When you export customer data for Roadnet in Routing Interface Customer Export, the following two files are created.
RNLOCUPD.txt - Customer information
RNLOCUPD2.txt - Customer routing information
The following tables list the format for these files.
Field |
Position |
Length |
Description |
Location ID |
1 |
15 |
This is one of the following based on the Customer Export Code option in Routing Interface Maintenance:
Location Name |
16 |
60 |
custname.cust-name |
Address 1 |
76 |
50 |
cust-shipto.address-1 (for the cust-shipto record of the primary address) |
Address 2 |
126 |
20 |
cust-shipto.address-2 (for the cust-shipto record of the primary address) |
City |
146 |
30 |
cust-shipto.city (for the cust-shipto record of the primary address) |
State |
176 |
20 |
cust-shipto.state (for the cust-shipto record of the primary address) |
Postal Code |
196 |
10 |
cust-shipto.postal-code (for the cust-shipto record of the primary address) |
Phone Number |
206 |
10 |
cust-shipto.phone (for the cust-shipto record of the primary address without dashes or parenthesis) |
Special Instructions |
216 |
255 |
The standard customer remarks This is the customer remark where the document is "Pick Demand." |
System-ID |
471 |
4 |
The first four characters from system-id for the system ID of the customer |
Field |
Position |
Length |
Description |
Location ID |
1 |
15 |
This is one of the following based on the Customer Export Code option in Routing Interface Maintenance:
Fax Number |
16 |
20 |
custname.fax (truncated to 20 characters) |
Delivery Days |
36 |
7 |
Service Time Type ID |
43 |
5 |
routing-cust-user-def.user-defined-field-11 |
Business ID |
48 |
4 |
custname.system-id |
Priority |
52 |
1 |
routing-cust-user-def.user-defined-field-12 |
Open Time |
53 |
5 |
routing-cust-user-def.user-defined-field-13 |
Close Time |
58 |
5 |
routing-cust-user-def.user-defined-field-14 |
Time Window 1 Start |
63 |
5 |
routing-cust-user-def.user-defined-field-15 |
Time Window 1 Stop |
68 |
5 |
routing-cust-user-def.user-defined-field-16 |
Time Window 2 Start |
73 |
5 |
routing-cust-user-def.user-defined-field-17 |
Time Window 2 Stop |
78 |
5 |
routing-cust-user-def.user-defined-field-18 |
Time Window Factor |
83 |
1 |
routing-cust-user-def.user-defined-field-19 |
Preferred Route ID |
84 |
15 |
route-stop.route-num |
Standard Instructions |
99 |
255 |
std-remarks-txt.remarks-txt This is the customer remark where the document is Roadnet. A new document should be added to the remark-document-tbl table called Roadnet. Remarks assigned to this document will be used by Roadnet only. |