Graph Maintenance

Menu Path: None

To use Graph Maintenance, right-click a grid, and select My Graphs Images\bluerarw.gif Create New Layout.


Set up a graph layout for data in a grid.


Use Graph Maintenance to define filter criteria, a name, and the data to be graphed for a graph layout (a chart of data). After you save a graph layout, you can set the chart type, or save the graph layout as a dashboard. For more information on setting up dashboards, see Recording Dashboards.

Saving Graph Layouts

To save a graph layout:

  1. Enter a name for the layout in the Layout Name field.

  2. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Filter Criteria field, and select whether to display all data, or only the top or bottom 10 amounts.

  3. If you want to exclude amounts that are zero from the graph, select the Suppress Zeroes check box.

  4. In the left grid, select a column from the grid you are graphing for which you want to graph data.

  5. In the right grid, select the check box in the Select column for each column from the grid you are graphing for which you want to graph data.

  6. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The graph appears based on the criteria you selected in steps 2 to 5. You can right-click the graph and select options to export the graph as an image, change the graph type, or hide the graph (to see the grid data again).

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Graph Maintenance window and save changes to the graph layout.


Click this button to close the Graph Maintenance window without saving changes to the graph layout.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Layout Name

Enter a name for the graph layout that describes the data you are graphing.

Filter Criteria

Click the Lookup button to select whether to display all data, or the top or bottom 10 amounts.

Suppress Zeroes

Select this check box to exclude zero amounts from the graphed data.

Select a Comparison Column

This grid displays columns from the grid you are graphing that display text, such as customer or product names. Select a column for which you want to graph data. The selected data becomes the x-axis in a column chart.

Select Data Columns

This grid displays columns from the grid you are graphing that display amounts, quantities, or percentages. Select the check box in the Select column for each column for which you want to graph data. The selected values are graphed along the y-axis in a column chart and comprise the legend of the chart.