Order Acknowledgment Options

Menu Path: None

To use Order Acknowledgment Options, select the 855 or ORDRSP form in the Selected Forms grid on the Forms tab in EDI Trading Partner Maintenance, and then click the Form Options button in the ribbon.


Set up order acknowledgment options for a trading partner.


Use Order Acknowledgment Options to set default options for order acknowledgments for each trading partner, such as how often to send order acknowledgments, and what information to include in order acknowledgments.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Order Acknowledgment Options window.


Click this button to update order acknowledgment options.


Click this button to accept changes to order acknowledgment options. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel changing order acknowledgment options. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Order Import Acknowledgment Option

Select an option to control whether an order acknowledgment is sent when an order is imported for the trading partner. Select one of the following options:

  • Always Send - Always send an order acknowledgment for imported orders.

  • Send Exceptions - Send an order acknowledgment if specific events occur, such as an order line item is cancelled. You can specify the events that will cause an order acknowledgment to be sent on the Triggering Events tab.

  • Hold - Put incoming orders on order acknowledgment hold and require the orders to be manually reviewed, so a user can determine whether an order acknowledgment should be sent to the trading partner. Orders on hold are reviewed in EDI Order Acknowledgment Task Management.

  • None - Never send an order acknowledgment for imported orders. If you select this option, you can still set up an EDI map to send order acknowledgments for specific cases, such as specific types of orders.

Pick Demand Print Acknowledgment Option

Select an option to control whether an order acknowledgment is sent when a pick demand is printed for the trading partner. Select one of the following options:

  • Always - Always send an order acknowledgment for printed pick demands.

  • Hold - Put orders on order acknowledgment hold and require the orders to be manually reviewed, so a user can determine whether an order acknowledgment should be sent to the trading partner. Orders on hold are reviewed in EDI Order Acknowledgment Task Management.

  • None - Never send an order acknowledgment for printed pick demands.

Purchase Order Acknowledgment Type

Select a level of detail to include in order acknowledgments for the trading partner. Select one of the following options:

  • Full Detail - Include all line item data in order acknowledgments, including line items that were not changed.

  • Exceptions Only - Include only line item data in order acknowledgments for line items that were changed.

  • Summary Only - Do not include any line item data in order acknowledgments.

Allow Order Rejections

Select this check box to allow orders for the trading partner to be rejected in EDI Order Acknowledgment Task Management. This check box is cleared by default.

Allow Order Holds

Select this check box to allow orders for the trading partner to be put on hold in EDI Order Acknowledgment Task Management. This check box is cleared by default.

Allow Multiple Acknowledgments

Select this check box to create additional purchase order acknowledgment tasks if a purchase order has already been processed.

Note If this check box is cleared, an order acknowledgment can still be generated multiple times for the same task (for example, if a mapping error needs to be corrected).

Backorder Cancellation Reason Code

Enter a backorder cancellation reason code to use on order acknowledgments for the trading partner if backordered quantities are cancelled, or click the Lookup button to select a backorder cancellation reason code. This field is only enabled if you select the Full Detail or Exceptions Only radio button.

Cancel After Date Processing Reason Code

Enter a cancel-after date reason code to use on order acknowledgments for the trading partner if order lines are cancelled because the cancel-after date has passed, or click the Lookup button to select a cancel-after date reason code. This field is only enabled if you select the Full Detail or Exceptions Only radio button.

Default Line Cancellation Reason Code

Enter a default reason code to use on order acknowledgments for the trading partner if order lines are manually cancelled and no reason code is manually entered, or click the Lookup button to select a default reason code. This field is only enabled if you select the Full Detail or Exceptions Only radio button.

Invalid Product Placeholder Code

Enter a service product code to use as a placeholder on order acknowledgments for the trading partner if the trading partner orders an invalid product, or click the Lookup button to select a service product code. This field is only enabled if you select the Full Detail or Exceptions Only radio button.


Enter a service product name to use as a placeholder on order acknowledgments for the trading partner if the trading partner orders an invalid product, or click the Lookup button to select a service product name. This field is only enabled if you select the Full Detail or Exceptions Only radio button.

Default Promise Date

Select this check box if you want to prevent blank promise dates from being included in Order Acknowledgment files for the trading partner.

Days from Current Date

Enter the number of days from the current date to use as the promise date instead of a blank value. This field is only enabled on selecting the Default Promise Date check box.

NOTE When you calculate the value for this field, enter the number of business calendar days from the current date. The business calendar day is set in Business Calendar Day Maintenance.

Example You select the Default Promise Date check box and enter 120 in the Days From Current Date field. The Order Acknowledgment promise date will be the date 120 business days from the current date (instead of a blank).

Triggering Events Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Order Change Events

This grid displays a list of events related to orders that may trigger an order acknowledgment for the trading partner. Select the check box in the Trigger Acknowledgment column for events that you want to trigger an order acknowledgment. Double-click a cell in the Inclusion column to select whether the data is always included on order acknowledgments or only included when changed.

Order Line Item Change Events

This grid displays a list of events related to specific order lines that may trigger an order acknowledgment for the trading partner. Select the check box in the Trigger Acknowledgment column for events that you want to trigger an order acknowledgment. This grid is only enabled if you select the Full Detail or Exceptions Only radio button on the General tab.

Required Fields Tab Fields and Buttons

From the following list of available fields, select the appropriate check boxes to set them as required fields for order acknowledgment for each trading partner: