Linked Inbound/Estimated Voucher Inquiry

Menu Path: None

To use Linked Inbound/Estimated Voucher Inquiry, click the Inbound/Estimated button in the ribbon in Charge Entry for Shipment.


View inbound and estimated vouchers for shipment charges.


Use Linked Inbound/Estimated Voucher Inquiry to view inbound and estimated vouchers for shipment charges. You can also cancel pending estimated and inbound vouchers. Pending vouchers can be identified by the temporary voucher numbers assigned to the vouchers.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Linked Inbound/Estimated Voucher Inquiry window.

Voucher Cancel

Click this button to cancel a selected pending estimated voucher (a voucher created in Estimated Voucher Creation, but for which the shipment has not yet been saved). This button is only enabled for pending estimated vouchers.

Voucher Entry

Click this button to display Voucher Entry, which allows you to edit a selected pending inbound voucher (a voucher that was created, but for which the shipment has not yet been saved). This button is only enabled for pending inbound vouchers.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Voucher Type

Select whether to display only estimated vouchers, only inbound vouchers, or both inbound and estimated vouchers.


This grid displays inbound and estimated vouchers for the shipment charge.