PO Supplier Contact

Menu Path: None

To use PO Supplier Contact, click the Contacts button in the ribbon in Purchase Order Maintenance or Purchase Order Inquiry.

Note If you access this window from Purchase Order Inquiry, you can only view supplier contacts.


View, enter, or edit purchase order supplier contacts.


Use PO Supplier Contact to maintain supplier contact information for a specific purchase order.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the PO Supplier Contact window.

Note If you access this window from Purchase Order Inquiry, this button is disabled.


Click this button to accept the purchase order supplier contact, close the PO Supplier Contact window, and return to Purchase Order Maintenance or Purchase Order Inquiry.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Supplier Name

This field displays the supplier name for the purchase order.


This field displays the supplier code for the purchase order.


This field displays the city of the supplier's address for the purchase order.


This field displays the state of the supplier's address for the purchase order.

Contact Name

Enter the name of the contact, or click the Lookup button to select a purchase order supplier contact name.

Note If you access this window from Purchase Order Inquiry, this field is disabled.

Contact Type

Enter the type of contact.

Note If you access this window from Purchase Order Inquiry, this field is disabled.

Phone #

Enter the phone number of the contact.

Note If you access this window from Purchase Order Inquiry, this field is disabled.

Fax #

Enter the fax number of the contact.

Note If you access this window from Purchase Order Inquiry, this field is disabled.

Email Address

Enter the email address of the contact.

Note If you access this window from Purchase Order Inquiry, this field is disabled.