Purchase Order Inquiry

Menu Path: None

To use Purchase Order Inquiry, perform one of the following:


View detailed information for a specified purchase order number.


Use Purchase Order Inquiry to display detailed information for the line items on a selected purchase order, including landed costs, open amounts, and costs for backordered products.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Purchase Order Inquiry window.

Inventory Matrix

Click this button to display Inventory Matrix Inquiry, which allows you to view information about the selected purchase order line item.


Click this button to display PO Supplier Contact, which allows you to view purchase order supplier contacts.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view and enter notes for a selected purchase order. The icon for this button includes a check mark if notes exist for the purchase order.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


PO #

This field displays the selected purchase order number.

PO Status

This field displays the status of the selected purchase order.

Supplier Code

This field displays the supplier code for the selected purchase order.

PO Date

This field displays the purchase order date for the selected purchase order.

Supplier Name

This field displays the supplier name for the selected purchase order.

Required Date

This field displays the required date for the selected purchase order.

Bill to Location

These fields display the bill-to location prefix and name for the selected purchase order.

Ship Date

This field displays the delivery date for the selected purchase order.

Ship to Location

These fields display the ship-to location prefix and name for the selected purchase order.

Delivery Date

This field displays the delivery date for the selected purchase order.

Original Currency

This field displays the currency in which the selected purchase order was ordered.

Shipper ID

This field displays the shipper for the selected purchase order.

Conversion Currency

Enter a conversion currency for amounts displayed on the Results tab, or click the Lookup button to select a conversion currency. Purchase order amounts are displayed in the original currency and the conversion currency.


This check box is selected if the selected purchase order is marked as a rush order.


This check box is selected if the selected purchase order is finalized.


This check box is selected if the selected purchase order is marked as an expedited order.


This check box is selected if the selected purchase order is marked as ordered.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays purchase order information. Double-click a purchase order to display Purchase Order Maintenance, which allows you to view and update the purchase order.

Note If you are not authorized to use Purchase Order Maintenance, the Purchase Order Inquiry window appears instead, and allows you to view information for the purchase order.

The following columns are displayed in the grid:

  • Line # - This column displays the line number for each purchase order.

  • PO Type - This column displays the type for each purchase order, such as Purchase or Transfer.

  • Product Code - This column displays the product code for each line item.

  • Product Name - This column displays the product name for each line item.

  • Qty. Invoiced - This column displays the quantity invoiced for each line item.

  • Qty. Ordered - This column displays the quantity ordered for each line item.

  • Backordered - The check box in this column is selected if the product for the line item is currently backordered.

  • Days Left - This column displays the number of days of supply left in inventory for the product on each line item.

  • Unit of Measure - This column displays the purchasing unit of measure for each line item.

  • Entered in Warehouse - The check box in this column is selected if the product for the line item is entered in the warehouse.

  • Landed Cost (Original Currency) - This column displays the landed cost for each line item (in the currency displayed in the Original Currency field on the Select tab).

  • Landed Cost (Converted Currency) - This column displays the landed cost for each line item (in the currency entered in the Conversion Currency field on the Select tab).

  • Open Amount (Converted Currency) - This field displays the value of remaining open items for each purchase order (in the currency entered in the Conversion Currency field on the Select tab).

  • Open Amount (Original Currency) - This field displays the value of remaining open items for each purchase order (in the currency displayed in the Original Currency field on the Select tab).

  • BO Units - This column displays the number of backordered units for all customers for each line item.

  • BO Cost (Original Currency) - This column displays the cost value of units on backorder for all customers (in the currency displayed in the Original Currency field on the Select tab).

  • BO Cost (Converted Currency) - This column displays the cost value of units on backorder for all customers (in the currency displayed in the Conversion Currency field on the Select tab).

  • Color Code - This column displays the color (if applicable) for each line item.

  • Size Code - This column displays the size (if applicable) for each line item.

  • Product Style - This column displays the style (if applicable) for each line item.