Product Location Selection

Menu Path: None

To use Product Location Selection, edit an existing product in Product Maintenance, and then click the OK button in the ribbon.

Note This window only appears if the edited product information is different from the product location information. If you change a field that is not tracked for a product location, then this window does not appear.


Update product location information based on changes made in Product Maintenance.


Use Product Location Selection to quickly apply changes made in Product Maintenance to product location records so that you do not need to manually update the records in Product Location Maintenance.

Example You changed the buying method for a product that was originally set up with the wrong method. The buying method was copied to five product location records. You can use Product Location Selection to update the five product location records all at one time.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to accept the changes to product location information.


Click this button to cancel the changes to product location information.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Available Locations

Select whether to update shipping locations, sales locations, or all locations. For more information, see Sales Location / Shipping Location.

Available Locations

This grid displays all available locations for which you can update data. The locations displayed are based on the selection in the Available Locations field. Double-click locations for which you want to update product location information.


Click this button to add the location selected in the Available Locations grid to the Selected Locations grid.


Click this button to add all locations in the Available Locations grid to the Selected Locations grid.


Click this button to remove a selected location from the Selected Locations grid.


Click this button to remove all locations from the Selected Locations grid.

Use Primary Pick Bin for All Bins

Select this check box to use the bin defined in the Primary Pick Bin column in the Selected Locations grid as the default bin for picking and putting away, and as the default backflush bin.

Note This check box is only available if you are creating or copying a new product.

Selected Locations

This grid displays locations for which you are updating product location information. Double-click a location in this grid if you do not want to update information for the associated product location record.

This grid includes the following columns:

  • Location Name - This column displays the location name for each selected location.

  • Location Prefix - This field displays the location prefix for each selected location.

  • Primary Pick Bin - Enter an available bin from which the product will be picked, or double-click to select a bin. If you select the Use Primary Pick Bin for All Bins check box, this bin is also used for putting away the product and as the default backflush bin.

Note  This column is only available if you are creating or copying a new product.

  • Primary Putaway Bin - Enter an available bin into which the product will be put away, or double-click to select a bin. This can be the same bin as a picking bin.

Note This column is only enabled if you clear the Use Primary Pick Bin for All Bins check box. This column is only available if you are creating or copying a new product.

  • Primary Work Order Bin - Enter an available bin into which component products for manufacturing are placed, or double-click to select a bin. This is required only for products used as components of other manufactured products.

Note This column is only enabled if you clear the Use Primary Pick Bin for All Bins check box. This column is only available if you are creating or copying a new product.

Available Fields

This grid displays the fields that were changed in Product Maintenance, which are also maintained in the product location record.

Note This grid is only available if you are editing an existing product.


Click this button to add the field selected in the Available Fields grid to the Selected Fields grid.

Note This button is only available if you are editing an existing product.


Click this button to add all fields in the Available Fields grid to the Selected Fields grid.

Note This button is only available if you are editing an existing product.


Click this button to remove a selected field from the Selected Fields grid.

Note This button is only available if you are editing an existing product.


Click this button to remove all fields from the Selected Fields grid.

Note This button is only available if you are editing an existing product.

Selected Fields

This grid displays fields for which you are updating product location information. Double-click a field if you do not want to update information for the associated product location record.

Note This grid is only available if you are editing an existing product.

Average Cost

Enter the average cost of the product in the product unit of measure for the selected locations. To change this cost later, use Inventory Cost Adjust.

Note This field is only available if you are creating or copying a new product, and you select the Auto Create check box.

Last Cost

Enter the last cost of the product in the product unit of measure for the selected locations. To change this cost later, use Inventory Cost Adjust.

Note This field is only available if you are creating or copying a new product, and you select the Auto Create check box.

Beginning Year Cost

Enter the beginning year cost of the product for the selected locations. This cost is used for specialized LIFO layer calculations.

Note This field is only available if you are creating or copying a new product, and you select the Auto Create check box.

Auto Create

Select this check box to automatically create product/location records for the product and selected locations. Product/location records can be updated in Product Location Maintenance. This check box is selected by default.

Note This check box is only available if you are creating or copying a new product.