Pack Detail Entry Screen - Real Time Pack

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To use Pack Detail Entry Screen - Real Time Pack, click the Real Time Pack button in the ribbon, click Update, or double-click a line item in the Packages Summary grid in Pick Demand Confirm.

Note The Real Time Pack button is only available if the Advanced Packages tab is selected.


Pack line items on a pick demand.


Use Pack Detail Entry Screen - Real Time Pack to pack line items on a pick demand. This process creates the package records.

Creating Packages

To create packages:

  1. Enter a product that you want to pack in the Product field.

  2. Enter the quantity of the product being packed in the Qty Packed field.

  3. Click the Enter button.

  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each product in a package.

  5. Click the Next Pack button in the ribbon.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 until you have packed all products.

  7. Click the Create Packs button in the ribbon to generate the packages.

There are two methods you can use to pack different products proportionally into one or more packages:

Method 1:

  1. Enter a product that you want to pack in the Product field.

  2. Enter the quantity of the product being packed in the Qty Packed field. For example, if 58 of product A and 116 of product B are being packed, and you want to create 29 packages, enter 2 for product A or 4 for product B.

  3. Click the Enter button.

  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each product.

  5. Click the Next Pack button in the ribbon.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 until you have packed all products.

  7. Click the Create Packs button in the ribbon to generate the packages.

Method 2:

  1. Enter a product that you want to pack in the Product field.

  2. Enter the quantity of the product being packed in each package in the Qty Packed field.

  3. Click the Create X packs of Y Qty button in the ribbon. The system will create packages that each contain the quantity entered in step 2 of the product entered in step 1. For example, if 58 of product A are being packed and you entered 2 in step 2, 29 packages are created. You can view the total number of packages created in the Package# field.

  4. Click the Prev Pack button in the ribbon until the first package is displayed.

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 until you have packed all products. The system will add the products to each package that already has the first product in it.

  6. Click the Create Packs button in the ribbon to generate the packages.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Pack Detail Entry Screen - Real Time Pack window.

Pack Remainder

Click this button to pack all remaining products that need to be packed.

Create X Packs of Y Qty

Click this button to create multiple packages that each include the quantity entered in the Qty Packed field for the product entered in the Product field.

Example If a pick demand is for 50 of product A, and 10 is entered in the Qty Packed field, clicking this button creates 5 packages that each have 10 of product A.

You can also use this button to create multiple packages that include multiple products. To do this, manually enter the first package so the products and quantities appear in the Products grid, then clear the Product field, and click the Create X Packs of Y Qty button in the ribbon.

Example A pick demand is for 15 of product A and 10 of product B. You want to create packages that contain 3 of product A and 2 of product B. You enter product A in the Product field, 3 in the Qty Packed field, and then click the Enter button. Next, you enter product B in the Product field, enter 2 in the Qty Packed field, and then click the Enter button. You then clear the Product field and click the Create X Packs of Y Qty button in the ribbon. The system automatically sets up four more packages that each have the same contents as the first package you set up.

If a scale is attached, the package is weighed when you click this button. For more information, see Weighing Packages with a USB Scale.

Auto Build Packages

Click this button to create packages in the product's package unit of measure.

Example A product has two units of measure: Bottle and Case12 (case of 12 bottles). Case12 is set up as the package unit of measure. A customer orders 12 bottles of the product. When you click this button, a package is created for 1 Case12.

The package length, width, and height are calculated automatically if the length, width, and height are set up for the package unit of measure.

If a scale is attached, the package is weighed when you click this button. For more information, see Weighing Packages with a USB Scale.

Weigh Package

Click this button to assign a weight to the selected package from an attached scale, overwriting any existing weight entered for the package. For more information, see Weighing Packages with a USB Scale. This button is only enabled if the Advanced Packages tab is displayed, and if a USB scale is detected.


Click this button to delete the selected row from the Products grid.

Create Packs

Click this button to create the entered packages, and close the Packing Detail Entry Screen - Pre Pack window. After you click this button, the packages appear in the Packages Summary grid in Pick Demand Confirm.

Prev Pack

Click this button to change to the previous package. When you click this button, the package number in the Package# field decreases by one.

Next Pack

Click this button to change to the next package. When you click this button, the package number in the Package# field increases by one.

New Pallet

Click this button to create a new pallet.

Note You must enter a valid child bill of lading number before you can create a new pallet.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This field displays the package sequence for the pick demand.


Click the Lookup button to select a package number. This field defaults to a package number prefixed by the picking demand number.

Package Weight UM

Click the Lookup button to select the package weight unit of measure.

Tracking #

Enter a tracking number for the package.


Enter the product code or name of the product you want to pack, or click the Lookup buttons to select the product code or name.

Carton Code

Enter a carton code for a package, or click the Lookup button to select a carton code.

Unit Weight

If you are picking a catch weight product, enter the unit weight. If you are picking a product that is not a catch weight product, this field displays the product's weight per unit.

Extended Weight

This field displays the extended weight, which is calculated as the quantity packed multiplied by the unit weight.

Sort by

Click the Lookup button to select a method for sorting products in the Products grid.

Qty to be Packed

This field displays the quantity of the selected product that remains to be packed.

Pallet Tag #

Enter a pallet tag number, or click the Lookup button to select a pallet tag number.

Qty Packed

Enter the number of the selected product to pack. If you want to create multiple packages that all include the same quantity of a product, enter that quantity, and then click the Create X Packs of Y Qty button in the ribbon.


Click this button to enter the selected quantity of the selected product in the selected package.


This field displays the bill of lading number.


This grid displays detailed information about packages for the pick demand.

Estimated Weight

This field displays the total estimated weight of products in the selected package. This is the sum of the weight of all product quantities added to the package, using weights entered for the product or product unit of measure.

Volume (Package)

This field displays the total volume of products in the selected package.

Scale Weight

This field displays the package weight from an attached USB scale. For more information, see Weighing Packages with a USB Scale.


This field displays the total quantity of products in the selected package.

Package Weight

This field displays the total weight of the selected package. If a USB scale is attached, this is the scale weight. Otherwise, this is the estimated weight. You can manually override this weight. This weight is used for shipping rates.


This field displays the total weight of products in the selected pallet.

Volume (Pallet)

This field displays the total volume of products in the selected pallet.

# Packages

This field displays the number of packages in the selected pallet.