustments (for example, if they decide to discontinue it).

Low sales rate products

If only 1 or 2 of a product is sold in a 6 month period, the forecast may calculate 0, in which case the system is putting you out of business on this product.

New significant customers

If you added new customers that you expect to start buying significant quantities of certain products, you should increase the prior sales history so that the forecasts will reflect this increased demand.

Example Product ABC has the following sales history:


Quantity Sold

















In Jun/20, there was a one-time sale to a large customer that is not expected to repeat. If the 5,350 is left in sales history for Jun/20, the forecast for future months will be overstated, resulting in an excess inventory position. You would use this program to adjust the 5,350 to 1,350 (sales excluding the large one-time sale) so that the forecast for future months can be correctly calculated.

Note Changing quantity sold in this window only affects DRP. It does not affect the actual sales history in the system.

For database information for this window, see Forecast Sales History Maintenance Database Information.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Forecast Sales History Maintenance window.

Show Data

Click this button to display time bucketed data in the Sales History grid.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Product Code

Enter a product code for which to update sales history, or click the Lookup button to select a product code.

Name (Product)

Enter a product name for which to update sales history, or click the Lookup button to select a product name.


Enter a location prefix for which to update sales history, or click the Lookup button to select a location prefix.

Name (Location)

Enter a location name for which to update sales history, or click the Lookup button to select a location name.

Forecast Group

Enter a forecast group for which to update sales history, or click the Lookup button to select a forecast group.


This field displays the description of the selected forecast group.

Sales History From

Enter the first date in a range of dates for which to update sales history, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.


Enter the last date in a range of dates for which to update sales history, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

Actual Type

Select one of the following types of forecast history to adjust:

  • Actual Net Sales - Adjust sales as determined by the software.

  • POS Sell Through - Adjust  sales as determined by when your customer’s customer actually buys the product (typically cash register sales to consumers that are provided electronically).

Time Bucket

Select whether to adjust monthly, weekly, or daily sales history.

Customer Discontinued Ordering

Select this check box for a product, location, and forecast group to indicate that it should not be displayed in Customer Forecast Management (if the product is no longer bought). This check box is only enabled after you select a product, location, and forecast group.

Sales History

This grid displays sales history based on the selected criteria. This grid contains the following columns:

  • Month - This column displays the month for each month of data. This column is only available if you select the Monthly radio button.

  • Year - This column displays the year for each month of data. This column is only available if you select the Monthly radio button.

  • From Date - This column displays the first date for each week of data. This column is only available if you select the Weekly radio button.

  • To Date- This column displays the last date for each week of data. This column is only available if you select the Weekly radio button.

  • Date - This column displays each date for the data. This column is only available if you select the Daily radio button.

  • Sale - This column displays the quantity sold for each time bucket.

  • Return - This column displays the quantity returned for each time bucket.

  • Promotional - This column displays the promotional quantity sold for each time bucket.

  • Drop Ship - This column displays the drop shipped quantity sold for each time bucket.

  • Manual Adjustment - Enter a positive or negative adjustment to net sales for a time bucket.

  • Total - This column displays net sales for each time bucket after adjustments.