Estimated Voucher Creation

Menu Path: None

To use Estimated Voucher Creation, click the Create Estimated button in the ribbon in Charge Entry for Shipment.


Create estimated vouchers for shipment charges.


Use Estimated Voucher Creation to select the posting period/year, batch, and A/P accounts for estimated vouchers for shipment charges, and then automatically create the estimated vouchers. You can use estimated vouchers to record inbound estimated shipment charges before you know the exact charge amount. Estimated vouchers cannot be paid or reconciled.

NOTE The estimated voucher is not created until you finish creating or editing the shipment. Until that point, the voucher is considered a pending voucher, and can be cancelled in Linked Inbound/Estimated Voucher Inquiry.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to create an estimated voucher, and close the Estimated Voucher Creation window.


Click this button to close the Estimated Voucher Creation window without creating an estimated voucher.

Ribbon Batch Tab Buttons



Select Batch

Click this button to display Select a New Batch, which allows you to select a previously created batch.

Open Batch

Click this button to display Open a New Batch, which allows you to create a new batch.

Close Batch

Click this button to display Close A Batch, which allows you to close a batch.

Edit Batch

Click this button to display Edit A Batch, which allows you to edit an existing batch.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Click the Lookup buttons to select the posting period and year for the estimated voucher.

Batch #

This field displays the batch number for the estimated voucher. It defaults to the batch number selected for the voucher entry process. If you want to use a different batch, click the Select Batch or Open Batch button in the ribbon.


This grid displays the supplier information for the estimated voucher, and allows you to select an A/P account for each supplier for the estimated voucher. The A/P account defaults to the A/P Trade account for each supplier.