Recording Dashboards

You can record dashboards for important information that you want to appear in the Main Menu window. There are two types of dashboards: charts and gauges.

Recording Chart Dashboards

NOTE Before recording a chart dashboard, you must create a chart layout in Graph Maintenance.

To record a chart dashboard:

  1. Click Settings in the Main Menu window, and then click Record Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to a grid that contains the data you want to display in the chart. If you need to enter dates to navigate to the grid, use virtual dates for the dates.

Note You cannot record in windows that were open before you clicked the Record Dashboard button.

Example If you want to chart data in Customer Analysis, you must open that window, select the criteria for the data you want to display, and click the Show Data button in the ribbon.

  1. Right-click the grid. The shortcut menu appears.

  2. Select My Graphs.

  3. Select the chart layout name of a previously saved chart layout.

  4. Right-click the chart.

  5. Select Use As Dashboard.

After you save the chart dashboard, you can drag the dashboard's title bar to move it to another location in the Main Menu window. You can also drag the side of a dashboard to resize it, and right-click it to refresh the data, export it as an image, delete it, change the title, or change the chart type. If you drag a three-dimensional dashboard, you can rotate it. You can also edit the chart dashboard in Dashboard Management. For more information on using dashboards, see Main Menu.

Recording Gauge Dashboards

To record a gauge dashboard:

  1. Click Settings in the Main Menu window, and then click Record Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to a field that contains the data you want to display in the gauge. If you need to enter dates to navigate to the field, use virtual dates for the dates.

  3. Right-click the field, and select Gauge This Field.

After you save the gauge dashboard, you can drag the dashboard's title bar to move it to another location in the Main Menu window. You can also drag the side of a dashboard to resize it, and right-click it to refresh the data, delete it, change the title, view the data for the gauge, or change the gauge type. You can also edit the gauge dashboard in Dashboard Management.