The Business Intelligence module includes the following documents:
Document Name |
Description |
Sales |
Use this document to analyze sales information, such as:
Inventory |
Use this document to analyze inventory information, such as:
Customer Profitability |
Use this document to analyze profitability information for customers, such as:
Supplier Profitability |
Use this document to analyze profitability information for suppliers, such as:
Product Profitability |
Use this document to analyze profitability information for products, such as:
Cash Flow |
Use this document to analyze cash flow information, such as:
A/P Aging |
Use this document to analyze accounts payable aging information, such as:
A/R Aging |
Use this document to analyze accounts receivable aging information, such as:
Customer Product Goals |
Use this document to view customer product goal information, such as:
Executive |
Use this document to key information, such as:
Sales Rep View - Consumer Products Sales Rep View |
Use either of these documents to help sales representatives be apprised of important data, such as:
A/R Chargeback |
Use this document to analyze chargeback information, such as:
A/R Credit |
Use this document to analyze credit task information, such as:
Bookings |
Use this document to analyze order booking information, such as:
NOTE If you have licensed Apprise Report Studio, additional documents are available for Apprise Report Studio reports.
Data for the Business Intelligence module should be updated for each document daily, so that you can keep up-to-date on the latest trends in your business.
To update each report:
Generate the appropriate extract file(s) in Business Intelligence Export (see the table below). The extract file contains the statistical data for your company. The Business Intelligence server should be set up to automatically refresh your documents based on the updated data.
NOTE You can use the Base Data Export to quickly export the following:
The following table lists the files used for each document in the Business Intelligence module:
Export Name |
Export Program Name |
Export File Name |
Used for Sales Document |
Used for Inventory Document |
Used for Customer Profitability Document |
Used for Supplier Profitability Document |
Used for Product Profitability Document |
Used for Cash Flow Document |
Used for A/P Aging Document |
Used for A/R Aging Document |
Used for Customer Product Goals Document |
Used for Executive Document |
Used for Sales Rep View Document |
Used for Sales Rep View - Consumer Products Document |
Used for A/R Chargeback Document |
Used for A/R Credit Document |
Used for Bookings Document |
Used for A/P Aging Document (Apprise Report Studio) |
Used for A/P Voucher Document (Apprise Report Studio) |
Used for A/R Aging Document (Apprise Report Studio) |
Used for A/R Invoice Document (Apprise Report Studio) |
Used for Inventory Document (Apprise Report Studio) |
Used for Sales Document (Apprise Report Studio) |
Suppliers Export |
bisupplierexp.p |
Suppliers.txt |
Products Export |
biproductexp.p |
Products.txt |
GL Accounts Export |
biglaccountexp.p |
GLAccounts.txt |
Locations Export |
bilocationexp.p |
Locations.txt |
Customers Export |
bicustomerexp.p |
Customers.txt |
Contacts.txt |
Sales Representatives Export |
bisalesrepexp.p |
SalesReps.txt |
Translations Export |
bitranslationexp.p |
Translations.txt |
Cash Flow Export |
bicashflowexp.p |
CashFlow.txt |
Invoice Export |
biinvoiceexp.p |
Invoices_[year].txt |
InvoiceCharges [year].txt |
OpenOrders.txt |
AP Aging Export |
biapagingexp.p |
APAging.txt |
AR Aging Report Export |
biaragingreportexp.p |
ARAgingReport.txt |
Payment Statistics Export |
bipaymentstatexp.p |
PaymentStatistics.txt |
Inventory Export |
biinventoryexp.p |
Inventory.txt |
InventoryPOs.txt |
Turns and Earns |
biturnsandearnsexp.p |
Turnsandearns.txt |
Customer Product Goals |
bicustprodgoalsexp.p |
CustomerProductGoals.txt |
Supplier Profitability Export |
bisupplierprofitexp.p |
SupplierProfit.txt |
Customer Profitability Export |
bicustomerprofitexp.p |
CustomerProfit.txt |
Product Profitability Export |
biproductprofitexp.p |
ProductProfit.txt |
Purchasing Export |
bipurchexp.p |
Purchasing.txt |
Restrictions and Reservations |
birestrictionsexp.p |
Restrictions.txt |
Reservations.txt |
Holiday Export |
biholidayexp.p |
Holidays.txt |
AR Chargeback Export |
biarchargebackexp.p |
ARChargeback.txt |
AR Credit Export |
biarcreditexp.p |
ARCredit.txt |
Bookings Export |
bibookingexp.p |
Bookings.txt |
Product Locations Export |
biprodlocexp.p |
ProductLocations.txt |
Order Classes Export |
biorderclassexp.p |
OrderClasses.txt |