Product History Inquiry

Menu Path: Purchasing Images\bluerarw.gif Inquiries Images\bluerarw.gif Products Images\bluerarw.gif Product History Inquiry


View product history information by location.


Use Product History Inquiry to display historical performance for a specific product and location.

The Totals section at the bottom of the window displays specific product information such as quantities on hand, on order, available, allocated, and on backorder. This information can also be viewed in Inventory Matrix Inquiry.

You can view information on a primary supplier of the product, months of supply, supplier’s lead time, supplier minimum, and supplier multiples. The supplier-related fields are populated only if this information was defined in Supplier Product Maintenance or Product Maintenance.

You can also view bookings data to see which products are being cancelled from your customer's orders.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Product History Inquiry window.

Show Data

Click this button to refresh data in the Results grid.

Inquiry Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Product Code

Enter the product code of the product for which to display history, or click the Lookup button to select a product code.

Product Name

Enter the product name of the product for which to display history, or click the Lookup button to select a product name.

All Locations

Select this check box to display history for all locations. This check box is cleared by default.

Location Prefix

Enter a location prefix for which to display product history, or click the Lookup button to select a location prefix. The location defaults to the location set up for your user ID in User Extended Options. This field is only enabled if the All Locations check box is cleared.

Location Name

Enter a location name for which to display product history, or click the Lookup button to select a location name. This field is only enabled if the All Locations check box is cleared.

Display Quantities in

Select the default unit of measure for displayed quantities of each product/location.

Cost Type

Select the product’s cost type, either accounting cost or sales cost.

Bookings Date Type

Select the bookings date type:

  • Created

  • Ordered

  • Required


This grid displays information about product history based on the selected criteria for the current month and the previous 12 months. The last row displays totals for each of the columns. Double-click a row to display Product Sales Inquiry, which allows you to view sales information for a month.

This grid includes the following columns:

  • Month Name - This column displays the month for each time bucket. The first row displays MTD to indicate the row displays month-to-date information. The last row displays Totals to indicate the row displays totals of the other rows.

  • Year - This column displays the year for each month.

  • Amount Sold - This column displays the monetary amount of the selected product sold from the selected location for each month, and the total amount sold during the displayed months.

  • Units Sold - This column displays the quantity of the selected product sold from the selected location for each month, and the total quantity sold during the displayed months.

  • Average Price/Unit - This column displays the average selling price per unit of the selected product from the selected location for each month, and the overall average price per unit during the displayed months.

  • Amount Purchased - This column displays the monetary amount of the selected product purchased in the selected location for each month, and the total amount purchased during the displayed months.

  • Units Purchased - This column displays the quantity of the selected product purchased in the selected location for each month, and the total quantity purchased during the displayed months.

  • Units Used - This column displays the quantity of the selected product used as components for work orders in the selected location for each month, and the total quantity used during the displayed months.

  • Units Transferred - This column displays the quantity of the selected product transferred from the selected location for each month, and the total quantity transferred during the displayed months.

  • Total Units - This column displays the sum of the units of the selected product sold and used for work orders in the selected location for each month, and the total units sold and used during the displayed months.

  • Average Cost/Unit - This column displays the average cost per unit of the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the overall average cost per unit during the displayed months.

  • Cost of Goods Sold - This column displays the cost of goods sold of the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the total cost of goods sold during the displayed months.

  • Margin Amount - This column displays the monetary margin amount of the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the total margin amount during the displayed months.

  • Average Margin Amount/Unit - This column displays the average margin amount per unit of the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the overall average margin amount per unit during the displayed months.

  • Margin Percent - This column displays the margin percentage of the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the overall margin percentage during the displayed months.

  • Promotional Amount Sold - This column displays the monetary amount of the selected product sold from the selected location using promotional pricing for each month, and the total promotional amount sold during the displayed months.

  • Promotional Units Sold - This column displays the quantity of the selected product sold from the selected location using promotional pricing for each month, and the total promotional quantity sold during the displayed months.

  • Promotional Margin Amount- This column displays the monetary margin amount of promotional sales of the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the total promotional margin amount during the displayed months.

  • Promotional Margin Percentage - This column displays the margin percentage of promotional sales of the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the overall promotional margin percentage during the displayed months.

  • Drop Ship Amount Sold - This column displays the monetary amount of the selected product sold on drop-ship orders from the selected location for each month, and the total amount sold on drop-ship orders during the displayed months.

  • Drop Ship Units Sold - This column displays the quantity of the selected product sold on drop-ship orders from the selected location for each month, and the total quantity sold on drop-ship orders during the displayed months.

  • Drop Ship Margin Amount - This column displays the monetary margin amount of the selected product for drop-ship orders from the selected location for each month, and the total margin amount for drop-ship orders during the displayed months.

  • Drop Ship Margin Percent - This column displays the margin percentage of the selected product for drop-ship orders from the selected location for each month, and the overall margin percentage for drop-ship orders during the displayed months.

  • Regular Sales - This column displays the monetary amount sold of the selected product from the selected location (excluding drop-ship orders) for each month, and the total amount sold during the displayed months.

  • Regular Margin Amount - This column displays the monetary margin amount of the selected product in the selected location (excluding drop-ship orders) for each month, and the overall margin amount during the displayed months.

  • Gross Bookings Amount - This column displays the gross bookings amount of the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the total gross bookings amount during the displayed months.

  • Customer Change Amount - This column displays the bookings amount assigned customer type reason codes for the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the total bookings amount for customer type bookings reason codes during the displayed months.

  • Internal Change Amount - This column displays the bookings amount assigned internal type reason codes for the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the total bookings amount for internal type bookings reason codes during the displayed months.

  • Net Bookings Amount - This column displays the net bookings amount of the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the total net bookings amount during the displayed months.

  • Gross Bookings Units - This column displays the gross bookings quantity of the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the total gross bookings quantity during the displayed months.

  • Customer Change Units - This column displays the bookings quantity assigned customer type reason codes for the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the total bookings quantity for customer type bookings reason codes during the displayed months.

  • Internal Change Units - This column displays the bookings quantity assigned internal type reason codes for the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the total bookings quantity for internal type bookings reason codes during the displayed months.

  • Net Bookings Units - This column displays the net bookings quantity of the selected product in the selected location for each month, and the total net bookings quantity during the displayed months.

Product Unit of Measure

This field displays the product unit of measure.

Product Weight

This field displays the weight of the product.

Product Volume

This field display the volume of the product.

On Hand

This field displays the quantity on hand for the product and location.

On Order

This field displays the quantity on order for the product and location.


This field displays the allocated quantity for the product and location.


This field displays the backordered quantity for the product and location.


This field displays the available quantity for the product and location.

Number of Months Supply

This field displays the number of months of supply for the product and location.

Primary Supplier Code

This field displays the supplier code for the primary supplier of the product.

Primary Supplier Name

This field displays the supplier name for the primary supplier of the product.

Supplier Unit of Measure

This field displays the supplier unit of measure for the product.

Supplier Minimum

This field displays the supplier minimum for the product.

Supplier Multiples

This field displays the supplier multiples for the product.

Supp. Lead Time

This field displays the supplier lead time for the product.