Item Search

Menu Path: None

To use Item Search, perform one of the following:


Search for products.


Use Item Search to find products by product name, search name, product code, product code element, product category, or style. When you search for products, you can view whether products can be sold or have been discontinued.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Item Search window.


Click this button to close the Item Search window, and enter the selected product in the window from which you accessed the Item Search window.

Show Data

Click this button to display products for the selected criteria.

Inquiry Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Shipping Location

Enter a shipping location for finding products, or click the Lookup button to select a shipping location.

Sales Location

These fields display the selected sales location prefix and name.

Reposition to

Enter a value to display at the top of the Products grid. The value corresponds to the sort method selected in the Reposition by field. For example, if you want to display products that belong to a specific product category, you can select the Category radio button, and then enter the product category in the Reposition to field.

Reposition by

Select a method for sorting products in the Products grid.


This grid displays product information for the selected criteria. Select a product, and then click the OK button in the ribbon.

Note This grid is cached to improve performance. You cannot sort, filter, group, graph, or summarize data in this grid.