Pack Detail Entry Screen - Pre Pack

Menu Path: None

To use Pack Detail Entry Screen - Pre Pack, click the Pre Pack button in the ribbon in Pick Demand Confirm.

Note The Pre Pack button is only available if the Advanced Packages tab is selected. The button is only enabled if the selected pick demand is not fully packed.


Enter package information for previously packed line items on a pick demand.


Use Pack Detail Entry Screen - Pre Pack to specify packages for line items on a pick demand that are already packed. For each package, you can specify the packed quantity of the product, a package number, a pallet tag, a pallet ID, and a bill of lading number. You can also split a pick demand line into multiple packages of equal or nearly equal quantity.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Pack Detail Entry Screen - Pre Pack window.

New Pallet

Click this button to create a new pallet.

Note You must enter a valid child bill of lading number before you can create a new pallet.

Create Packs

Click this button to create the entered packages, and close the Packing Detail Entry Screen - Pre Pack window. After you click this button, the packages appear in the Packages Summary grid in Pick Demand Confirm.

Split Line

Click this button to split the selected line item into two packages. If the quantity for the line item is an even number, the packages will each have half of the original quantity. If the quantity for the line item is an odd number, one package will have a quantity one greater than the other package.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Items on Pick Ticket#

This grid displays detailed information about line items on a pick demand that are not yet packed in the system. You can enter the packed quantity of the product, a package number, a pallet tag, a pallet ID, and a bill of lading number. You can only enter a bill of lading number for a bill of lading with the address entered for the pick demand.